Im Vegito

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Vegito flies around dodging ki blast being shot by Beerus smirking as he turns around mocking Beerus.
"Come now Beerus aren't you a god all I've seen is another person itching for a fight"Vegito says mocking the god as Beerus charges a ball of energy and shots it at Vegito as it hits Vegito a portal opens behind the fusion sucking them in and closes as the fusion is sucked in.

After what feels like a few minutes Vegito wakes up onto a building and stands up looking around.
"Where on Namek am I?"Vegito asked looking around and sees a big sign
"Welcome to Vale...That's no place on earth to my knowledge"Vegito says as he flies down to the streets and starts walking around. Vegito comes across a store and opens the door and walks in and sees a red haired girl and taps her shoulder as she turns to Vegito and takes off her headphones.
"Yes can I help you"the girl asked.
"What kind of shop is this"Vegito asked crossing his arms.
"You're standing in Vale's dust shop"The girl said.
"Dust what nevermind, thanks"Vegito says as the shop door opens as some men dressed in black and one with a cane and dressed with a top hat and white coat.Two of the men come.over to the girl and Vegito.
"Okay you two hand over all the lein you have"one of the goons says aiming a gun at the two.
"Sorry no can do, now if you could kindly leave"Vegito says as one of the goons shots him.As he tries Vegito catches every bullet until the goon stopped shooting or ran out of ammo.When he stops Vegito drops the crushed bullets on the ground.
"Well then fighting way then"Vegito says as he kicks the goons out the shops window.After he does one of the goons throws a punch at Vegito as the girl blocks it with a red and black mechanical scythe throwing him out the window as well follow the goon.Vegito smiles and quickly flies out as more goons flood the area.
"Okay Who's getting thrown next"Vegito says getting into his fighting stance readying for a fight.
"Really men cant handle on weirdly dressed man and a little girl"The man said walking out.
"What's your name boy"The man asked.
"I'm Vegito and you are?"Vegito asked
"Names Torchwick and you're going to die"Torchwick says shooting a blast from.his came at Vegito.Vegito smiles as he easily sends it flying into the air.
"My god what was that Torchwick felt me show you what a blast really looks like"Vegito says as he gets in the Kamehameha stance and starts charging it.
"Ka-Me-Ha-Me...HA!!"Vegito yells as as he shoots a beam of blue energy at Torchwick.

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