Chapter 9

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Draco lay in his bed wide awake. After Hermione fell asleep he went to his room. He couldn't fall asleep next to her. If he did and someone saw him. They would hurt Hermione. He didn't want that. He never wanted to see Hermione in pain ever again.

Draco sighed and rolled over.Trying to get comfortable. It was no use. Draco sat up and flung the green and silver covers off his legs. He swung his thin legs over the side on his bed.They just brushed the cold floor.

He got up and made his way to the kitchen. He walked down the long hallway. It seemed to go on for miles but in reality it was only a hundred yards or so .While on his way to the kitchen he noticed something move out of the corner of his eye.

It was probably my imagination Draco thought to himself as he continued to the kitchen.


Harry grabbed Ron from under the invisibility cloak Ron was just about to run out and tackle Malfoy. He couldn't have that. There would be time for that later but now they needed to stay undiscovered for as long as possible.

Malfoys head turned suspiciously but then he shrugged and walked on. Thats when he let go of Ron.

"What the hell? We should have hexed him!" Ron asked angrily.

"We need to keep our cover. You can beat up Malfoy after we get Hermione." Harry whispered back. Ron smiled. and nodded.

"I will. He's gonna pay for all those nasty things he did to her."Ron had a deturmined look on his face.

"Move down the hall."Harry whispered. Ron started to inch down the hallway.Harry let out a gasp of pain. His hand went to his scar. His scar was on fire.

"Is he here?" Ron asked. Rons quiestion was awnsered by itself as Voldemort came through the hallway. Harry clamped his hand over Rons mouth to keep him from gasping and giving away thier location.

"Greyback!" Voldemort hissed. The werewolf was by voldemorts feet before the words even left his mouth. "Get the mudblood.He's here."Greyback grinned and went to the bastment. Harry held onto ron with all of his might. Ron was trying to beat Grey back to Hermione.

"Harry, I know your here. I cant see you. But I know your here." Voldemort said calmly.Harry gulped.

Greyback pulled Hermione out to Voldemort by her hair.He threw her down to the floor in front of Voldemort.Ron growled before Harry could stop him.

"Ah,Potter I see you brought your ginger freind." Voldemort said.

"Come out harry.Its either you." He pointed his wand to hermione. "Or her."

"Dont do it Harry! Run!" Hermione shouted.

"Quiet you." Veldemort hissed. "Crucio!" Hermione fell to the floor writhing in pain. Harry held onto ron, Restraining him. They needed the elimant of surprise.

"Nothing. Huh. I thought for sure weasley would come running out of your hiding place. Maybe if I try it again." He hexed her again. Then again. Each time he did it Ron became more ferious and harder to restrain.

There was a gasp from down the hallway.

"What are you doing?" Malfoy asked.

"What does it look like Im doing?"Voldemort asked.

"But potters nowhere near here!" malfoy objected.

"He's here. I can feel him." Voldemort replied calmly.He laughed as he hexed her again.

"Stop!" Malfoys voice cracked.Voldemort turned and looked at him. An expressionless look on his face.

"You dare to command me?!" Voldemorts wand whipped out and a curse shot at Malfoy, Who crumpled to the floor crying out in pain.

"This doesnt seem to be working." Voldemort continued,walking over to where Hermione lay panting and crying. "Now does it?" He asked Hermione. Her response was a small sob. " No its not working. . . hmm. . . Ah." He looked over at greyback.

"You try something." Voldemort suggested.

"Like what my lord." The werewolf awnsered.

"Anything that comes to your mind."A grin crept over Greybacks face. He dropped to his knees next to Hermione who cried out in horror as he grabbed her chest.

"THATS IT!" Ron bellowed tearing free from Harrys grasp. He had a wild look in his eyes.

"Ron!" Hermione gasped.She tried to get up but Greyback pushed her back down.Ron aimed his wand at Greyback,completly forgetting about Voldemort. Before he could curse the werewolf Voldemort shot a curse at Ron Who fell to the floor and yelled in agony.

Voldemort stepped over rons twitching body.

"Now Harry. You can stop all of this just come out." Voldemort aimed his wand at Ron. "Or he dies." Harry gasped and Voldemort smiled.

"Avada-" Harry ran to Ron and grabbed his arm. Turning on the spot he apparated. Leaving Hermione in the clutches of Voldemorts rage.


Hermione watched as Harry darted out of his invisiblity cloak and apparate with Ron.She smiled. At least they were safe.

Voldemort screamed in anger. Hermione flinched.It was an aweful sound. A bone chilling sound. A sound awful enough to make your blood curtle.

"Crucio!" Voldemort shot an angry curse at her. The curse was so close ranged that it sent her flying through the air, through the glass windowon the side of the house, and outside.The last thing she saw before she hit the ground was Dracos horrified expression. Then everything was black as she hit the ground with a thud.


"You basterd!" Ron shouted at Harry. Harry put up a shield beween him and Ron.

"How could you leave her there?" Ron demanded. He let out a scream of anger.Rons jaw was clenched and his hands were balled into fists."She's going to be killed!

"It was either you or her!"Harry shouted back.

"Well you should have picked her!"Ron roared. Tears were in his eyes. "Did you even notice Hermione?"

"Of course I did!" Harry defended. "I saw her. I know how much pain she's in."

"Thats not what I meant!" Ron raged on. "Didnt you notice her stomach?"

"What about her-"

"For god sakes Harry! Shes Pregnaunt!"Ron shouted.Harrys jaw dropped. He was speechless. "Its probably Malfoys!" Ron continued angrily. He screamed in rage again before dropping to the ground with his face in his hands and he started to cry.

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