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A few days had passed since the wedding and Amelia had whole heartedly threw herself in to her work. She had been neglecting her special orders in favour of Fio's cake, Fio was her friend but it was really good money also, which she didn't feel the slightest bit guilty about taking it as it was either her father's or her husband's money so a win-win either way. She hadn't heard anything from the boys, they hadn't stopped by to get fed or even to just see her and that worried her more than it should have, she tried to call Corteo last night after she closed but it was a very brief conversation and the way he mumbled and hesitated to answer her told her something was going on. Not that she could do anything about it right now, it was well after 9 and she was busy prepping an order for one of her customers, Mrs. Salvador, who was hosting a tea morning at the church. Still, 80 cinnamon buns was a lot of dough and cinnamon sugar for what would probably be no more than 20 people, let's not forget she wants 40 of them iced! That woman was definitely going to sell half of them for more than what Amelia did probably, everyone's out to make easy money now a days it seems.

*knock knock*

Great, that was all she needed, a robber that knocked before breaking in. Wait that was stupid. Amelia sighed deeply at her tired thoughts and wiped her dough covered hands on her apron before heading to the front of the shop. It wasn't a robber, it was Angelo, quickly shaking herself she rushed to the door and unlocked it "An--Avilio what are you doing here at this time?" He nodded past her, silently asking for permission to enter, she stepped aside for him and once he passed she shut and locked the door again then pulled down the blind of the door's window before turning to him "Is everything alright? Is Corteo ok?" she walked up to him and checked him for injury "Are you?" he didn't answer right away but eventually granted her a small nod and she sighed, she had been doing that a lot lately, then went behind the counter and plated up 2 slices of apple pie before heading back into the kitchen to put a pot of water on to boil, Angelo was behind her, following her like a puppy "So let me guess, in the few days I haven't seen you something has happened?" she looked over her shoulder at him and he nodded in affirmation "But you're not hurt and neither is Corteo?" he shook his head this time she stared at him for a moment with a troubled look on her face then kettle had started to whistle bringing her back from her thoughts, she removed the pot from the stove and put in some leaves and handed it to him, he looked dumfounded for a moment before taking the pot from her. She grabbed a small jug of cream from the refrigerator and 2 tea cups in passing before heading back out front to one of the tables, closely followed by Angelo. "So why are you here at this time then?" she set everything down and retrieved the plates of pie and 2 forks then set the table for them to have a late night snack.

"I don't know, I wanted to see you." he sat across from her, and his answer struck her right in the heart. That one sentence could mean so many things.

"Why?" she tilted her head "Angelo, what happened, please tell me."

"You shouldn't call me that anymore more, my name is Avilio."

"Out there you can be Avilio all you want but in here when it's just us you are Angelo, my Angelo." she blushed at the realisation of what she had said and the smirk on his face "And don't change the subject! Just tell me what's going on." she could see on his face he was reluctant to say but Amelia wouldn't let up.

"I have to go away for a while." she looked panicked but before she could say anything he continued "Some things happened and I have to go away for a while with Nero, we need to get out of town, it wont be forever but it's not safe in Lawless right now."


"Vanno Clemente is dead." he said that with a slight spark in his eye and she just knew Angelo had either done it himself or had a major hand in it. She knew he had the conviction to kill these men on the list, but to hear that it had started so soon after his return turned her blood to ice. "Serpente from the Orco Family is dead too and they think Nero did it so to keep the peace the Galassia family want Nero dead." she could practically see the gears twisting in his head "I tried to kill Fango, he knows my face so it's best if I go with Nero until that blows over." she was silent for a moment as her mind tried to catch up with what he was saying but a voice in her head was getting louder almost screaming for him not to go, not to leave her again.

"If you're going to be alone with Nero will you--"

"Maybe, but it might be a good way to earn their trust if I can bring him back safely, but if they're determined to see him dead..." he trailed off in thought, a dark almost smile marred his face and it was just not Angelo, she hated it with all her heart.

"There's no way I can stop you, is there?" he shook his head before smothering the pie in cream, she caved to the situation quicker than she would ever admit, but what could she do, he was marching forward with his vengeance like an unstoppable force whereas she was like a fly buzzing around him begging him to stop before he crushed himself and those around him that loved him. That was all she was, the woman who loved him and could do nothing to help. "Angelo." she absentmindedly poured the rest of the cream on her own slice, from the edge of her vision she saw him look at her, waiting. "When do you leave?"

"First thing in the morning, before the sun is up." she poured the tea and handed a cup to him, if the situation was more normal she would have been terrified to say her next words but nothing about this was normal and it would only end in tears, be it her own or someone else's the ending would still be an unhappy one, and that in a funny way gave her courage to say to him "Stay with me tonight." he almost choked on his tea, the most Angelo reaction she had seen since his return, she almost giggled. "What?!"

"Stay with me, Angelo, don't leave until you have to." she stood and made the short journey to his side and fell to her knees beside him, both her hands rested on his thigh and she looked up at him pleadingly her crystal eyes glittering "Just tonight is enough for me." her hands softly squeezed his thigh and a shiver ran through him "Just for tonight please fill the dark hole that's been in my heart for seven years." he silently turned in his chair to face her, her hands moving from his thigh to his knees. Suddenly he grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her up close to his face, an almost crazed look upon it. "I am not the same from seven years ago, the Angelo you want is dead." she didn't truly believe that, Amelia believed her Angelo was buried somewhere in there under all that sadness and hate, but to her, any Angelo was her Angelo "I don't care what Angelo you were or are now all I know is that I still love you, all of you, any of you." she was determined to say these words, she had to for she would never know when he would be taken away from her forever and the thought of not saying these words scared her more than saying them to him in this dark situation. He didn't answer her, he was too shocked at her declaration, he had an inkling that she did care that way for him once but honestly he thought she felt that way for Corteo now "Angelo..." his eyes focused back on her face, her beautiful face that looked both happy and sad. Amelia lifted her small soft hands to his cheeks, they were so warm. "I love you." there was a seconds paused before he clutched the back of her neck almost painfully and pulled her lips to his own. Amelia sunk into the feel of him, his body pressing against her own as he stood with her, his lips as they devoured her mind and heart. He lifted her off the floor never separating their lips, she mewled at his movements and he just kissed her harder more hungrily and finally he made his way to the stairs that lead to her apartment. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew he was being cruel to her, to love her the way he intended to only to leave before the sun had risen was unfair, but she wanted this, almost begged him, said she loved him and somewhere in a deeper buried part of his heart he probably loved her too.

Amelia's bed only slightly protested as he lay her down and leaned on top of her, they had finally separated when the need for air was painful. He stared at her as she panted beneath him, cheeks flush and hair sprawled out, she was beautiful and he would etch every inch of her into his memory "Angelo." she panted out to him and he swooped in to kiss and lick her neck, she angled herself to allow him better access and mewled at his assault on her neck.

"Say that again." his voice was husked and his eyes burned.

"Angelo." he lay a hand on her waist and pulled her body to him, the clothes were becoming a problem.

"Again." he pulled her shirt from her skirt and snaked his hand onto bare flesh. She flinched and her voice quivered.

"Angelo." he sucked her neck almost harshly but with the intent to leave a mark. Their bodies pressed tightly together, they could feel everything.

"Amelia." She knew she would wake in the morning to be alone once again, but tonight was enough for her, just tonight.        

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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