Chapter 10

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It was an odd feeling for Percy when he realized he no longer relied on music to breathe for him. He was honestly a little bored with the music he listened to now because he no longer felt the same feeling as discovering a new song or band. Those bands had been discovered and there didn't seem to be anything left.

He slammed his laptop closed in frustration and leaned back. Nico was supposed to be coming over soon and with his mom and Paul out of the house on a date he could do anything he wanted.

He had thought about sleeping with Nico, but he didn't want to push it right now. He wanted to get to know Nico better. Not just kissing, but actual talking. He wanted to know why Nico's favorite color was his favorite color and what his favorite shirt was.

Percy "fixed" his hair. Jason, who had been helping set up poked his head in the room.

"The living room's set up." Jason winked and Percy glared at him.

"I thought I told you! We aren't that far in the relationship yet! If you planted anything in that room and I find it I swear I will murder you."

The blonde pouted. "Aww, but Perseus, I'm just preparing you for what lies ahead. You've never gotten more than a hand job from Annabeth, you don't know what the real thing even is. You-"

Percy chucked a pillow at his head. "I've already had to suffer through one awkward talk with Paul, you're not going to be the next. Now leave, would you, before Nico gets here?"

Jason chuckled and a few seconds later Percy heard the door to the apartment click shut.

He nervously waited for Nico to show up, fidgeting ever so slightly with his shirt and wondering whether to go change.

Annabeth had never made his this nervous before, and the feeling in his stomach made him feel sick.

Percy looked up suddenly and wondered if maybe he had just forgotten to turn on a light of if he was just getting bad again.

The rain pounded against the windows, threatening to break them and he had a sudden curiosity of what it would feel like to sit on the window-sll seven stories up.

He ran to his bedroom and opened the large window that sat above his bed, and shoved it hopen. Almost instantly, rain and sleet started to come into my bedroom, but god did the city look beautiful down there.

Percy shoved one leg out, and then the other and stared down at the streets below, wondering who coudl see him at this time.

He could hear some shouting from some people who may have spotted him, but he felt free, and to Percy this was exhilarating.

And then he hrealized that he was in complete control of his life in that moment. Right then and there Percy could decide whether he wanted to live or not, and no one could change that.

Percy swung his legs so that his heels bounced off the side of the building and felt his stomach drop as he almost slipped over the edge, but caught himself.

He sat there for a few more minutes, barely catching the, "Please step off the ledge, youn gman," from the police officers and laughing at the small blow up mattress that would do absolutely nothing to catch his falling corpse if he did actually decide to jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Two arms wrapped around his waist, yanking Percy back inside the apartment. Nico's arms were shaking around him and his breathing was shallow and angry in my ear.

"What the fuck Percy? You told me you've been getting better! I pulled you out of a fucking swimming pool! Thank fucking god you left the door unlocked."

Percy turned to face Nico, and he realized he had never seen Nico angry before. Sure, he'd seen him mad, but never like this. Worry creased his eyebrows, and tears threatened to spill out of his beautiful brown eyes.

That's when what Percy had almost done hit him, and tears were streaming down his face and his arms could barely hold my body up.

Nico pulled Percy close to him, all traces of anger gone from his eyes.

"Please don't ever do that again. You scared me. You could have-could have-"

And then the emotional barrier Percy had had up for so long crumbled and a sob ripped through his chest.

Nico shut the window and sat back down next to his boyfriend, pulling him close again.

"Hey, hey, you'll be alright, okay? I want to show you that you're worth fighting for."

"I kn-know, but I just-sometimes I want to know what it would feel like to kill myself and I can't help it."

The scary look on his boyfriend's face melted and his voice shook.

"I know how you feel."

Percy's face turned upwards to Nico's and he tried to wipe the tears off with the inside of his wrist.

"You do?"

Nico froze and frowned. "Y-yeah, I mean, teenage angst and unhappiness, who hasn't?"


Nico pressed a kiss to Percy's wet lips to divert him. Percy leaned up into the kiss, making NIco smile.

"Hey, you're going to be okay, okay? Tell me next time you feel something like this."

"Yeah, yeah I will."

"Let's get up. Let's get away from the window. Let's just-"

Percy nodded numbly and let Nico pull him up.

He walked out to the couch and let Nico fuss and fawn over him until it got dark out and his dad started wondering where he was.

Percy listened to the rain fall from the sky and his stomach felt sick with confusion. He didn't think he could give Nico what he wanted, or make him happy. Nico had never opened up to him, and he had opened up to him many times. It felt unfair and unrequited.

He just didn't feel right, about anything.

Percy's head snapped towards the door as it opened and he smiled at his parents.

"Hey mom, hey Paul, I was just going to bed."

"Okay, how was your night with Nico?"

"It was...good. He left about an hour ago."

Percy sighed as his mothers lips brushed his cheek and Paul patted him on the shoulder, and found it hard to believe that just hours ago if he had twitched one muscle he might not even be here for his mother to kiss.

And then it was just him sitting there alone in the dim light of the living room, and his heartbeat roared in his ears.

It All Happened On a Tuesday Night (Percico Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now