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Prompt: Jay and Carlos take a lazy day and Carlos plays with Jay's hair?


Carlos didn't have the energy to get up and do anything productive. He just wanted to be in his dorm, be lazy like an average teenager. Jay entered the room, "I'm so lazy to do anything today." He tumbled on his bed.

"The feeling is mutual. I never thought the son of Jafar would ever be lazy?" Carlos teased as he sat up from his bed.

Rolling his eyes, "Good one. I'll remember that next time," he ran his hands through his dark, brown locks. Carlos blinked as an idea popped in his mind.

"You have very long hair? Can I make you a braid!?" He grinned, suddenly feeling productive. "I bet you would look handsome."

Jay rose an eyebrow in shock. Carlos just offered him to do a braid? And second, he gave him a compliment? He would look handsome. Jay wasn't certain which one he was more bothered by. The braid or the compliment?

"No, you can't braid my hair." Jay argued, "Go ask someone else."

Carlos made a puppy dog look, "Please! I promise that no one would find out, it's just between us. What happens in this room stays in this room, right?"

Jay hesitated, he really didn't want to a braid, but Carlos making a puppy dog look made it harder to decline. "Fine..." He mumbled in defeat.

Carlos jumped in the air, "Yes!" He quickly got on Jay's bed, sitting Indian-style. "Back up and sit up straight." Jay obliged, his back sitting in front of Carlos as he skimmed his hand through his hair. He didn't have comb his because Jay already had it straight and smooth.

It felt nice. Jay softly closed his eyes in content.

Carlos hummed as he divided his hair in half, and then began to intertwined the hair, lovingly. He really did admire Jay's hair, it was silky and soft unlike Carlos', who had it short and frenzy style.

"And... Done," he pulled away to glanced at his work.

Jay grabbed the braid from behind to move it towards the front so he can see it as well. "Wow. It looks amazing," he praised, running his fingers over it.


"But not as amazing as you." He turned around to give a chaste kiss to Carlos, who happily smiled.

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