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Every pony has their dreams, every pony dreams of having a happy family, I always see parents in the morning dismiss their children in schools, so I wish it was my life, my name is Nova but that does not matter, I just know that  say ..... what happened to my parents, why did they abandon me? I just know they were important ponies, but since that night my parents forbade me to say who I was and where my roots were from, most importantly my parents  , all I have of them is a bluish star-shaped necklace and a gold-colored bow ... the ponies talk about the disappearance of Princess Twilight, and I don't even know what to say ... as the years go by I will  discover who I am ...

 as the years go by I will  discover who I am

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🌌Brightss Sentry 🌌

Who I am?-Translated [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now