ROGUE - (Sun Bo + Zhi Gang)

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A/N; how hot was that ep11 kickoff!

Zhi-Gang walked out of the shower stall while busy securing a towel around his waist. His upper body, still in full display, glistened so flatteringly with wetness even under the unflattering gym bathroom lighting. His torso generously displayed the fruits of his constant, regular hard work all this time at the gym. Clearly, his membership wasn't for nothing.

Sun Bo was bent over the sink at that time as he wiped it over with a damp rag in a rush to finish up and get out of here because he couldn't wait to spend the rest of the evening with Zhi-Gang. His heart raced with the giddy excitement of a child waiting to pick up his present from underneath the Christmas tree. That was because he never got to spend as much time with his Zhi-Gang as he would have wished.

A lot of his time, albeit most of it spent thinking about Zhi-Gang, the two lovebirds did not have much time to see each other especially in the daylight. Well with Sun Bo committed to school and Zhi-Gang busy running the café, they were left with the tiresome task of grabbing each and every opportunity they could get to be together and as little as that was, those were still the most precious moments they both looked forward to.

After such a torturous experience of battling with their emotions and afflictions, one wishing to suppress what he felt and the other determinedly refusing to give up, they had finally ran into each other's arms in hopeless surrender and nothing had made Sun Bo happier in this life than finally being able to claim Zhi-Gang and call him his lover.

He may have been young and told time and time again that somehow his age and what he felt were, for some reason, directly proportionate but he could never trust that. Not when Zhi-Gang repeatedly continued to make his heart and his body experience such an intense uproar of emotions that were hardly containable. He knew he was in love. It had nothing to do with age or gender. He knew every time he looked at Zhi-Gang that that was what he needed. Be it the kind, brown eyes that melted everything in him or that contagious smile that made it seem like it was the reason the sun rose in the morning... or the head full of dark curls that felt amazing combing his fingers through... everything about Zhi-Gang was intensely addictive to both the eye and the touch.

It didn't matter that Zhi-Gang was several years older, Sun Bo still felt the strong desire to take care of and protect him. Despite the fact that it would have made more sense the other way around, it was still a desire inside Sun Bo. A kind of desire unlike that which he had ever felt before.

He wanted to talk to Zhi-Gang, to tell him all about his day and listen to stories of the kind of day he'd had at the café... he wanted to sit with Zhi-Gang and talk about nothing for hours, even stay in total silence just cuddled up against each other, bathing in the moonlight and knowing there was nothing and no one between them.

When he heard the door open, he looked up, glancing through the mirror in front of him and saw Zhi-Gang's reflection as he walked out.

Even though the two were already dating, there were a couple of steps they had not taken yet. One of those was that they had not yet had sex or even seen each other naked. The other thing was that neither of them still knew where the other lived but that was not important right now.

Sun Bo could not possibly count the number of times he had dreamed and fantasized about what was playing before him right now in his head.

Not that he was unaware of how chiseled Zhi-Gang was. He had seen the outline of his perfect body numerous times through his work out gear during those times when he would longingly stare at him while he worked out, lifting heavy weights and his muscles responding by bulging out and making his tops tighter. He had also felt the hardness of them when they would kiss and hold each other close. It was enough to let him know that Zhi-Gang was a man gifted with the sculpted body of a god, the like of which fueled sinful fantasies that kept Sun Bo awake night after night, dreaming of the day he would be granted full access to explore and have his way with it.

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