chapter 1

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So it all started when I was in my room on my bed reading a very interesting book about science, when my mom shows up.

"Hi honey, what are you doing?" She asks smiling widely.

"I'm just reading a book."

"Oh, what is it about?" She asks still smiling, which is getting kinda weird to me now.


"Sweetie, how are you doing, how's everything?"

"Everything's good, you know they made me captain of the science club today at school." I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"We need to talk." My mother said giving me a sad look.

"About what?" I ask although I know I don't want to know the answer.

"I think we all should talk tonight at dinner, you, me and your father, all around one big table." She laughs awkwardly loud, while I just stare.

"Okay, you go back to reading."

"Mom, what were you talking about?" I ask totally confused.

"No, you don't need to worry about that, just go back to reading your book and I'll call you when foods ready." She smiles and quickly exits the room.

I spent all evening trying to figure out what she was trying to tell me.

"Emma, Erica is here!" Mom shouts getting me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm coming!"

"Girl you took forever to open the door." Erica laughs when I finally reach downstairs and open the door.

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried."


"My parents are hiding something from me."

"What?" Erica gasps.

"Do you know what?" She yet asks another question.


"Oh that sucks, okay gotta go." She says in a rushy voice.

"Wait what?"

"Emma I just came to say hi, I'm grounded, remember when it was  physical education and I kicked the ball and it hit that nerdy kid in the eye?"

"That's why?"


"Wait how did you get out of the house, the window?"


"Okay I really gotta go now, good luck." She says running and climbing back into her house through the window. She lives right across from me, so we had sleep overs like zillion of times.

"Emma, dinners ready sweetie." Mom says.

I walked over to the table and sit while my father's staring at me.

"Dad what is it?"

"Nothing pumpkin, just looking at my beautiful daughter.

"Okay somethings up, you guys are hiding something from me, from the minute mom came into my room and acted all weird I knew something was up." I shout when my mom finally sits at the table.

"Emma your father got a job in San Francisco." My mother says holding my hand.

"Oh dad that's great, we're gonna really miss you."

"Emma, we're going to San Francisco." My mom says.

"Wait both of you, I'm going to miss you guys."

"No, Emma, me, you and your mother are all going to San Francisco." My father says.

"What?" I gulp.

"Yeah we'll be leaving Friday, so it's best if you pack your stuff tomorrow."

"What, are you crazy, what are you talking about, I can't move, I just can't! I just made captain of the science club, no, no I'm not moving." By the time I'm finished I'm out of breath, my mother and my father mouths both falls open, shocked as ever.

"Excuse me, we are going to San Francisco young lady and that's final." Dad says pointing his finger at me.

"Mom?" I called out.

"I'm sorry." She looks at me and says.

"Unbelievable!" I screamed running upstairs to my bedroom, closing it hard, making a very loud noise.

I never wanted to move, but I guess, there's nothing stopping me, I was sick to my stomach, but I guess this is how life is for me now.

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