chapter 1

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Its was early morning, the cadets were wide awake and at the dining hall to receive their daily servings of bread, soup and water.

There, Annie sat alone with her companions Reiner and Bertholdt at the table eating

"Hey, Annie what exactly are you staring at?" the bulky, blonde male question, looking directly at pale blue eyed mistress

"What are you talking about?" she replied with another question and looked at him with a bothered expression on her face

"I've noticed you've been checking out that blond boy Armin over there, ever since you two got paired up for combat training the other day. What's up with that?" he pointed out, clasping his hands together and raised his eyebrow with curiosity

Annie's face soon became more serious than usual, you could tell that she was pist and thought he should have a punishment.

she gather all her strength into her foot and harshly kneecapped Reiner's leg under the table which made him jump and bang his knee against the wooden table, giving him a more aggravating pain. Then she picked up her plate and left off to Armin's table.

"Damn, her kicks hurt so much" Reiner proclaimed, holding onto his injured joint

"You were asking for it" his tall, tan friend told him, patting his back

Annie's POV

I needed to control myself, but I couldn't help to gaze at that blond nerd sitting at the table that was across the room, pecking at his bread. Today he was sitting alone and it seemed peculiar to me

'Were are Mikasa and Eren today' I thought, since he's usually with them everyday

"Hey Annie, what exactly are you staring at?"

This snapped me out of my gaze

"What are you talking about"

"I've noticed You've been checking out that blond boy Armin over there, ever since you two got paired up for combat training the other day"

Crap! I couldn't let him catch on to me, my heart was pounding insanely in my chest. I couldn't let anybody know about my secret crush on Armin, especially Reiner.

I didn't let my face show my emotions from the inside, so instead I furrowed my brows, put all my strength and stress into my foot and kicked the living hell out of him.

After that event I quickly I fled the scene and strolled over to Armin's table. I was quite anxious at first but got over it and sat down

End of Annie's POV

"Hey Annie" a youthful voice greeted her

"Hey, Armin" she replied lowly and stirred her soup in a circular motion with her spoon

"What brought you here today? you've never sat with me before" Armin proclaimed with a tilt of his head

"I can't stand those idiots over" she said

Armin laughed a little and smiled at Annie, with brought her to a light blush

"Well at least you have somebody, Eren and Mikasa aren't here this morning since they were assigned to this duty with Mr. Shadis this morning"

"So thats where they went"

"Yea, but I'm here with you Annie so I don't feel so lonely anymore" the blond boy said, scratching his cheek

Annie could feel her heart race even faster and her palms get all sweaty. This wasn't her typical self, it was Armin making her feels this way.

"So Annie, since tomorrow is our free day I was wondering if you don't have to if you don't to" he was nervous

Annie was on the edge of her seat waiting for Armins next words and right when he was about to blurt out his question Christa interrupted

"Hey Armin!" cheerful Christa said as she sat down next to the genius "Hey Annie" she waved

"Oh....hey Christa" the more serious blond said in a dim voice.

'You got to be flipping kidding me' she thought in her head though

"So Armin what are you going to for free day tomorrow" the cute little blonde asked

"Well...I haven't decided yet so...." was his response

"Oh, well then want to hang out with me tomorrow, we can go stroll through the villages and enjoy the scenery of the woods. Just us two" her voice fainted at the last part with a bit of blush on her cheeks

Annie wanted to choke Christa so bad and kill Armin if he said yes to her plans but instead she kept a straight face and didn't eat at all

"But what about Ymir, you guys are like besties" he added

"She asked me if I wanted to hangout with her and bertholdt since he invited her to go to this arcade thing but I rejected her offer" she told

"How come?" he asked, tilting his head

"Because I wanted to be wi-"

She was interrupted by the loud sound of Annie's spoon falling to the floor. Armin quickly took action and picked up her fallen utensil

"Here you go Annie" he spoke sweetly to her with a smile, looking into her pale blues eyes

Annie POV

I dropped my spoon and Armin picked it up for me but I wasn't really planning to eat I just wanted to stop Christa before she said anything else to my crush. But when Armin gave me the spoon he showed me his signature smile and look which was so cute

I could feel the warmth travel to my cheek, I think they're turning PINK!

"Uh, Annie are your cheeks turning red or is that natural" Christa questioned then Armin looking directly at me

"No, it just embarrassing that a boy had to pick up something for me when obviously I could of done it myself" I retorted then I quickly withdrew from the table and went back to my dorm where I lied flatly on my mattress

I couldn't believe I said that about Armin Arlert, my biggest crush in this whole pointless world all because of that one day me and him got paired up for hand-to-hand combat

End of Annie's POV

"So Armin do you want to hang tomorrow" the kind blonde asked politely. The sun beamed at her hair making her look like a goddess

"Your plans sound nice, so sure I'll hang with you but is it alright if I can invite Annie too?"

"The more the merrier" she giggled like a kitten in approval which made Armin blush a little

What will happen next?!
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