Chapter 6

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Nico's parents weren't home when Percy and Nico got there. Percy was in awe by the size of the house. It was huge and dark looking, which was only fitting because of the whole funeral home thing.

Nico's bedroom followed suite, and was just as dark as the rest of the house.

He flopped down on the bed and Percy immediately noticed the box of cigarettes inside the open drawer of Nico's bedside table.

"Do you?" He motioned to the cigarettes and Nico shrugged.

"Not often. They help calm me down sometimes. I used to a lot, you know, hard times."


Then he smiled at Percy. "Do you? You can have one if you want." He shook the box in Percy's direction. The other boy shook his head and settled down on the end of the bed.

Nico continued on, replacing the cigarettes in the open drawer and shutting it with a snap. "How are things going for you? You know..."

"When did you first know you were gay?" Percy blurted out, and instantly flushed at his own words. Nico, however, didn't seem at all embarrassed by it.

"I don't know. I just knew, you know? I was never really interested in girls for that matter, and the first real crush I ever remember having was on a boy I considered my hero. I didn't want to accept it at first because I grew up in an area where that wasn't exactly accepted, but my sister didn't seem to care, and my dad helped me figure out who I was. I mean, he hasn't always been around so it was hard for me to talk to him, but he tries, and that's what counts, right?" Nico leaned back on the black silk sheets and closed his eyes.

"Why did it bother you that you were gay?"

"Percy, not all of us have had accepting friends that have loved us unconditionally. From where I'm from, if I had come out as gay there...I might as well been as good as dead. Things are better now. They have been for a while. I'm okay, dad's okay, Hazel's okay,,,the point is, it doesn't bother me anymore. And if you think you are, or bi or pan or a or any of those, it shouldn't bother you either. Like I said, you have good friends. They'll accept you, I'm sure of it."

"Well...I don't know if I'm gay or any of those things. I'm not even familiar with like 99% of all of the possible sexual orientations out there, But I do think I like this guy. I just broke up with my girlfriend, but I don't know. I just like him for him. The only reason I really dated Annabeth was because people wanted us together."

Nico nodded. "Tell me about this guy you like. Maybe I can help you."

Percy flushed again, and Nico decided he liked the way the color red tinged the other boy's face.

"Well," he began. "He's nice as far as I know, and he's beautiful too. He makes my heart go all fluttery when he looks at me, and he has a nice smile. I like how he's open and comfortable with himself."

Nico nodded. "I know how you feel. I wasn't completely rejected by the guy I liked, but he had a girlfriend and a happy life and I didn't want to intrude. I eventually moved on and got a boyfriend and broke up with him, and got a new one. Life works like that, you know? I dumped him too before I got here, but yeah, I think I like someone too."

"Yeah? Who?"

Nico threw a fluffy pillow at Percy's head. "If I told you it would take all the fun out of it!"

"And what fun is that?"

"I can teach you sometime if you come to a club with me."

"A club? Don't you have to be twenty one?" Percy's innocent green-blue eyes that never settled on one color stared across at Nico as he chuckled.

"Percy! My dad is loaded! I don't go out a lot, but I used to. I used to be one screwed up motherf*cker. I was addicted to all types of escape. I did drugs and drank until my dad finally flew me out to L.A. for therapy and counseling. Now I'm okay. That phase is behind me."

Percy's eyes widened. Nico smiled lightly.

"You're a virgin, aren't you?"

A hot blush spread up Percy's face as it had been doing a lot recently.

"Have you even ever had your first kiss?"


"With a boy?"

"No," Percy replied softly. He stared long and hard at the perfect pink lips of Nico and felt a tugging inside his stomach. His stomach muscles tightened and his brain nearly shut down from confusion.

Was he gay? Was he? He had been so sure for so long that he was into girls, but now? Maybe he was bisexual.

Percy could barely sleep that night. A week passed and he was still uneasy about this whole situation. He and Nico took turns at each other's houses every few days, and everytime Percy was left with a frustrated feeling.

Three days later Nico invited him over again.

And there they sat in his bedroom again, a trig textbook open and frustrated groans coming from Percy while his brain puked numbers onto the paper.

Nico was typing his English essay out on a fancy looking laptop on his bed, and Percy was having a hard time focusing on his math with Nico biting his lip that way.

What if Nico didn't like him back?

Nico noticed him staring and blinked down at him with his large brown eyes.

"I've never kissed a boy before," Percy said. His brain was on overdrive and his body felt hot and awkward.

"I know, you told me last week." Nico looked confused, and something animalistic overcame Percy.

"I want to change that."

"I can help you get a boy if you want."

"What if I wanted to kiss you?" Nico's laptop snapped shut and something devious glinted in his eyes.

"I'd let you. Why do you think I keep inviting you over? I like you Percy, and I want to help you be happy."

Percy had forgotten completely about being happy or unhappy. Nico had been the only thing running through his brain for the last week or so, and he had definitly decided that if he was attracted to Nico.

Percy crawled up onto the bed and leaned on the headboard next to Nico.

Nico stared deeply into Percy's blue eyes and sighed. "Are you sure you want this? I don't want to force you to do anything."

"More than anything." And with that Percy closed the gap between their faces, a familiar feeling of pressure against his lips. Nico leaned off the headboard and Percy thought he had never experienced a kiss like this before. Nico smelled overwhelmingly like vanilla and he tasted sweet, like he had just been eating pomegranites. His thin black t-shirt was hiding the lean muscled body he wanted to touch so badly, but that would be too far.

Nico's tongue swiped across his bottom one causing shivers to run down his spine as he opened his lips in a moan. His tongue rolled across Nico's, hitting nerves he never even knew existed and sending Percy into a world of bliss. Nico's hands ran up his shirt and his nails dug into his shoulder blades.

To Percy, not even narcotics could cause this much bliss.

When they broke apart Percy's lips were swollen and Nico didn't think he'd ever seen the other boy look so beautiful.

"That was-" He said breathlessly.

"I know," Percy finished for him.

By the time Percy was heading home, he had a couple bruises on his neck his mother would give him that look about, but wouldn't say anything further. They hadn't gone very far, because they both didn't want to push it, but it was enough for Percy.

His lips were bleeding and chapped, but he didn't care. The only thing he could think about was Nico. Nico, Nico, Nico, Nico, Nico.

Being with Annabeth had never felt like this, no. This was...this was truly heaven on earth.

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