Discovering Harmony ².

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???: I'm Cozy Glow and I'm going to help you ...

Apple Spritz: Nice to meet you Cozy Glow

Cozy Glow: just tell me Cozy


After a while of walking they all asked Cozy questions and she the others, after a while Cozy Glow asked Nova a question

Cozy Glow: and am Nova right?

Nova: uh ... if that's my name

Cozy Glow: I wanted to ask you a question, is your name just Nova?

Sugar pie: of course not, it's called Nova Star Sparkle Sentry

Cozy Glow upon hearing Sparkle's name made a scared face and an angry face at the same time

Sweet Spring: Cozy am you feeling okay?

Cozy Glow: -shake your head quickly-yes !, of course why not be! -Pretend to smile

Lazuli Shine: are you sure about that?

Cozy Glow: If only I was surprised, for a moment I thought she was the daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle

Diamond Light: and you're right, nova is the daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle ... I think

Cozy Glow: well putting the topic aside, who are your parents?

Diamond Light: Lazuli Shine's is Rainbow Dash and Soarin, Pinkie pie's sugar pie and cheese sandwich, Fluttershy's sweet Spring, Nova is the daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Guardian Flash Sentry and I am the daughter of Rarity.

Cozy Glow: - arrogant look-so they are daughters of the so-called "elements of harmony" or of those who have saved Equestria many times, right?

Apple Spritz: you are right

Sweet Spring: Cozy Glow you feel good?

Cozy Glow: ah?, Of course, the only thing that happens is that it gives me great pleasure to meet the daughters of the most amazing ponies in Equestria, yeiiiiii !!!, they know I think I know where the castle of the two is  sisters come on !!!

Cozy Glow: I have a better plan to end them -thinking-

In ponyville ...

Narra Rainbow Dash

It was 6:00 am and I went to wake up Lazuli to go to school, I went to his room and he was not there so I assumed that he had already left with Soarin, so I left the house and went to train the future woderbolts

7:30 pm...

I got to my house and found Soarin but without Lazuli so I asked him

Rainbow Dash: Soarin and Lazuli where is she?

Soarin: I thought I was with you

Rainbow Dash: I didn't think she was with you, I haven't seen her since this morning

Soarin: let's go find her-he said and we went looking for Lazuli

I told Soarin to go looking for the clouds and that I would search by land, it was already 8:00 pm when I ran into the others and they seemed to have the same problem

Rarity: haven't you seen Diamond Light?

Applejack: or Apple Spritz?

Fluttershy: a Sweet Spring?

Pinkie Pie: SUGAR PIE !!! WHERE ARE YOU !!!!!!

Rainbow Dash: calm down Pinkie we will find you

That's where Spike arrives

Rarity: Any news from Diamond Light?

Spike: I really have news at six

All-Spike: Six o'clock?

Spike: yes with Nova, let's go to the castle


Spike took the five to the castle, to the throne room everyone was shocked to see what was on the map

Rarity: we haven't been here in a long time

All: -sad-yes

Fluttershy: what is that on the map?

They were all surprised to see that their daughters cutie mark was captured on the map and pointed to the everfree forest

Fluttershy: they think they're there

Pinkie Pie: Probably

Rainbow Dash: Lazuli Shine is going to pay me for leaving home without warning-angry

He said and then they all went galloping to the everfree forest


With the girls and Cozy Glow ...

After a while of long walks they arrived at the castle of the two sisters

Apple Spritz: look


They all entered and looked for the elements, then they found them but they were made of stone

Cozy Glow: perfect !!, thanks for your help -he said and took the 5 elements and placed a blue crystal with purple on them

They all look at her scared

Cozy Glow: finally, I'm going to have my revenge on those ponies and I'll be the only one with enough friendship in all of Equestria hahahahahaha

🌌Brightss Sentry 🌌

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