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Prompt: Cruella/Jafar being mean to their kid's bf and them defending them

Carlos and Jay have been together for a while, so it's only fair that they meet each other's parents, right? Wrong. Both realized that they can't get along with each other's parents.

Carlos remembered when he met Jafar when he went to his junk shop so he can see Jay. He was a decent man, that is until he spoke to Jay horribly.

"You can never steal anything right?!" Jafar shouted furiously as he gazed upon the stolen goods. "What do I do with this? It's fake!" He picked up a fake diamond necklace and showed it closely to Jay. "I told you to learn the difference!"

Jay remained silent as his father yelled at him. How can he be so stupid? He should've known, he stared at the ground with a frown on his face. He could never get his father's approval or seeing him be proud of Jay.

Carlos wasn't going to stand by and watch his boyfriend get yelled at. "Hey, don't talk to him like that," he growled he as stood in front of Jafar to protect Jay.

"You have an amazing son and its pity you can't see it, always focusing on riches when your treasure is right in front of you!" Jay's eyes widened as he stared at Carlos. "Also he is the best thief I know because he stole my heart!" Carlos hissed, he grabbed Jay's hand and dragged him out of the shop, leaving behind a stunned Jafar.

As soon as they were outside, Jay pinned Carlos to the wall and kissed him so many times. Whispering love words to one another as they held each other.

Jay also recalled when he met Carlos' mother, and that was the worst day of his life. He entered his home so he can finally meet the famous Cruella De Vil. She talked to Jay somewhat nicely, but every now and then she would make rude remarks about him and his father.

Jay waited for Carlos in the living room so they can go out and do something together. Carlos rushed to Jay, "I'm done! Let's go." Just as Jay was about to get up Cruella stopped him.

"Did you finish all your chores?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Yes, mother, finished everything," Carlos nodded.

"Sweep the floor, moped did the laundry, and the dishes," she smirked.

Carlos grimaced, "What?! That wasn't even on the list? You just added them?" he countered, she wasn't being fair. "I cleaned your room, I vacuumed your coats, I went grocery shopping and threw out all the trash. Can I please do it when I come back?" Carlos pleaded.

Jay couldn't believe what he was hearing, Carlos was basically the maid in his own home. He has to admit his father was harsh, but Jay hardly did anything with cleaning, Jafar handled that. And at least Jafar respected him.

Cruella laughed, "Do it, or you're not going out." She warned. Carlos sighed. "Yes, moth-"

"Carlos, you don't have to do any of this! You're not a servant," Jay stated as he stood by his side. "You're so much more than this."

"Who do you think you are?" Cruella inquired, glaring at Jay. "He's my son and I do as I please."

"Wait until I tell my Dad that you have so many valuables. Everything will be gone like that," he snapped his fingers to prove his point. "You wouldn't want that, would you? Then you'll be completely broke."

Cruella gulped by the threat. She should never underestimate Jafar's son. "Very well. You both can leave," she scoffed.

When the young teens were both alone, Carlos embraced him. "Thank you." Jay chuckled as he leaned down to kiss him. They both have each other's backs and they wouldn't have it any other way.

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