Gaius, The Doctor

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Hope you guys are enjoying this fic, It's a bit of a therapeutic thing because i need to learn to stop giving up on things so if I stop writing for more than a month without a proper excuse you're free to "shout" at me.

And if you want a map of how I imagine Camelot you're free to ask for that too.


Arthur put on his coats, mentally preparing himself for the cold he was about to face once again.

He held out Merlin's backpack to the other boy heping him put it on his back. He might be trying to be nice but he wasn't going to carry someone else's stuff.

"Ready?" He asked, Merlin groaned as the weight of the bag fell on his shoulders.

"Almost, just give me a second" The boy reached into his pocket and put on a pair of thick wool gloves as Arthur laughed at how the boy almost disappeared inside his clothes, you could see he wasn't used to this much cold "Okay we can go" Merlin sighed with content from the warmth.

They stepped into the freezing breeze, both of their noses turning red, Arthur locked the store's door behind them, not that it was necessary since there weren't many criminals because everyone knew each other, but still, better safe than sorry.

"So, what brings you to Camelot?" Arthur wondered aloud, looking at Merlin from the corner of his eyes.

"I didn't fit in in my town anymore, I only had one friend, he was my best friend since we were kids, but we both understood that the safest thing to do was for me to leave Ealdor, that's where I used to live. Merlin explained looking straight foward and shifting a bit under is huge bag.

"Ah okay" Arthur nodded, he understood it was a sensitive topic for now, he'd try again if they ever became closer. "But still, why Camelot?" he insisted, he didn't understand why someone would choose Camelot for a place to fit in, everyone was so close-minded.

"My mom knows Gaius, she used to live here before she moved to Ealdor when she met my dad. As she didn't want me to live alone she decided to send me here to live with Gaius" Merlin looked over to Arthur who was looking back at him, listening to his every word.

"Makes sense" Arthur hummed in agreement.

They turned left on a narrow street where two women were talking from one side to another on the windows above them.

Arthur loudly knocked on the wooden door at the end of the street. They heard a loud groan and someone getting closer to the door.

"Hello?" Gaius asked looking from Arthur to the unknown boy with confusion.

"Hi, I'm Merlin" the boy explained cheerfully.

"But you weren't supposed to come until Wednesday" Gaius said nervously.

"Hum, it is Wednesday..." Merlin looked at Arthur looking for an explanation, maybe the man didn't have all the cards.

"Oh...yeah... come in then" Gaius smiled stepping aside so both boys could enter his house "Arthur, can you please take Gwaine home?" Gaius ordered sounding annoyed "he got drunk last night and now he's hungover, I gave him aspirin and lots of water, I can't do anything else"

"Yeah, of course, come on you idiot!" Arthur shouted in his friend's ear making the boy curl up, butt sticking up in the air. He helped the boy up, slapping his ass in the process, Arthur threw Gwaine's arm around his shoulders, helping him rise from the couch and guiding him to the door. "Thanks, Gaius, and see you around, Merlin." He winked, smiling at the boy and closing the door behind them.

"So, boy, your room is up those stairs" Gaius told the flustered boy, pointing at the small old door. "You can leave your things there, settle in, I'll let you be for now. I need to sleep, I couldn't even blink with that unresponsible idiot in my house" Gaius huffed annoyed.

"Okay, thank you, sir" Merlin smiled politely and started dragging his feet up the stairs, dying to lay a bit and maybe take a nap.

Merlin looked around the small room, smiling, finally he got to have his new start.

He finally got to get rid of the weight on his back, sighing tiredly, he fell back on the bed staring at the ceiling, he had been dreaming of the moment he could get out of Ealdor. It had become hard living there, too many people knew about his magic, they either hated him or kept asking him for favours. He didn't feel neither comfortable, nor accepted anymore. He just wanted everyone to be like Will know about it but not make a fuss about it everytime they saw him using it, but he knew that would never happen. So he took the best way out not the easiest since he'd no longer see his best friend everyday but definitely the safest.

Besides from what he had seen already, the guys sure were cute in Camelot and who was he to complain, he chuckled quietly, and thinking of blond hair and sky blue eyes, he fell asleep.


Sorry if it's too short I'm trying to post more chapters instead of longer ones because it's easier for me to get used to posting them

Anyway, thanks for reading :)

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