The Tournament Begins!

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Episode(s): 19

"So, they are now doing it with 50 pounds turtle shells?" asked Chisa as she placed some of the food for dinner on the table.

"So, it would seem," said Roshi as he rubbed his beard in thought. "It might only be a matter of time before I give them 100 pounds."

"We're back!" said Goku and Krillin as they walked into the house.

"Great! Food is almost done! Go ahead and clean up!" said Chisa as she walked back into the kitchen to help Launch.

As the boys went to clean up, Chisa and Launch brought the rest of the food to the table where Roshi was waiting.

"It looks good!" said Goku with a smile.

"It does!" said Krillin as everyone sat down.

"Thank you for the food!" said everyone as they started eating.

As they ate, Roshi, Launch, and Chisa stopped to watch as the boys inhaled their food.

"Wow," said Chisa as they ended up finishing all the rice, forcing Launch to get the rest of it from the kitchen. 'It's a good thing we made a lot!'

"Where's Master Roshi?" asked Krillin, causing the other two kids to look around.

"Who knows?" said Chisa as Launch came back with the giant bowl of rice.

Launch placed the bowl of rice on the table, only for the table to break and fall on top of Roshi, who had been under it.

"Master Roshi!" said Krillin in shock,

"Old-man, the bathroom's that way," said Goku as he pointed toward the bathroom.

"Grandpa, what were you doing?" asked Chisa with a dark look, causing Roshi to break out in a sweat.

~A Few Months Later~

"Master Roshi! Master Roshi! Come here!" yelled Goku as he ran into the house.

"What is it?" asked Roshi as he, Launch, and Chisa ate ice cream.

"Just come, just come! Hurry, hurry!" yelled Goku in excitement.

"What's going on?" asked Roshi as Goku pulled him out of the house. Chisa fallowed the pair.

They ran until they reached the rock that Master Roshi told them to move.

"IS there something the matter with this boulder?" asked Roshi as they stopped in front of Krillin.

"We can move the boulder now!" said Krillin in excitement.

"Watch this!" said Goku as he got ready to push.

"Y-You don't mean it!" said Roshi in shock as Chisa smiled.

Goku started to push. At first, it seemed like he wouldn't be able to do it, but he managed to move it a good couple of feet. Roshi was in shock while Chisa grinned.

"That's great, Goku!" said Chisa with a smile. Krillin then ran to the boulder.

"I'll do it next! I can't move it as much as Goku, but still," said Krillin as he began to move the boulder. He moved it, just not as much as Goku had.

"Great job, Krillin!" said Chisa, causing said boy to blush.

"See!? Now you'll teach us fighting styles, right?" asked Goku in excitement.

"N-Not too shabby, huh?" said Roshi as he cleaned of his sweat. 'I was joking about moving that boulder, but, just like Chisa, these two are remarkable.'

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