Outlaw Justice

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One Week Later

Chibs strode into the clubhouse practically breathing fire. Gemma had called him when she had gone by Elizabeth's house and she hadn't been there. After a day of looking all over town, she had come to the conclusion that the younger woman had run, she just didn't know why. Chibs stopped in front of Gemma with the other men behind him.

"Anything yet?"

Gemma shook her head. "Nothing. David hasn't heard from her but he did tell me to have you come see him when you got back into town." She gave him a look. "I even went to see Jacob. He hadn't heard from her either and neither has the hospital. She didn't even quit." She sighed and shook her head. "The morning you guys left, she told me that she had a gut feeling something was going to happen but she didn't say anything because she didn't want you to worry."

Jax shook his head as Chibs muttered something in Gaelic under his breath. "It just doesn't add up. She didn't have anyone in her past that we know of. Hale would know and he never said anything."

Tig frowned. "Someone getting back at the club maybe?"

Clay shook his head. "Nah, we're not actively fighting anyone at the moment." He scratched his head for a moment before nodding to himself. "Chibs, take Happy and Tig with you and go see David. Juice, you get started on a trace. Her phone, bank records, credit cards, background check, everything." He turned to Jax. "Hell, you go check the hospital. Maybe she had a beef with someone there. We leave no stone unturned."  As Juice and Jax both nodded, Clay clapped Chibs on the shoulder and looked him in the eye. "Don't worry. We're gonna figure this shit out."

Chibs nodded as he led the way outside and climbed back on his bike. After the last week, he felt like he was a part of the machine under him, but he'd ride it to hell and back if he had to. Jax was right. It just didn't add up. She wouldn't just leave, even if she had gotten cold feet about a relationship. She'd have at least said goodbye. He knew that as well as he knew his own name.


When Chibs walked into the police department, he was pointed immediately in the direction of Hale's office, making him think that Gemma or Clay had called with a heads up that they were coming. When he walked into the small office, David nodded and motioned for Tig to shut the door.

"I wish I had something to tell you Chibs, I really do. Bethie's been flighty in the past but she seemed to be settling down with you. I'm as shocked as you are." He shook his head. "She didn't even say goodbye. I mean, she wouldn't have bothered with Jacob because they aren't close at all, but she would never leave without at least calling me to say goodbye."

Chibs shook his head as he sat on the edge of the desk. "Was there someone in her past? Someone that she'd be scared of?"

David shook his head as he blew out a breath. "No, at least not that I know of. You guys have Juice tracking her phone and cards?"

Chibs stood up and nodded. "Aye. If she's ou' there, Juicy will find her."

David stood and walked out with them. When they got outside, he shook Chibs' hand. "Let me know if there is anything at all that you need me to do."

Chibs nodded as he swung a leg over his bike. "Ayuh."

David looked down at his shoes for a moment before making eye contact with all three men. "I'm worried. I... I know that we're on different sides most of the time, but this is my sister. If someone has hurt her in any way... "

Chibs shook his head and cleared his throat, his voice sounding raw even to his own ears. "If someone hurt her, ye'll never find the body."

David held his gaze for a moment before nodding slowly. "I'll hold you to that."


Juice met Chibs and the others in the parking lot, practically humming with excitement. He motioned for them to follow him inside the clubhouse, talking the whole way.

"So, I ran her bank transactions and credit cards. They hadn't been used since the day we left, but... " He stopped in front of his laptop and smiled victoriously. "She bought gas before leaving town. I went by the gas station and they gave me the tapes from the cameras." He clicked a button on the laptop and a grainy video started playing. "There's Lizzie's car, right? See anyone that shouldn't be there, especially when he said that he hadn't seen her?"

Chibs felt like someone doused him in ice water as he watched Jacob shove his Lizzie up against the car and yell in her face. He cursed under his breath as he straightened back up from the computer. "Son of a bitch!" He started for the door, yelling over his shoulder. "Tell David to meet us at Jacob's! Now!"

When they pulled up in front of Jacob Hale's house, David was waiting for them with a frown on his face. Chibs started for the steps to the porch but the deputy put a hand out to stop him. "What's going on, Chibs?"

Chibs just shook his head and motioned for David to follow him. The butler quickly got out of the way as the three bikers and the police deputy walked into the house unannounced. They found Jacob in his office, looking over some paperwork at his desk. He looked up in surprise when they all filed into his office and shut the door, then schooled his features into a pleasant smile.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

Chibs stood in front of the desk with his arms crossed over his chest, fury radiating off of him in waves. "Ye told Gemma ye dinnae see Lizzie before she left."

Jacob nodded. "Yes, that's right."

Chibs nodded as Happy and Tig walked around to Jacob's side of the desk. "Aye, then do ye mind tellin' me how ye were with her at the gas station before she left?"

David cursed and looked between his brother and Chibs. "He was where?"

Chibs nodded. "Aye. Now, yer gonna tell us the truth, one way or another."

Jacob had the nerve to roll his eyes, earning himself a growl from Happy. "This is ridiculous. I don't have to tell you anything."

Chibs nodded as Happy drew his knife and Tig held Jacob's hand down on the desk. Happy grinned as he tapped Jacob's fingers with the blade. "That's cool, man. Don't say anything, and I'll just cut a finger off every time you lie to Chibs here."

Chibs grinned maliciously as he leaned a hip on the side of the desk. "Aye, and he'll enjoy it. So, wha's it gonna be?"

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