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a/n hey i changed the cover woo idk if i like it but i needed something new

also if you guys could check out my calum story 'clerks' i would appreciate it a lot :)))

"So, Ashton and I have taken the liberty of hiding each team's flags in the woods," Calum said to the crowd of onlookers. The first Insidious movie was long over and no one really felt in the mood to watch the equally-scary seqel,  so Luke and some of the other boys Kristen and Connor recognized from the Rhinelander basketball team came up with the idea to play capture the flag in the woods. 

"Red team is going to start at the east end of the woods," Ashton instructed, "and the blue team is going to start at the west end of the woods."

"The two flags could be hidden anywhere in the eleven acres of the woods," Calum continued. "The first team to bring the opposing team's flag back to either Ashton or myself wins,"

"What are the rules?" Luke asked, crossing his arms over his stomach.

"Well, Lucas," Ashton said, "if you see a member of the opposing team, you can tag them and they'll have to come back to the house. That's basically the only rule there is,"

"But," Ashton said, "you can only tag one person at a time and you have to bring them up to the house yourself,"

"You guys have two minutes to think up a strategy before we send you off into the woods and your time starts...NOW!" Calum shouted, causing both teams, each composed of eight players, to huddle up to think of a plan.

The red team consisted of Kristen, Connor, Luke, three girls from Rhinelander's cheer squad, and two boys from their basketball team. The blue team was composed of Michael, Skylar, Madeline, two girls from the softball team, a boy from the soccer team, and two boys from the basketball team.

"So what's the plan, guys?" Connor whispered.

"Storm the beaches!" Luke whisper-yelled.

"Luke, shut up," one of the fake-blonde cheerleaders sighed, giving him a playful slap on the arm. Kristen smirked; that girl was totally into Luke and he couldn't possibly care less.

"I say we go off into pairs and search for the flag," Connor suggested.

"I don't hear any better ideas," the cheerleader said; her name might have been Carissa.

"Alright, let's split up then," Luke clapped his hands together.

"I call being with Luke!" The flirty blonde girl shrieked, wrapping her arm around Luke's. The blonde boy got a pleading look in his eyes, as if to say 'please help me.'

"Connor, be with me," Kristen pleaded.

"Alright, teams; let's get this game started!" Calum shouted.

"Blue team, that way!" Ashton pointed to the left. "Red team, that way!" Ashton pointed to the right.

Everyone's blood was pumping with adrenaline, eager to get the game started.

"Once you get to your team's end of the woods, it's a free-for-all!" Calum shouted.

Each team started to jog to their side of the woods.

"So, you look happy," Connor whispered to Kristen as they followed the pack.

"Yeah, well," Kristen shrugged.

"Like, too happy," Connor accused.

"Did something happen with you and Michael when he went to get you a drink?"

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