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My alarm woke me up at the ass crack of dawn. Well, in actuality it was only, like, 6:30, but for a Saturday that's really fricking early.

My dorm mate, Aspen, groaned at the noise and rolled over, slamming a pillow on top of her head.

"Most single people like to spend Valentine's Day asleep and drowning in self pity, thank you, and I am one of those people."

I snorted and shut my phone alarm off, slipping into some skinny jeans and a random top. "Sorry. Valentine's Day rush at the shop. I had to take an early shift. I'll be back later, though, to join you in the pity party."

She grunted and turned back around, falling back asleep almost instantly.

I quietly snuck out the dorm after pocketing my phone and walked down the corridor to the front door.

I decided to stop by the little bakery that I usually went to in the afternoons. Hoping that it was open so early on a Saturday since this was my first early shift, I walked in the direction that it was in.

I rounded the corner and came straight in front of it, thankful it was only a couple blocks from where I worked. I walked in and smiled contentedly at the sweet aroma that was blasted at me once I opened the door.

I made my way to the counter and frowned when I saw that no one was there.

"Hello?" I called into the back room, leaning my hands against the counter.

A tall, lanky boy with flour on his hair and apron peeked his head around the corner, giving me a slight smile and then walking back.

"Barbara!" I heard him call.

I tilted my body in attempts to see where he went but he turned around a corner and slipped out of sight.

After a loud crash and the sound of a screen door opening and then closing again, an older woman walked out from the back with a sweet smile on her face.
"Sorry about that, love. I was helping get the ingredients out from the back. What can I get you?"

I smiled back and shook my head, assuring her that it was fine. I ordered a hot chocolate and two sugar cookies before thanking her and exiting the shop.

On my way to the store, I opened the bag and pulled out a heart-shaped cookie, sticking it in my mouth and using my free hand to open the door to it when I was finally there. Flipping the sign to open, I closed the door begin me and walked to the counter, resting all my stuff on it.

I grabbed a hose from the rack beside the counter and switched it to mist, walking around the shop and spraying the flowers.

I used my free hand to eat the cookie and walked into the back of the store when I heard the bell ring. Sighing, I walked back to the front only to see Aspen sitting on the counter and munching on my last cookie.

"Sure, Aspen. Of course you can have my last cookie," I said sarcastically, putting the hose back on the rack.

She shrugged. "You bought it for me anyways. Figured you wanted the drink though."

"Why're you here?" I asked, finishing my last cookie.

"Dorm got lonely without you," she pouted.

I gave her a look.

She grinned. "I was also wondering if I could see that book we had to read for literature because I might've lost mine. But it did get lonely without you. Honest."

I sighed. "Fine. 'S in my bag."

She kept her grin on and planted a kiss on my cheek. "Thanks, love. I'll give it back intact. Or at least somewhat."

"Reassuring," I dead-panned. "If it was so boring over there then you should have no problem helping me with watering the flowers."

I handed her a watering can and she groaned but got up and followed me to the back. As if this was the first time she helped me do this.

I heard two knocks on the door before the bell rang, signaling it opening. I raised an eyebrow at Aspen and she just snorted and shrugged. I shrugged back and started to walk back over. What an odd way to open a door.


wonder who that is wink wink nudge nudge

gif on intro is Violet and gif here is Aspen :)

by any other name // harry styles (was plumeria)Where stories live. Discover now