Chapter 3: I Got You Brother

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"Stanford!" Stan yelled as Crampelter socked Ford right in the face. His brother fell back onto the pavement, wings splayed out as he hit the ground hard. Ford winced as he felt the blood run down his nose and he wiped it away with the back of his hand. But the bully wasn't done, Crampelter came over and stepped on Ford's chest, pinning him to the ground as he tried to get up. "Freaks like you should be kept at home, you disgust everyone!" the bully sneered, his wings flared in dominance. Stan picked up his brother as Crampelter and his buddies left, putting Ford's arm around his neck to help him stay up. His twin leaned on him, "Are you okay?" Stan asked. Ford blinked, "I think I'm going to pass out..." he mumbled as his eyes closed. He suddenly got very heavy and Stan gasped as he felt the added weight, "I got you" he mumbled, heaving him all the way home.


Ford woke to the ticking clock by his bedside, the underneath of the top bunk covering his view of the ceiling.

Why was he in bed in the afternoon? And why was he in Stanley's bed?

Very disorientated Stanford got up to go see where his brother was, "Stan?" he called, hoping he was nearby. but, with no reply he made to stand and go look for him himself. A sudden wave of dizziness passed over him, making him groan and clutch his head in pain. His wings shot out to keep him balanced as he fell down, and he ended up crouched on the ground, shaking as he tried not to pass out again. He closed his eyes half-way as he the dizziness grew too much, a warm wet feeling trailing down his upper lip as whatever damage had done to his nose got worse, "Stan?" he asked the empty room once more.

Where was Stanley?

The door opened and Stan walked in with a glass of water and a damp cloth in his hands, Ford smiled at him.

Ah, there he was.

"Stanford! You need to be careful!" Stan said, putting the items down and hurrying over to help his brother get back into bed.

"What happened? And why am I in your bed?" Ford asked, his head pounding as he laid back down. Stan dabbed at the blood with the cloth, cleaning his face gently, "Crampelter had a go at you, and I couldn't put you in your bed cause you're too heavy. Now shoosh and let me help you, okay?" he said, giving Ford the glass of water and two Aspirin. Ford smiled at his brother's attempts to make him feel better. 

He was so lucky to have Stanley as his brother.


Ford woke up still on the bed, his head still on Stan's stomach as the man snored, after a quick check over himself he found the Bill hadn't taken over while he had been asleep. Finding that a little odd, Ford got out of bed and opened the curtains to let in some warmth to the chilly room. Sunlight streamed through the dirty window, bathing his face in a warm soft glow.


Ford turned his head to see his brother was now awake. "Hey Stanley," Ford said tiredly.

"Sleep okay?" Stan asked, stretching his wings out as his back popped and cracked like a glow stick. "Yes, you?" Ford asked. Stan patted the bed "Great, my back just loves this bed" he said sarcastically, "Now come here, your wings are a mess again" he said. Ford sat down, barely flinching as his brother began to preen his feathers once more. "You drooled on my shirt, Stanford" Stan grumbled. Ford chuckled quietly. "You need a good clean too. When was the last time you showered?" he asked.

"A few days ago," Stan replied.

Once he was done preening, Stan had a quick shower and Ford let him borrow his clean clothes once he was finished up. Stan grimaced at them as his twin held them out, "Don't you have anything less nerdy?" he asked as he dripped water everywhere. "No, sorry" Ford said, rolling his eyes at the look on his face. Stan sighed and got dressed, trying to make the outfit look more him, although his attempts were flawed, "Now for breakfast!" he said "Hungry?"

Ford shook his head "No, not really" he mumbled.

"Stay here while I go shopping?" Stan asked.

"No, I'll come with," Ford said, quickly taking his arm as if Stan would disappear forever if he didn't hold on. Stan smiled, his brother very clingy now he was here, and while he didn't mind it, it was getting rather upsetting to see, whatever had happened to Ford had left him mentally unstable. "Well, I need money to buy the food, and I sure as hell don't have any."

Ford made an 'oh' face and disappeared into his room, coming back with some cash. "Here, should this be enough?" he asked, passing it over. Stan riffled through it, counting quickly in his mind, "Plenty, come on then" he said, tugging on his jacket. He helped Ford with his coat. The trench coat he seemed to love so much was frayed and patched but still reasonable and wearable. He grabbed the keys and began to unlock the many locks on the front door. but, a six fingered hand grabbed his, pulling him back as he went to unlock the last three.

"S-Stop" Ford said, sounding terrified suddenly. Stan turned around to face his brother, and placed his hands on his shoulders, making Ford jump a little. "No one and I mean No one is going to hurt you, not while I'm here,."

"Prison!!??" Ford spluttered in shock.

Stan nodded. "Yup, in Colombia."

"Unbelievable!" Ford said, looking a little angry and amused, but he allowed Stan to unlock the rest of the locks and lead him outside.


The store was quiet, but thankfully open, even in the horrendously cold weather. Ford helped him gather what they needed quickly while his nerdy brother became more jumpy and nervous the longer he stayed out of the house. After paying for everything they exited the store with Ford clinging to his arm tightly. The poor man trembled as he looked around and his breathing was fast and loud, panic setting in. "It's okay Stanford, it's okay, we're almost home, just hang on, okay?" Stan reassured his brother as they got in the car.

Once home, Stanley made them breakfast. Ford picked at his, while Stanley devoured his own plateful, "I haven't had food this good since the casino buffets!" Stan said, giving Ford a smile. Ford made a small noise to show he had heard him and continued staring down at his uneaten food. "Are you going to eat? Or am I going to have to force it down your throat?"

Ford looked up and grumbled. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Then eat."

Ford stabbed a forkful of his pancakes and shoved it in his mouth, glaring at Stanley the entire time he chewed while Stan watched with amusement, "Happy now?" he asked once he had swallowed. Stan nodded "Very."

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