Chapter V

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I was thinking of rewriting this but as an original so Luigi would be removed and replaced with another person but the situation would be similar.

What do you think?

Also, things will get a little... funky so to speak. Consider yourself warned.


"Stephanie?" asked Luigi as he was heading to his room.




"I... Nevermind..."

"Luigi, if there's anythin' on your mind an' ya want someone to listen to ya..."

"It's okay, Steph... It's nothing too important..."

"I don't wanna put salt on the wound so I'll leave ya be... but please, Luigi. Come to me if ya need anythin'. Alright?"


The truth was that as days turned into weeks, Luigi had gotten closer to Stephanie. He would lay there in his pod thinking about Stephanie and how kind she was to him for the past five months. They would cook together, play videogames, do chores, learn more about werewolves and the legends behind them. He loved every second he spent with her...

...but he was scared...

He loved her, but he didn't want history to repeat itself. He was afraid of hearing Stephanie say what Daisy had said at the party. He wanted a little more, but he wouldn't risk what little paradise he already had.

Stephanie, on the other hand, didn't know what to do.

She knew something was going on in Luigi's head, but she didn't know what and it was driving her a little mad. She didn't want to control him, but that didn't stop her from worrying about him.

Not to mention that it was getting closer and closer to her time as a werewolf. Her time as a werewolf is different compared to a human's time. Since my restrictions have been lifted, I'm allowed to tell you what I mean by this.

Let's just say that the Discovery Channel would be playing soon. I think you know what I mean.

Stephanie was in her wolf form when she was in her pod trying to get some sleep, but thoughts of Luigi slipped into her mind.

"Oh god," she whispered as she pulled her green blanket over herself. "If this keeps up, I'm gonna hafta stay in my room to keep Luigi out of this..."

By the time she had fallen asleep, the sun had risen and Luigi was awake. Stephanie had slept through Luigi knocking on her pod. He opened it to find Stephanie on her back. Her paws were in the air and her tongue was sticking out as her tail slowly wagged.

"Oh my," thought Luigi. "She's so cute. Maybe I can... pet her?"

Luigi took his glove off and placed it on Stephanie's stomach giving her a belly rub. Her tail wagged a bit faster the more he rubbed her belly. He couldn't believe how soft her fur was.

"Weegee," said Stephanie as she opened her eyes. She leaped onto him and snuggled against his neck. "Ya smell extra nice today."

Luigi blushed at the sudden change. He was huffing as he sat up with her on his chest.

"S-Steph, are you o-okay?" he stuttered as she licked his neck. It's not that he didn't enjoy the attention, but this was out of the ordinary for him so he gently pushed her away. "Where did this come from?"

"Aw, you're blushing, Weeg~ So cute~~"

Luigi could feel his face heat up as he got up.

"I'm gonna make breakfast," he said trying to pull himself together. "Polterpup, can you keep an eye on Stephanie? I think she ate or drank something funny last night..."

Polterpup barked and started his watchdog shift. While Stephanie was playing with Polterpup, Luigi was making eggs and bacon while he was reading a little bit about werewolf behavior.

He found a page about how they react to blood moons which most likely was going to be tonight. Luigi gulped at the thought of helping her with the blood moon.

"Why are there only two ways to help her?" he asked himself as he took the bacon and asparagus out of the oven. Yes, you read that right and you should try it. "I want to help her, but is there no other way besides waiting it out? I don't want to make things weird between us..."

Luigi heard a thud come from upstairs so he put the bacon and asparagus on the stove to cool down before sprinting to Stephanie's room. Polterpup was barking at a ceiling corner of the room before Luigi entered. He looked to the corner to see Stephanie drop from the ceiling and pin him to the floor.

"There you are, honey bunny~," she said as she took Luigi's scent in. "God, you smell so good~"

"Stephanie, I think there's a blood moon tonight which is why you're acting this way. I get it, but please think about it first or at least hold it off until we've had breakfast?"

"Breakfast? Am I havin' YOU for breakfast?~"

If Luigi's heart wasn't thumping before, it sure was thumping now.

"N-n-no," he stuttered as he looked away. "Breakfast is downstairs. Now be a good girl and please unhand me..."

"Okay," she said as she got off him. "But only if ya do somethin' for me~"

"What's that?"

Stephanie went to her closet as Polterpup went through the floor for his breakfast. She grabbed something and held it behind her back as she walked closer to Luigi. In a fraction of a second, she took off Luigi's hat and placed a headband on his head.

A headband with rabbit ears.

"Wear this headband while I wear your hat, okay?" she said as she put his hat on. "There's also a tail, but I mostly want ya to wear the headband~"

"All day?"

"All day~"

"If this means you'll behave yourself, then I'll wear it."

Stephanie giggled as she lept onto Luigi once more hugging him tightly. This time Luigi stood his ground and caught her. Good thing his wound is better so he could support her and himself.

After carrying her down the stairs, Luigi and Stephanie ate breakfast together as they usually do.

Well... it wasn't as normal as it would be...

Luigi could feel Stephanie's eyes stare at him the whole time. A part of him felt a little uncomfortable as she stared at him, but a part of him liked the feeling of her eyes fixed on him and him alone. It felt like a blanket had been wrapped around him giving everything he needed.

The part that liked the feeling had won the fight which led to a small smile drawn across his lips and a faint blush on his face.

As Stephanie washed the dishes, Luigi wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on her shoulder. One of the rabbit ears was brushing against Stephanie's wolf ear making her smile as she placed the final plate to dry.

"Don't let go of me," said Stephanie as she placed her hands on top of Luigi.

"I never want to let go," he purred as he intertwined his fingers with hers. By now, he had fallen deep into her spell and it looked like there was no way out. "Do you still want me to be your meal?~"

"Maybe a midnight snack~ No recordings today... Just editin' an' time for us~"

Luigi couldn't have been happier to hear those words. It had seemed as though his doughts had slipped away for the day and everything felt so perfect as the sun went down. He was happy he chose to stay with Stephanie...

...and he was never going back.


Word Count: 1233

The Plumber Who Cried Werewolf (Luigi x Werewolf! OC) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now