chapter 12

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     Hermione lay awake in bed. Draco was asleep next to her, Snoring softly. Hermione smiled at him. He looked so calm, so relaxed. She was tempted to play with his blonde locks but stopped herself. He needed to sleep.

     A year ago if anyone told her that she would be laying in the arms of Draco Malfoy, Hermione would have probably punched them. But there she was. Perfectly happy, and calm.

      What about Ron? Did she still have feelings for him? He was nothing like Draco, He was overprotective,and slightly bossy.Draco was diffferent, He was kinder. Wasn't he? Hermione was so confused. Did she love Ron or Draco? She had known Ron for so long, But Dracos been her savior. Why was she feeling so emotional all of a sudden. Hermione grunted in pain as something moved inside of her.

"Oh yah, Thats why." Hermione muttered to herself. This was mad! Completely mad! She was only seventeen. Hermione never pictured herself getting pregnant at a young age. She always imagined that she would have kids when she was older, at least twenty. But apparently that wasn't going to happen.

      Was she going to keep it? Hermione didnt know. It was a werewolf baby! Even worse it was Greybacks. The baby was going to be messed up if she kept it. Wouldnt it? Would it have the same mad, crazy personality as its father did?

     On the other hand if she didnt keep it she would never know. Plus Hermione would be taking a unborn baby from this world. It was Innocent. It hasnt done anything, If she kept it maybe she could teach it to be good.  

     This was all so stressful. Thoughts and feelings, guilt and emotion swirled in Hermiones head. It was like she was drowning in a sea of madness. Suddenly Hermione couldn't take it. Ever thing was too much.

Hermione started to cry.


     Draco woke up to the sound of Hermione sobbing. He sat up. She was curled up on her side. Draco pulled her onto his lap.

"Dra-aco, I'm so-orry I didn't mean to wa-ake you u-up." Hermione sobbed.

''Shh, Hermione, Just shush." Draco cooed hugging her. She continued to sob. Draco just sat there and hugged her and held her on his lap. "Tell me whats wrong."

"Oh! Its everything!" Hermione cried. She couldn't say anting else because then she started to sob even louder. Unsure of what to do Draco just continued to hold her. Then Hermione growled.

"Oh I am going to kill Greyback!" She shoved Draco away and got out of the bed. Hermione fell immediately to her knees and toppled onto the floor. Draco jumped out of the bed and ran over to  her.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Hermione started to laugh. Draco was confused. "Are you okay?" He repeated. Hermione nodded.

"I'm so clumsy." She giggled as he helped her back into bed. Draco climbed in next to her. She latched herself onto his side.

"Hermione. . . Are you having moods swings?" Draco asked. Hermione shook her head.

"No, That would just be silly." She rested her head on his chest. " Your just a silly Draco. . ." That was followed by a yawn. Hermione soon fell asleep. Draco was getting tired He could feel his eye lids falling shut. Soon he was asleep with Hermione asleep next to him.


     Hermione was completely happy, 100%. She was kissing Draco passionately. Every worry in her world was gone. She wasn't scared, or sad, or lonely. She had Draco. Draco wrapped his arms around Hermione and deepened the kiss. She wrapped her arms around Draco. He pulled back from the kiss and looked into her eyes.

"Are you ready?" He asked. Hermione nodded eagerly. Draco kissed her again. Getting more and more passionate with each kiss. Hermione smiled in between kisses. Suddenly Dracos fingers dug sharply into her sides. Hermione cried out in pain. She looked up to see that it wasnt Draco that was on top of her. It was greyback.

Hermione woke up screaming and sobbing. Draco woke up with a start next to her. Draco tried to hold her but Hermione pushed him away. She brought her knee up to her chest, and wrapped her arms around her knees.

Hermione rocked back and forth. She was talking but it was impossible to tell what she was saying.

"Hermione, Slow down, tell me whats wrong." Draco asked. Hermione barried her face in her hands.

"He was there!" She cried. "He was touching me and I couldnt stop him and he was. . . he was. . " Hermione couldn't Finnish her sentance. She sobbed even harder into her hands. Draco came to her rescue and wrapped his arms around her.She crawled onto his lap.

"Don't leave me." Hermione said finally. "Never leave me." She whispered into his chest. "Dont leave me alone. If you do then Greybacks going to come and he's going to hurt me!" Draco sighed sadly.

"I wont leave." He promised. "Ill stay with you, I wont leave." Hermione nodded, her face rubbing against his jacket.She felt him press a kiss to her her head.

"Draco." Hermione said.

"Yes, Hermione?" Draco replied into her hair.

"I love you."


A.N. Okay I know that this was also a short chapter, Im sorry. I was tired ad I wanted to get it done. Ive noticed alot of love for my first Dramione fan fiction. It means alot thank you guys!

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