Why, hello there.

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Alastor smirked as he finished up another contract. He made deals with other demons, whatever they wanted in exchange for their soul or a favour if he was feeling generous.

Alastor hummed a soft tune to himself as he walked home through the forests of Hell. The recent extermination had brought a lot of powerful demons into despair. This made them reckless and susceptible to Alastor's devilish charms.

It had been five hours since extermination day ended. Already, Alastor had 4 more contracts under his belt. His ear twitched at the sound of an animal in pain. Now that sounded like dinner.

Sneakily creeping through the greenery he closed in on the sound. Vaguely he registered the feathers that were strewn about everywhere. Thinking nothing of it he snuk to the edge of a clearing.

It looked like a large bird had crashed into the forest creating a crater and destroying the surrounding nature. Two large wings were twitching in the crater as the creature moaned in pain.

Alastor teleported down next to the writhing mass of feathers. He used his index finger to gently stroke the edge of one of the wings. "Come on darling. Show me your body." He purred. The whining stopped at the sound of his voice. "Leave me alone, Radio demon." The bundle of feathers replied quietly.

Alastor hummed softly. He recognized that voice. "Are you quite alright darling?~" he bend forward and gently tugged one of the wings off the groaning demon.

"Why... hello there, Lucifer." Alastor grinned. This.. this was a wonderful occasion. He smirked down at the fallen angel.

Lucifer weakly threw up a middle finger. "Fuck you, Dearie."

"Hmm no." Alasor chuckled and examined Lucifer's tired body. "Care to tell me what happened, darling?"

"I wasn't paying attention when the first soul died..." Lucifer eventually spoke up. He looked defeated and down cast. It was a good look on him, according to Alastor.

"The pain made me crash and the rest of the dieing souls kept me here." Lucifer growled angrily. Lucifer was connected to the souls of hell. He could feel the agony of every soul that was forced to leave his realm. He could hear every pained scream every prayer shot in the air. Every. Single. Call for help.

"Would you like some help?" Alastor offered with a bigger than normal grin on his face.

"Not from you, I don't" Lucifer shouted and tried crawling away only to fail. He flopped back onto the ground panting heavily.

Alastor licked his lips. "I can force you into a deal with me.~" he stepped closer to the fallen angel. "In exchange for helping you heal. Your powers are bound to mine for as long as I desire."

"No! That's a terrible deal." Lucifer hissed. He was absolutely offended at Alastor's behaviour. "I'm the king of hell you cabbage head. You can't just make up a spell and bind me with it."

"Maybe not. But I can get you to say yes to me." Alastor grinned and raised Lucifer's chin with the tip of his finger. Forcing the fallen angel to look up at him.

"And how is that?" Lucifer narrowed his eyes at Alastor. A defiant flame burnt in those eyes. A flame that Alastor would love to extinguish.

Alastor smirked. "Well I'm glad you asked, Pet.~" he wrapped his hand around Lucifer's throat and lifted him up effortlessly. The devil was surprisingly light. Alastor supposed he would have to be if he wanted to be able to fly.

Lucifer shuddered at the dominant grasp. He hadn't been very worried before but he was now. Alastor was a powerful demon. He could in fact hurt Lucifer, especially when he was as weak as he was now.

"Really now? You're going to make me say yes? Don't make me laugh." Lucifer chuckled.

Alastor smiled sweetly at him before digging his claws into Lucifer's sensitive wings.

With a scream Lucifer quickly retracted his wings. He did not want to give Alastor another opportunity to touch them.

Alastor chuckled darkly. "Oh don't be like that. Show me your pretty black wings, Luci." He manhandled the fallen angel easily. "You're light as a feather, king. How do you stay on your feet?" Alastor pressed him with his stomach to the floor. Restraining his arms with one hand he used the other to trail his long fingers over Lucifer's spine.

Lucifer cried out in pain when Alastor pressed down on the spot between his wings. "Hmm. That should have.. ah there we go." He pressed a little lower and Lucifer's wings popped back out. Angels all had a sensitive spot on their back that made their wings react instinctively. Quite like a knee jerk reaction. Alastor smirked and tore out handfuls of feathers. When he had Lucifer begging him to stop he bend towards his ear. "Ready to make a deal~" he whispered.

Lucifer groaned. "Fuck you." He muttered softly. Alastor shrugged and grabbed a wing and started applying pressure. "Wait wait wait! Yes I would like to make a deal!" Lucifer yelled hastily. He did not want Alastor to break his wing.

"That's the spirit." Alastor spoke cheerfully and released his wing. "Now. I'll heal you, in return you belong to me. Mind body and soul."

"Sounds hardly fair." Lucifer whined. Alastor grabbed his wing again. "Alright alright. It's a deal." He shouted in pain when the image of a deer skull imprinted itself on the back of his neck. "Wonderful." Alastor chuckled and let him go.

Lucifer rubbed his neck with a sneer. He lowly relaxed when Alastor kept his word and healed Lucifer. "Thank you." He sighed in relief when everything stopped hurting.

Alastor hauled him to his feet. "Tell me, Pet. Who is your master?"

"You are.." Lucifer growled softly.

"That's right. Good boy." The demon ruffled his hair. Lucifer looked like an angry bird, his wings were puffed up and flared angrily.

"Now. You're going to assist me in my takeover of hell. Now that you are mine, only Lilith is in my way." Alastor chuckled. Lucifer squirmed. "What is it pet?"

"I am Lilith.." he found himself unable to lie or hold the truth from Alastor. The Radio Demon blinked down at him. "Explain." He raised an eyebrow.

"Lilith is a lie I made up. I fooled everyone in thinking she existed.. Angels are gender fluid and no one knew what I looked like that way. So when Adam found me in the garden I panicked and lied." Lucifer gritted his teeth. "I pretended to be in a relationship with myself. With her. To avoid questions of where we were when one of us dissapeared... when I fell after I questioned my father and my female form grew horns... I pretended to have twisted 'Lilith' into a demon. The rest of the story you know."

"Well isn't that convenient for me. I got Hell's sole ruler under my thumb. Wait.. there's one thing I don't understand." Alastor tapped his chin. "What of your daughter? Your little doll who plays with colourful crayons and has that delightful smile."

Lucifer tensed. "I... had a fling with a demon as Lilith." He failed to stop himself from talking. "I killed the shitbag after but it couldn't be helped. I was pregnant. So I holed up in the castle pretended to be an absent father and raised my daughter as the woman who birthed her..." Lucifer muttered.

Alastor smiled. "I made a deal with her only two days ago." His smile widened at the sight of Lucifer's horrified face.

"Oh don't be like that. It's completely innocent no strings attached. I promised I would help out with her hotel." He purred. "Let's keep her in the dark of our.. arrangement."

"How will you be king of hell then?" Lucifer frowned at him.

"Easy. You're my puppet and I'm pulling your strings." He booped Lucifer's nose.

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