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Bauchi, Nigeria.
July, 2018.

It was a grand space, to say the least. The huge mahogany table took up most of the vast space the dark, romantic room offered, left with a tablecloth. Two tall, silver candelabras commanded attention from the center of the table, holding smooth white candles whose wax never dripped.

She dropped the plates carefully and quickly ran back to the kitchen to check on desserts. Her stomach did ecstatic cartwheels as she turned her eyes upon the chocolate ice cream sundae, a ruby-red cherry perched atop the inviting drizzle of gooey syrup. Colourful sprinkles were tauntingly scattered upon the chocolate mound of goodness. Mouth foaming uncontrollably, she almost neglected to pick up her spoon as she eagerly reached for the delectable dessert. "Mmmm! Just the way he loves it." She beamed, taking the desserts out to the dinning room.

"Manha? Manha.... where's this girl?" She heard his voice from the living room. She squealed and rushed into the living room. "You're here," she exclaimed excitedly. She felt the urge to hug him. "You still haven't grown taller when I left," he teased her She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "You left for just three months, how am I supposed to grow taller before then? How am I even supposed to grow again at twenty five?" She finished talking while glaring at him. "Okay ma'am I'm sorry," he apologized, laughing. "Whatever, now come on, I cooked for you," she said leading him to the dinning room.

"I'll tell Hajiya you are here. Daddy is still at the clinic," she spoke while serving him. "Hmm! I hope I'd be able to eat this thing," he teased her again. "Captain, I'll use my slippers on you," she warned. He took his first bite, not paying attention to her threats.

He was half way through his mouth-watering dish when Maryam came back together with her mother. He kept his spoon and and rose up gently from the chair. "Mahmud, Masha Allah. You're back. How was your trip?" Mommy asked. He squatted down in respect and greeted her. He respects that woman as much as he respected his own mother before she passed away 8 years ago.

He got broken and hopeless when he lost his mother. He loved her dearly. She was his heart and soul, the closest person he had. She was his everything. Maryam stood beside him through every heart break, every tear drop and every meltdown he had. That's when he began to have feelings for her. Not just because she took care of him or she had his mother's name, but because of how she was brought up. He loved every bit about her. She only looked at him as a brother and also her best friend.

After mommy left, he continued eating till nothing was left on the plate. "Huh! Dude was hoping he would be able to eat it," she smirked. "Yeah, you know I don't want you to feel bad so I had to eat it all up. But trust me, I feel like throwing up." She glared at him and hissed. "Okay, I'm sorry. You know your cooking is the best and also my favorite... you cook just like her," he finished talking and smiled that never reached his heart. "Remember, she is in a better place, In Sha Allah. Okay?" She gave him a sweet smile. He smiled back and nodded.

"Now I have to get home, I am really tired." He sighed standing up from the chair. She stood up taking his cap and wore it. "You would make a beautiful pilot," he grinned. "Hmm, really?" She asked checking out herself from the oval shaped mirror in the dinning room. He folded his arms on his chest looking at her. She was the most astonishing girl he ever met... easy to talk to and fun to be around. There's beauty in being a good listener, someone who seeks to make connections and joy and see things from new perspectives. She had safe eyes, perhaps that's the best way to say it. She had a beauty that made those billboard-princesses look as paper thin as they are, she was something robust and real. That was his girl. He heaved a sigh, wishing she was his.

"CAPTAIN!!!" She yelled at him, clapping her hands. He blinked twice, smiling goofily and scratching the back of his head. She was used to him wondering off like that and staring at her. She handed the cap to him. "We should go out tomorrow, what do you think?" He asked as they walked outside to where his driver parked the car. "Flew a whole plane from Lagos to Japan. Flew to Greece then London and then Nigeria. You've been working nonstop for three months, and you're talking about going out tomorrow? No, no. You're going to rest the whole day. In fact you need to stay indoors for at least a week."

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