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Prompt: Jay and Carlos find out they're going to be parents. This is my first jaylos mpreg, so pray for me.😂

It was the middle of the night, where Carlos and Jay are sleeping peacefully on their bed. But something was off that night which made it more difficult for Carlos to sleep that night.

As his stomach churns and churns to the point he rushes to the bathroom and hurled his guts out in the toilet bowl. As the sounds of him, vomiting wakes Jay up from his slumber. When he realized Carlos wasn't beside him, he started to get worried.

He got up from the bed and called out for his name, "Carlos? C? Are you in there?" he asks. To his expectation, he was there throwing up whatever that was left in him.

Jay rushed towards him trying to lift up his hair to avoid getting vomit in it as some of the younger boy's hair is stuck on his forehead from all the sweat. "Jay? What's happening to my body? Why can't I hold anything down?" the pup asked desperately for answers, but he was left with none.

"I think we should go to the doctor.." Jay simply says as he rubs his helpless boyfriend's back. As Carlos moans out of exhaustion, Jay carries him in his arms bridal style to the bed. "let's just go back to sleep, ok?" the older boy reassures Carlos. All the white and black-haired boy could do at the moment was nod.


As Carlos and Jay sit in the doctor's office for his check-up, the thief looked at him and can tell he is nervousness in his face and how pale he is to how his leg is shaking the most. He can't lie though, he's scared himself.

"Babe, chill, it's okay. I know you're nervous right now about this situation right now, and I'm telling you, I'm scared myself okay?" he says as he wraps his arm around his little boyfriend's frame. Carlos gave him a crazy glare. Since when was Jay was afraid? He thought, he never seen him afraid of anything besides the dark, but he would be lying to himself if he says he doesn't like it. He finds it warm, cute, and sweet he was like this.

All their though came to a stop when the doctor came in, "Hello gentlemen, I'm Dr. Swirly." she greeted them with a warm smile and the most beautiful glistening white teeth there is. And she seems very nice with her smile, her voice, almost sounds like Fairy Godmother's, but calmer. And with her cinnamon-brown curly hair and her beautiful brown skin and light brown eyes.

"hi," the boys greeted back to her, she sat down with her clipboard and asked questions, "so how are you today, Mr. De Vil?" "doing...not so great." he chuckled. She smiles and asked sine more, "so what are your symptoms if you're not feeling well sweetie?" she seems nice enough. "Well, I've been having mood swings lately than I normally would, uhm I have heavier food cravings, weird ones too. And I also started vomiting a lot too, like morning sickness or something like that."

As he told her what's going on, she was writing away on her clipboard about what he's saying and what symptoms Carlos is having. "So before you had these symptoms, did you have sex? Protected? Unprotected?" Jay and Carlos turned red for a minute, but the salt and pepper-haired boy responded with a nod.

And she wrote some more down on her clipboard. "Okay, so we're going to give you some tests and an ultrasound." at first Carlos was confused but he just went with it anyway. She leaves the room real quick and came back, "now you have to urinate in this cup." Carlos takes the cup and goes to the bathroom and went.

He came out and gave her the cup as she leaves again. "Jay, I'm scared.." he said as he cuddles with his strong and protective boyfriend. Jay says, "there's nothing to be scared about, baby." they shared a few kisses here and there then cuddled more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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