Part Three

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Katrina waited until it was dark and everyone was asleep. She climbed out of bed and put on men's pants and a shirt along with a pair of men's boots. The boots were a little big, but the clothing would restrict her less than a dress would. She snuck out of her room and into her father's study. She carefully took his sword and placed it into the holster around her waist.

She quietly snuck out the door.

The night air was cool and the full moon shone bright. Katrina walked straight for the woods. Once she entered the woods she knew she should've brought a lantern. The moon might have been bright, but the thick trees didn't let any light in. Instead of turning around she kept walking. She felt like she had been walking for ages until she heard something rustling in the bushes.


"Katrina..." The hissing voice came from everywhere yet nowhere at the same time.

"Who's there?" Katrina said while turning around in a circle searching for someone.

"Katrina," It hissed again, but this time the voice sounded like it was right behind her. Katrina screamed and started running. She started doubting how smart of an idea this was, but she had to find Ichabod or avenge his death.

Suddenly all of the trees stopped and she stepped into a clearing. Katrina thought she was safe and stopped to catch her breath.

"Katrina." This time the voice sounded clearer. She looked up and the headless horseman was standing in front of her. She drew her sword and pointed it at him.

"I'm not afraid to use this."

"You can't kill me."

"I can and I will."

"You can't kill me with a simple sword."

"Well...I...I can put up a good fight."

"Nonsense." The sword was suddenly taken from her hands and this dark shadow-looking blob was holding it. The shadow carried it over to her holster and put it back in. The shadow dispersed into five other shadows and returned to the horseman's side. "Now, what do you want?"

"I want Ichabod and if you killed him then I've come to kill you."

The horseman stayed quiet and this gave Katrina time to really look at him. The moon was shining down since there weren't any trees to block its light. The long cloak that he had on hid his body, but it was clear that there was no head there at all.

"I'll make a deal with you," The horseman's shadows spoke. "You're close to Brom Bones, yes?"

"I wouldn't say close, but I am acquainted with him," Katrina said bitterly.

"He took something from me, and I want it back. If you get that for me, then I will give you Ichabod in return. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes of course. What do you want me to get?"

"It's a box and it will probably be hidden somewhere so I'll give you this," one of the shadows floated over to Katrina and it carried a broach with a horse on it. "That will guide you to what I want."

"I'll be back tomorrow night."

"They will lead you out of here." The horseman raised his arm and pointed toward the woods. His shadows floated forward and she turned to follow them.

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