Chapter I

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For those who know of Allison, she doesn't exist here. Also, I'm not even going to try to write an Italian accent and for the sake of my sanity...

1) We're going to assume it's true that Mario is their last name (even if I strongly disapprove of it because I find it silly to do a name like Cole Cole for example and I'm surprised that Grammarly isn't yelling at me for doing that).

2) We're using July 14th as Mario and Luigi's birthday.

[new] 3) Because of my writing style and how the story is unfolding, I had to tune it a little more to my level since a bit is slipped through in Chapter IV and it was driving me mad.

4) We're going to be on the safe side and assume The Mario Bros.'s are in their 20's so we're going to pretend they were born in 1996 making them 23 in the year of 2019.


After clearing the hotel all by himself, Luigi felt proud that he could save his peers from King Boo. He didn't expect much apart from the thank yous he had already received, but as the narrator of this story, I don't blame him for imagining a nice cake with his name on it.

Over the next few days, things have continued as though they had never gone to the hotel. Not that it was out of the ordinary according to Luigi. It wasn't until Princess Peach threw a party for their birthday that he noticed.

Usually, he had his eyes and ears open for any suspicious behavior, but what he was hearing he had wished he wasn't.

"I heard Princess Daisy dumped Luigi because he was a crybaby," said one Toad.

"No, no, no," said another. "She dumped him because she grew bored with him."

There were more rumors about why Princess Daisy had dumped Luigi, but I don't think you want to hear all of them. Back to the story.

Luigi pushed the rumors aside because he knew the truth. They lost the spark they had when they first met. It was nothing more, nothing less... least that's what he thought...

Mario was talking to both princesses while they were waiting for the Toads in the kitchen to finish the cake. He was going to talk to them, but Polterpup had quietly pulled him back so he could listen to Mario and the princesses.

"Why did you invite him?" asked Princess Daisy. Luigi thought that she was talking about Bowser since he was there putting his best foot forward, but his heart dropped when he heard keywords.

"It's his birthday as well as Mario's," said Princess Peach. "I wouldn't have invited him if they didn't share a birthday. Besides, he's completely oblivious. Right, Mario?"

"Oh yeah. He doesn't have a clue that we hate him," said Mario with a chuckle. "There's times where he almost found out, but I fixed it soon after. Maybe the Yoshis should've left him so we wouldn't have to deal with him."

"He's... he's joking," thought Luigi. "Right? Maybe I'm hearing things... Yeah... That's right."

"I have a question for you, Daisy. Why did you break up with Luigi? The Toads keep telling me different things when I ask them."

"Hm? Oh, they're right."

"What does that mean?"

"They're all right. Whatever came out of their mouth, it's most likely right. Luigi's cute, but that's all he has. I'm still a little ashamed that I dated him even if it was for a month."

Luigi couldn't listen to them anymore. He couldn't believe he had fallen for their lies, but he hadn't given up on hope just yet. Maybe the Toads still liked him. Surely, they liked him yes?

Once the cake was finished, some Toads had rolled it out. Everyone was amazed and understood why it took them so long. A large three-layered cake wasn't an easy thing to accomplish. What was best about the cake was that it was triple-layered as well with chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry cakes. The Toads had done it this time with the cake for Mario.

"Wait a minute," thought Luigi. "I see Mario, but where am I?"

He looked all around the cake even for the slightest hint of him, but not even a drop of green was present anywhere on the cake. Not even a gift was addressed to him. With a small lie, Luigi had left the party with Polterpup in his arms trying to hold his tears back.

"Polterpup," he said to his transparent canine. "Do you think this is just a silly little prank? Maybe they'll throw a party for me tomorrow."

Polterpup whined in sorrow. He may be a ghost of a dog, but he was smarter than most gave him credit for. Once they were home, Polterpup had slipped through the walls to retrieve something.

Mario's diary.

"Why did you bring me this?" Luigi asked his ghost dog. Polterpup put the diary down and flipped through some of the pages which shocked Luigi. "I-is that s-s-supposed to be m-me??"

Even if it was VERY poorly drawn, Luigi could tell that Mario drew him beaten up and trapped in a frame like he was, but the frame was in a chest which had an open lock in it. Mario had the key and he was standing next to King Boo laughing.

Now Luigi was worried.

While reading as fast as a train, Luigi flipped through the pages while Polterpup sat on the floor. Polterpup had already read a little of the diary before Mario caught him. Good thing he didn't think too much of Polterpup otherwise things would've gone differently.

Luigi had made it to the final page with tears dripping onto his overalls. He closed the diary and let it slip from his grasp allowing Polterpup to put it back where he found it before he got on Luigi's lap with a sad look on his face.

He sat on his bedroom window seat staring out the window petting Polterpup, who was most likely the only being who loved him when a shooting star crossed the sky.

"I wish someone loved me," he said in between sniffs. "I'm not saying that I'm ungrateful for Polterpup or that I need a whole kingdom, but..."

He couldn't finish his sentence as he started to softly cry. Polterpup did his best to comfort Luigi as he hugged him. Luigi didn't hear it, but Polterpup sure heard something howling...

...but from where?

Polterpup stuck his head out the window and howled towards the full moon hoping there would be a response. Sadly, there wasn't.

Polterpup looked over and noticed that Luigi had cried himself to sleep, so he laid on top of him and fell asleep hoping that tomorrow would be a better day for his owner.

After having a weird dream, Luigi woke up...

...on a road... a neighborhood...

...where nothing was a mushroom.

Polterpup was growling at a pack of wolves as they surrounded them.

"Oh no," said Luigi as he pulled his hat down. "I'm gonna be eaten alive..."

Just as he had lost all hope, something had lept over one of the wolves growling. It was much bigger than the other wolves and it wouldn't let any of them get anywhere near Luigi.

The bigger wolf had fought off the others much to Luigi's surprise. It got hurt a few times, but it stood its ground. It wasn't until a wolf without a tail had scratched Luigi's stomach that the giant wolf had lost its temper.

After throwing the wolves onto another street, it limbed towards Luigi. Polterpup growled at the giant wolf before he had realized that it meant no harm toward his owner. He moved aside so the giant wolf could lick Luigi's wound which made it stop bleeding. Sadly, Luigi had passed out from fear, so the giant wolf took Luigi to its home where it knew he would be much safer.


Word Count: 1340

The Plumber Who Cried Werewolf (Luigi x Werewolf! OC) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now