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There were very few things that can make the Supreme King happy. A successful day in the office, a peaceful talk with Yubel, or a day where the four brothers don't cause trouble for him. Although, the latter was a very rare occasion. However, if Haou had to guess, then this current situation would always be on top of the list of things that make him happy.

That situation being him waking up to Serafall's peacefully sleeping face as she laid on his chest in his bed. The Supreme King has been awake for a while now, and all he did was stare at her while running his hand through her silky black hair.

After a few moments, Serafall groaned before rubbing her eyes as she woke up. When she opened them and saw Haou's smile, she immediately returned it full-heartedly. "Good morning," she greeted.

"Good morning," the Supreme King returned the greeting as the current Leviathan snuggled to his neck. "Aren't you going to move so I can get up?" he asked, believing that it was time to move out of bed.

However, Serafall tightened her hold on his body, making it clear she had no intention of either getting up or letting him go. "No~," she whined childishly. "Let's stay here for a bit longer," she complained.

Haou sighed. Truthfully, he wanted to stay with her in bed for as long as she desired. However, he didn't want to have a late start to the day. "We need to get up, Serafall. After all, I got-"

"You're thousands of years old, Haou," Serafall cut him off, already figuring out what he was going to say. "Don't give me that, 'I need to get up for school,' crap," Haou sighed, figuring out that this excuse wasn't valid, so he decided to try another tactic. But, apparently, Serafall accounted for that, too. "I can deal with my work when I get back, right now… I just want to stay like this," Haou would be lying if he didn't desire the same, so he just went back to running his hand through her hair. Serafall smiled in victory and laid back on his chest.

They both stayed quiet, simply enjoying the other one's presence. There was no need for words, especially after last night. The only downside is that Serafall is probably going to have a mountain of paperwork to deal with when she gets back. But, she couldn't bring herself to careless at the moment.

After a few moments of silence, Serafall spoke again. "Haou?... Tell me, why did you leave?" she asked. The Supreme King knew this was coming. After the Civil War was over, they had stayed in the underworld for a few months at most before Haou and his forces returned to the world of Duel Monsters. Serafall then looked up at him with eyes that showed a mixture of fear and sadness. "Did… did I do something wrong?"

"Of course not," the Supreme King immediately held her face and brought it closer to his. "You're everything I could ever wish for and more," Haou knew that Serafall was very nervous at being in a romantic life, mainly at the fear of losing it.

Serafall didn't exactly have much luck with romance before Haou came into the picture. She used to be in love with Sirzechs, but he didn't return her feelings and chose Grayfia instead. Haou didn't hold anything on Sirzechs because of that. After all, you can't control who people love, and Serafall herself held nothing against Grayfia.

The current Leviathan seemed to gain hope in her eyes. "Then… why did you leave?" she asked again, somewhat relieved that it wasn't because of her.

The Supreme King sighed before answering. "Duel Monsters… my people, they are not comfortable with the supernatural world," Haou started explaining. "I had to leave, in order to keep them from being in the world they despise."

Duel Monsters live really long lives. Some of them live for nearly millions of years. There are many of them that were around since the days of the Great War, from the days they were hunted to be used as slaves, and the fact the Euclid tried to do the same thing only caused them to be even more cautious of the Supernatural world.

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