The Elements ⅔

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Narra Lazuli Shine

I left my house without warning, I got to ponyville but the flash had already gone there was no trace so I decided to stop flying and walk a bit I arrived and it was a bit cold, the wind was blowing, the branches were falling, in that I hear some  helmets that were directed at me, I did not see anything then I heard a howl of a wolf, I was so scared that I was walking backwards then I feel something behind me ...

Narra Apple Spritz

I left Sweet Apple Acres as I saw a flash, on the way I met Rarity's daughter, then the flash disappeared ...

Diamond Light: Hi Apple Spritz, what are you doing around here?

Apple Spritz: I saw a flash and I came to make sure everything is fine and what are you doing here, ponies like you must be resting right now?

Diamond Light: maybe yes, but I like dangerous missions, and I also saw the flash

Apple Spritz: it will be a pleasure to investigate with you ..

I said and we started walking, it was a bit cold and then we heard a noise we were walking backwards when we felt that the lake was behind us ...


Apple Spritz and Diamond Light were scared just like Lazuli Shine were walking backwards when something is behind them and they all scream at the same time

Lazuli Shine, Apple Spritz, Diamond Light: HAAAAAAAA

Lazuli Shine: how lucky you are, I had already been scared-she said relieved

Apple Spritz: but not that you are the daughter of Rainbow Dash, how can you be scared?

Lazuli Shine: hey, just because she is the daughter of the best flying woman in Equestria, it does not mean that she is not afraid

Diamond Light: well, you have a very good point - at that you hear a scream and they all scream at the same time

Sweet Spring: please Sugar pie let's go and stop screaming yes? -He said shyly

Sugar pie: Hey, they did a shouting party and they didn't invite me?

Diamond Light: 1. It's not a party, 2. We get scared, and 3. You must be Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich's daughter, and she Fluttershy's, right?

Sugar pie: that's right, she is Sweet Spring and I am sugar pie, and who are you?

Diamond Light: Let me introduce ourselves, this is Apple Spritz daughter of Applejack and caramel, and I am Diamond Light daughter of Rarity and Spike

Sugar pie: and who is she?

Sweet Spring: I'm sorry, but who are you?

Lazuli Shine: my name is Lazuli Shine daughter of the best flyer in all of Equestria Rainbow Dash and the woderbolt Soarin

Sweet Spring: and what are you doing here?

Apple Spritz - We saw a flash and wanted to know what it was

In that it starts to rain

Diamond Light: now where are we going!

Lazuli Shine: let's go fast, everyone there!

He said pointing to the castle

Sweet Spring: it's safe in there-she said scared

Apple Spritz: of course we are going !!

After a while they arrived at the castle, when they entered they all shook to dry themselves from the water, in that some lights were coming from one of the corridors so they decided to go see that it was a type of map on a round table that looked like a map

Lazuli Shine: That Cutie Mark Looks Like My Mom's

Sweet Spring: mine too

Diamond Light: but what does our mothers cutie mark do here - in that a purple force field

???: Who are you, and what do you want !?

Apple Spritz: calm little Pegasus we don't want to hurt you, look, she's Lazuli Shine, she's Sweet Spring, she's Diamond Light, and I'm Apple Spritz and who are you?

Nova: I'm Nova Star Sparkle Sentry and what do you want?

Diamond Light: listen Nova, it was raining and we decided to go in

Nova: alright ... wait you are the daughters of Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie !?

All-nova: yes!? Why the question?

Nova: is it possible that .... at last I will meet my mother and father and I will know who I am !!!

All-nova: WHAT?!!

🌌Brightss Sentry 🌌

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