Chapter Twenty Seven: Heartbreak

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The night had gone very smoothly after the power ran out, and Bonnie got his punishment. Everyone gathered and played hide and seek, except Bonnie. He was in "time out" as Freddy had called it. Goldie seemed to be the master at hide and seek effectively winning each and every round. (Y/n) was unsure if she was going to even be able to play as she did not have their ability to see in the dark. Freddy had been kind to give her a flashlight, though it was hard for her to find them because they could see her coming. When six hit and the lights came back on she bid her goodbyes. Goldie walked her to the door and they held each other for a long moment.

"Please be safe." Goldie whispered softly as he kissed the top of her head. (Y/n) nodded.

"Promise! Love you!" She said as she kissed him. With a wave, the (h/c) haired girl went to her car. She couldn't wait to come back. Each day she spent with Goldie only made her more eager to see him.

Vincent sat on the couch, glancing at the clock. His brows furrowed, he was beginning to grow worried. (Y/n)'s shift had ended a few hours ago. He tried to dismiss it, after all she might have went to get groceries. They had food still, but they were low on some supplies. But he couldn't help the bad feeling that something had happened, he hoped that the animatronics hadn't gotten her. After all, he really wanted to get to know her a little more. He sighed in frustration, he should not be caring one bit. His phone ringing startled him, groaning he looked at the caller I.D. His blood ran cold, it was Scott and Scott never called. He picked up the phone, "Hello? Uh, yeah. Why?" Vincent listened closely, jumping to his feet. He grabbed his keys and was rushing to the door. "Got it. I'm on the way."

(Y/n) got into her car, humming happily. She was in quite a good mood and her mind wandered to Vincent. That was right! She had to make him a good breakfast. She decided on omelets and waffles, knowing he didn't have to work today he could enjoy the bigger breakfast. (Y/n) thought for a moment, they were out of some things and she definitely needed the ingredients to make the homemade waffles. Hoping Vincent would sleep in she headed to the store. Once there she gathered the few items and checked out. Once the car was loaded she began the drive home.

She was a few miles away, sitting at a red light at a four way intersection. Her fingers tapped impatiently at the steering wheel, and the light finally flashed green. Pressing on the gas, she had entered the middle of the intersection when she heard screeching tires. Whipping her head looking to her left she barely had time to register the large truck slamming into her driver side door. The sound of crunching metal and shattering glass was all she heard as everything went black.

Vincent practically ran into the hospital, he made his way to the front desk. "(Y/f/n)(Y/L/n), where is she?" Vincent was out of breath, as the nurse typed in the name. Her smiling face quickly turned to one of sympathy.

"I'm sorry sir, she is currently in surgery. If you go onto the second floor, left wing, you'll find the waiting rooms. I'll let the surgeon know you are here." She said as she picked up a phone. Vincent didn't even say thank you before bolting to the stairs. He did not have time for the elevator, he quickly ran up them taking two by two. Being tall it wasn't very hard for him. Entering the second floor, he made his way to the described waiting room. There he saw Scott and Fritz, that meant Mike had taken the shift. Fritz looked absolutely distraught.

"How is she?" Vincent asked, and Scott shook his head.

"We don't know, she has been in there for about thirty minutes." Scott spoke softy, and Vincent forced himself to sit down. Fritz had seemed slightly shocked to see Vincent there, but didn't say anything. Fritz was only thinking of how he was going to manage to tell Goldie. Especially should the poor girl die.

Five long excruciating hours passed before a surgeon walked out, there were several other families and everyone's eyes turned to him. The man however looked at the three males and headed towards them. Vincent felt his heart race, the surgeon showed no sign of emotion so Vincent could not read him. "Would you please follow me." The male said, leading them down the hallway and into a small nicely decorated room with couches and chairs. Vincent held his breath, as he recognized this room. When his Mom had passed, they brought them into a room like this. They all sat down and the surgeon sighed.

"Surgery went well." He said, and Vincent nearly cried out in relief. Fritz however, had cried out. And Scott breathed out in relief. "She has multiple fractures on the left side of her body. It's going to take a while to heal, and she will probably need around the clock care. You're her brothers I assume?"

"Practically." Fritz spoke.

"Alright, well I am not sure of her current living arrangements but she will need someone to stay with her." The surgeon said, "She will be admitted here for a few days to ensure everything goes well."

"I live with her, so I have no problem taking care of her." Vincent spoke, "Granted I will have to take care of things at work." He finished, glancing at Scott. Scott nodded.

"I'll take care of that, Fritz and I will head there now. We will be back once we get everything figured out." Scott spoke, tapping on the red haired males shoulder signaling to follow. The surgeon nodded, and looked to Vincent. He gave him (Y/n)'s room number, and told him they would be bringing her there shortly. Nodding, he decided to drive the short distance to their now shared home and get some of her stuff.

Fritz walked into the pizzeria and into the office, Mike breathed in relief. "Everything alright?" He asked. Fritz nodded.

"Why don't you take a break, I've got this." Fritz assured and Mike nodded. Getting up, the male left to head outside to smoke a cigarette. Fritz grabbed the tablet and flipped through the cameras he knew would grab Goldie's attention. The pattern worked and Goldie appeared.

"Fritz, I knew you loved me, but damn the pizzeria is packed." Goldie chuckled, but upon seeing Fritz's face Goldie became anxious. His friend looked distraught. "What happened?" Goldie asked slowly, unsure if he truly wanted to hear it.

"Goldie, you should sit down." Fritz spoke softly and carefully. Goldie normally would have argued, but the seriousness in his voice made him listen and he sat on the desk.

"What is it?" Goldie asked, urgency in his voice. Fritz took a deep breath, flipping through his phone before stopping on a picture that made his heart ache. He showed the male. Goldie's eyes widened as he looked at the picture of the twisted vehicle. He felt sick. "Is she..?" Goldie felt his eyes beginning to burn.

"I haven't seen her. Scott grabbed me before I came in this morning. Apparently a large truck ran a red light, struck her door. She spent six hours in surgery. The surgeon said she will be fine. Goldie, she won't be able to come here for a while." Fritz spoke honestly and Goldie couldn't stop the tears. He was so distraught, thinking of the pain she could be in. He was relieved she would be okay, but he was also scared that she wouldn't be able to come back. Fritz moved and hugged his friend, it was strange seeing Goldie this way.

"She'll be okay, and I'll be taking over night shift. When she is doing a little better I promise I will bring her here to visit okay?" Fritz said, hoping to console his sobbing friend. After a bit Goldie calmed down and nodded.

"Please bring her as soon as you're able." Goldie spoke, "I...I'd like to be alone." And he was gone.

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