Chapter One: Welcome to Hell

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As the girl entered the building, being sure her security badge was fastened correctly, she took a look around. The entryway was full of children's drawing, she would admit that they looked creepy in the dim light. Quickly locking the door she decided the sooner she was in her office...the better. She continued on her way and entered the party room, to say it was small would be a lie. Tables lined the floor, and she smiled. She could almost imagine the screaming kids, the drunken Dad's laughing with a belly of beer and pizza, and the exhausted Mom's making sure their child's time there was going perfectly. Laughing softly to herself she spotted the animatronics, she gulped. Their heads were slightly down, she almost felt like they were watching her. She quickly shook the thought out of her mind, reminding herself they were probably powered down. However, as she got closer to the stage she almost gagged. It smelled like death, a smell (Y/n) was only slightly familiar with. She covered her nose and threw one more glance at them. The smell and the sight of the animatronics made her heart begin to race in her chest. As she was passing by the last table her eye caught something. She laughed softly.

"What do we have here?" She hummed as she picked the small plush up. It was of a cupcake, one that matched Chica's. She glanced at Chica and her cupcake and smiled. "Hm...let's call you...Carlton Von Cupcake...or Carl for short." She said as she continued on her way to the office. With the cupcake, she didn't feel so alone or creeped out. As she sat in her chair she glanced at the time. 11:58. Two minutes to spare. She had recalled the owner informing her to be early, not on time, not late, but early. She didn't know why but she trusted him. After all she wouldn't want to tick off her new boss. She needed this to get away from Marcus. Just as her thoughts drifted off, a bell chimed. She blinked. Are we in School again? She thought. She shook her head at the thought. Before she could do anything, the phone rang nearly startling the poor girl. She picked it up.

"Hello?" She asked, the voice on the other end was so loud she had to hold the phone from her ear.

"Hello? Hello? Uh, I wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled in on your first night. Um, I actually worked in that office before you. I'm finishing up my last week now, as a matter of fact. So, I know it can be a bit overwhelming, but I'm here to tell you there's nothing to worry about. Uh, you'll do fine. So, let's just focus on getting you through your first week. Okay?" The man on the phone spoke, and she smiled. How nice and thoughtful, though I do not see how this could be overwhelming. She giggled as she continued to listen. "Uh, let's see, first there's an introductory greeting from the company that I'm supposed to read. Uh, it's kind of a legal thing, you know. Um, "Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. A magical place for kids and grown-ups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life. Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for damage to property or person. Upon discovering that damage or death has occurred, a missing person report will be filed within 90 days, or as soon property and premises have been thoroughly cleaned and bleached, and the carpets have been replaced." (Y/n)'s blood ran cold at that. Death?! Why would anyone die here?! She thought as her heart began to pound and her thoughts went to the smell she smelt just a few minutes prior and her heart hammered hard in her chest.

"Blah blah blah, now that might sound bad, I know, but there's really nothing to worry about." He continued, and she breathed out in relief. Maybe she was overreacting. "Uh, the animatronic characters here do get a bit quirky at night, but do I blame them? No. If I were forced to sing those same stupid songs for twenty years and I never got a bath? I'd probably be a bit irritable at night too. So, remember, these characters hold a special place in the hearts of children and we need to show them a little respect, right? Okay." She blinked, Quirky? But they're powered down? She thought as she gripped Carl a little tighter. "So, just be aware, the characters do tend to wander a bit. Uh, they're left in some kind of free roaming mode at night. Uh...Something about their servos locking up if they get turned off for too long." She cried out in surprise.

"They ROAM AROUND?!" She practically screamed, standing up, the chair flying behind her. Her breathing began to pick up. And she tried to will her heart to calm down. Maybe she was overreacting, maybe there was nothing to worry about. "Uh, they used to be allowed to walk around during the day too. But then there was The Bite of '87. Yeah. I-It's amazing that the human body can live without the frontal lobe, you know?" That was it. This guy had to be yanking her chain. "Uh, now concerning your safety, the only real risk to you as a night watchman here, if any, is the fact that these characters, uh, if they happen to see you after hours probably won't recognize you as a person. They'll p-most likely see you as a metal endoskeleton without its costume on. Now since that's against the rules here at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, they'll probably try to...forcefully stuff you inside a Freddy Fazbear suit. Um, now, that wouldn't be so bad if the suits themselves weren't filled with crossbeams, wires, and animatronic devices, especially around the facial area. So, you could imagine how having your head forcefully pressed inside one of those could cause a bit of discomfort...and death. Uh, the only parts of you that would likely see the light of day again would be your eyeballs and teeth when they pop out the front of the mask, heh."

If anyone had been around to see the girl, they might have been worried. Her usual (s/c) had paled considerably and she nearly wanted to cry. This guy was actually being serious? Impossible, she wouldn't believe him. She slowly pulled the chair back towards her and sat down. "Y-Yeah, they don't tell you these things when you sign up. But hey, first day should be a breeze. I'll chat with you tomorrow. Uh, check those cameras, and remember to close the doors only if absolutely necessary. Gotta conserve power. Alright, good night." The call ended, and she took a deep breath. This was all a joke, she laughed nervously as she picked up the tablet. She powered it on and flipped the camera to the show stage. Her nervous laughter caught in her throat as she immediately noticed...that..the big, cute, and purple bunny...was gone....

"No! Dammit Bonnie! No, no, no," She cried out in horror, "go back! GO BACK!" She was nearly hyperventilating as she flipped through the cameras. Finally, she located him in the storage room. The breath she had not realized she had been holding as she stared in terror at the bunny who was too close to the camera released. She wanted to cry as she stared at the image. But at least, he wasn't near her...yet. She let out a whimper as she cuddled Carl closer. "This...was supposed to be my escape from Marcus.." She whispered, "But I've exchanged one hell for another..."

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