Ready for Hogwarts

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Nervously, I tapped my finger on the table waiting for Remus' arrival. I swear he takes so long to get ready (and people say us girls are bad). Butterflies in my stomach, I got up and made my way over to the mirror in the hall. I tried to flatten my tangled brunette hair that no matter how hard I tried, would not sort itself out into something presentable. My name is Emery Black and I am the daughter of the mass murderer Sirius Black.

I currently live with my Godfather, Remus Lupin. It has just been us for as long as I can remember. We live in a rundown little cottage up in Yorkshire. We aren't exactly the richest of people but we've learned to make due with what we have. Obviously, I have the vault that was left to me by my parents, but Remus made sure we saved it for school items.

Remus is a werewolf and has been for as long as I've known him. Every full moon, Remus will take himself away into the woods behind our house to transform. He's always so nervous about him attacking me but I trust that he wouldn't. The wolfsbane potion and it's ingredients are extremely expensive, not to mention almost impossible to brew correctly. Because of this, we can't afford it. But like with all other things, we get through it.

Just then I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I spun round just in time to see Remus walking in straightening his dark tie. His face split into a massive smile as he saw me in my new uniform.

"How do I look?" I asked him, subconsciously smoothing out my black cloak.

"Like a witch ready to attend Hogwarts" he replied with a smile which I returned gratefully.

"Come on then I don't want to miss the train otherwise I'll look like a witch ready to hex the first thing she sees" I said with a mischievous smirk.

"You would do no such thing. You know better than that. But yes, you're right. We should probably be going."

With that he stuck out his arm waiting for me to grab it. With a deep breath I stepped forward trunk in hand and took his arm.

It was like I had been sucked into a whirlpool as everything around me started spinning. If there was one thing in the world that I hated it was apparition. Good job I'd done it plenty of times before otherwise I might have just been sick in front of everyone. That would be embarrassing.

As I reopened my eyes I took in my first view of the Hogwarts express. It glimmered in the light and the bold red stood out to the world as if calling me onboard. I grabbed Remus' hand in excitement and squealed loudly causing a bunch of students near by to stare. But you know what? I didn't care I was here and I was finally going to Hogwarts!

The loud bustle of students running onto the train or kissing their parents goodbye was so overwhelming that I managed to not notice that it was the final call to get on.

Quickly, I gave Remus a hug and said goodbye.

"Write to me as often as you want and if there are any problems just send an owl and I will be there to sort it out before you can say Quidditch," Remus said, smoothing out a bump in my hair. I loved Remus but sometimes he was so extra.

He then handed me my trunk and gestured for me to go. I gave him a kiss on the cheek before grabbing the trunk and running over to the train. One thing about Remus and I that you should probably know; we were nearly always late to things. In our defence, most of the time it wouldn't be our fault. I blame him though. He had raised me since I was a kid so I say I picked the lateness habit up from him.

He was like a father to me as I never knew my real dad. Got himself locked up in Azkaban didn't he, before I could even walk. Murdered a bunch of muggles and his lifelong mate Peter Pettigrew. Sometimes I felt sorry for Remus. Lost all his friends in one night. One killed by he-who-must-not-be-named. One murdered by his "friend" and that same one sentenced to a lifetime in Azkaban. But he's still got me and well, let's be honest. I'm pretty awesome.

The loud whistle pulled me back to reality as I started to climb the stairs into the train. With one last look back over my shoulder and one last wave to Remus, I rammed the door shut and went to find a compartment.

Time to make some friends.

818 Words

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