Chapter 1

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"Go. To. SLEEP!"
The bloodcurdling screams echoed throughout the neighborhood.
He laughed. I laughed.
Running through the rain, he finally reached the woods.
"Why, why do I have to be like this! First those bullies, now my own family?"
Jeff ran through the woods, barely stopping to catch his breath.
"Funny seeing you here."

Jeff woke with a start.
"It's ok Jeff, it's OK." Jeff said
He looked out the window. It was just dawn.
"Damn." He cursed
He had been hoping to sleep for a few more hours. But Jeff couldn't get back to sleep. Finally getting out of bed, Jeff got into his clothes. Only to have them become immediately drenched in sweat. He then realized that, he, was also drenched in sweat.
But this wasn't unusual. Most of the others had nightmares as well. Jeff was lucky not to be awake to hear the screams.
"Well, better check in with my bro." Jeff said
Opening the closet, he found a shrine. It had a picture of a dark-haired boy, about ten years old. It also held a white hoodie and a knife. The knife seemed to be covered in a red substance, like hardened blood. All of these, except for the picture, were held in a glass case with a velvet covering.
Jeff wiping a tear off his cheek, realized that his mouth healed.
"Dammit, not another thing to do."
Jeff closed the closet carefully, making sure he didn't make a sound. As he crept along the room to the door, he heard a sound. Carefully, he opened the door.
"Why the hell are you wearing a pink apron?" He said.
I'm cleaning, can't you see?" Slender man said.
Slender man was the one who took him into the mansion, he had a white, featureless face but could somehow talk with a British accent. He stood at about 10 feet tall, so most people respected him. He also has about 8 tentacles coming out of his back, but one of them seemed to have been cut in half. He was wearing a black suit and tie, and indeed was wearing a pink apron. Jeff found it rather difficult to suppress a laugh when he was staring at a rather scary man wearing a pink apron.
"Well, yeah, of course I can!" Jeff replied as a tall man stood vacuuming with one hand, and doing multiple other things with his tentacles.
"Well, then you should understand why you should leave me alone." He said, his face tensing up, with what Jeff could only make out to be a scowl.
"Yeah, sure. Now, were's sally? Or is she still sleeping?"
"She's downstairs, drawing with Masky."
"Now I get why they say I'm not a morning person..." Jeff said under his breath, because, the truth was he wasn't. But he just couldn't understand why so many people were awake at the brake of dawn.
Going down the stairs to the 1st floor, Jeff tredded carefully as to not wake Laughing Jack. He did not want to deal with him being angry, because Jack once blew up half the mansion with a kid's chemistry set.
Trending down, he saw Hoodie and Toby talking about the latest murder the did.
"And then I said, 'do you wanna die?' And he says yes! Yes I tell ya! So I go whatever and slit his throat." Toby said
"Nice, But not as nice as these teeth I took from mine!" Hoodie said, eagerly showing off a bag full of  yellowish teeth
Walking away quickly so he wouldn't be waddled into the conversation, Jeff went to the kitchen were BEN was making breakfast.
"So, what are we having today?" Jeff said, awaiting the pixelated order.
"Just some pancakes I picked up in Burger Time." BEN replied back, in a glitchy, pixelated voice.
Ben was a "glitch", but didn't really like being called that. he was dressed like link, mainly because he died at a convention. he had eyes that were entirely black except for the iris, with was a bloody red. he had a kind of black tar always leaking out of his eyes, and was very fun after you got to know him.
"Cool. And I bet Peter wasn't happy?"
"Of course. Oh, and are you up for some more Mario?"
"You know it! As long as I'm not late for my date with Lulu."
"Jeff The Killer? More like Jeff The Chick Magnet"
"Oh shut up."
Walking away with laughing in the distance, Jeff sat down on the couch to whatch some T.V to take his mind off things, he sat into something sticky.
"Oh, what the fu-" Jeff said
"Hey, hey, don't. Sally doesn't need to learn any more 'fun' words" said "Eyeless" Jack            
"Ok, sure, But why the hell are you eating on the couch?!"
"Hey, mans gotta eat his kidneys."
"first off, their not 'yours', and why the hell are you eating their? you know what Slender said would happen, don't you?"
"yeah, because he's right here"
indeed, SlenderMan was right behind the couch with his face scrunched up.
"Jack, you wouldn't happen to know why theres blood on the couch were Jeff is sitting?" SlenderMan said with a strain in his voice.
"Nothing. Except it was tasty."
Jeff quickly went outside before he got caught in the yelling.

Sitting on a log was a figure. The figure wore a black hoodie and had extremely pale skin.
"Funny seeing you out here, Jane" said Jeff.
"I could say the same thing about you." Jane said, with mock in her voice.
Jane was a girl, about 19 years old. she had skin that looked to be chalk white. She, without a doubt, very much disliked Jeff. Probably because he murdered her family, but they had come to terms though, so she was, at most, annoyed at his presence.
"So, what's wrong?"
"What are you trying to do, get me to be your girlfriend again?"
"Just wondering"
"Ugh, whatever. So I go to kill, as per usual. Then, when i go to give the finishing blow, the man says, 'NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU!' I stopped for a second, frozen, then I killed him."
"Jeff, am I that terrible that even the others don't care about me? Oh, why am I asking you for help..."
Jeff then proceeded to pat Janes back. Jeff was the worst at things like this.
"Er, there, there."
"Loser." Jeff heard Jane say under her breath.
"Hey, I know I might not be the best at things like this, but I'll just say that i care about you. I may hate your guts, and you might hate that I even exist, but if you'd die it would be Lui all over again. We're all a family. Me, you, LJ and EJ, Slender and Sally, Lulu and Nina, Toby and Masky, Hoodie and that thing,"
"You mean Momo?"
"Yeah, that."
"Heh. I guess we can agree on something.
"What?" Jeff asked.
"That that thing needs to go." Jane said.
"Welp, let's tell Slends"
"Tell him? We have more of a chance with Masky and LJ."
"True, true. But what will we do?"
"Hmmm... we could set up a date with Momo and Rake... their the same size ya know... and then after a year or so Rake proposes to her after about a year or so... they get married... move in together... have kids, hopefully we won't see what those well look like... and after a year or so we kill her and frame it on Rake! Yes... that will work..."
"Maybe, but we don't have that much time before we go insane. How about we humiliate her tell she gos away to find herself? Maybe forever..."
"How about an app?"
"No.. how about on an app?"
"Like Facebook?"
"Ooh... let's name it the Momo Challenge. Ya know, cuz it's a challenge to come up with an idea?"
"Hmmm... I've never liked even your presence on the earth... but your on the right track."
We'll start tomorrow."
And that simple 'Ok' launched it all.

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