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After splitting up with the church girls, Yuya, Yugo, Issei, Saji, Koneko, and Kiba decided to think of something that could bring out the Stray Priest.

Apparently, Kiba already had a plan, which is to dress up as priests. "Seriously?" Yugo asked looking over the robes he was given. "This is your plan?"

The Gremory Knight nodded. "Yes, Freed was after Priests, so this might draw him out," He reasoned wearing the same robe.

"So, who is this Freed?" Yuya asked noticing the tone they were using while addressing him. "Do you know him?"

Issei scowled, his eyes showing hatred as he spoke in a venom coated voice. "He's a lunatic who used to work with a few Rogue Fallen Angels," from his tone, it was obvious that he had something personal with him.

The two brothers nodded and they all walked around town until they reached an abandoned building where the two brothers started sniffing.

"Someone's here," Yugo suddenly said causing them to stop. "And they reek of blood," he added.

"And holy energy," Yuya added looking around. Koneko herself seemed to sniff around before her body tensed.

Suddenly, a figure jumped from the top of the building and landed in front of them. It was a man in an exorcist uniform with a trench coat, white hair, and a deranged look on his face.

"Would you look at that!" the person yelled giving them a look of someone belonging in the loony pin. "What do we have here? A bunch of filthy Devils dressed like priests!?"

"Freed," Issei growled glaring at the Stray Priest.

"Well, Well, Well, If it isn't the shitty Devils and little mid-" his last comment was cut off by a stomp on the ground hard enough for it to shake, courtesy of Koneko, who added an angry glare that made Freed rethink his words. "O-oops, I mean, little lady," his maniacal smile returned. "I was out hunting priests and look at what I found. Is it Holloween already."

"Wow, he is a lunatic," Yugo confirmed as he, Yuya, and the Devils abandoned the priest robes.

"Not to mention ugly," Yuya added earning a chuckle from his brother and actually put a smile on the Devils' faces.

It was then that the deranged priest noticed the two brothers. "Oh, goodie, more shitty-" he stopped as his eyes narrowed at them. "Hey, wait a minute, you ain't shitty Devils!?"

"Wow, and here I thought he honestly didn't have a brain," Yugo said almost sounding serious.

Freed just laughed like a lunatic. "Well, it doesn't matter, because I have a surprise for you!" he said opening his coat and revealing a few holy swords, ones that gave off a familiar aura.

"So those are Excalibur, huh," Yuya noted more as a fact than a question.

Kiba created a sword and immediately went to engage the Stray Priest, who pulled out one of the swords and blocked the attack.

"Boosted Gear! [Boost!]" Issei called out as he began charging his sacred gear.

Freed and Kiba exchange a few clashes between blades. And, surprisingly, Freed was not only keeping up with the Knight's speed but also overwhelming him.

"Some people call this Excalibur Rapidly," Freed said as he clashed with Kiba again. "But I call it the Super Fast sword!"

"That's supposed to be speed?" Yugo asked before smirking. "That's adorable," he scoffed. Between his brothers, Yugo was the fastest, and to him, Kiba and Freed might as well be standing still.

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