chapter 30

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A knock resounded from outside the door and skye huffed in struggle of sitting upright in bed. The weakness from last two days hadn't dissipated and she was almost tired of fighting this fever that had already took quite a time to break free.

Permitting a person to come in, she saw one of the maids that usually come to carry her meals appeared from behind the door and swiftly made her way in. Skye's eyes squinted in confusion because it wasn't  time of meal, in fact the dusk arrived just few minutes ago and there seemed to be still some traces of the breaking of daylight that was enveloping the skye, making the blue umbrella like scene prominent.

"Milady, if you are feeling better, prince Raine would like to see you in the back garden." Maid stated while looking at the floor.

Skye's brows creased as to why he suddenly wanted her outside the confines of his chambers for she never experienced anything like this since the moment she were brought here. If she remembered clearly, he hadn't shown up after that couple of nights ago when he was tending to her fever.

But maids kept coming and delivering meals and taking care of her fever without skipping once as if they were given strict orders to not let her skip a meal at any cost.

Skye looked up at the maid again to find her waiting for her answer,"is there anything important that I should be aware of?" Skye tried to pry off to ease the growing concern.

"Nay, milady. You do not have to worry. It's safe in here for you." With that the maid clamped her mouth shut leaving skye still unanswered properly.

Skye opened her mouth to ask the maid to atleast tell her what was the matter or the reason why all of a sudden prince wanted her in the garden knowing she was weak state and not fully recovered from her illness but then decided against it.

She got up, taking her cloak and draping it over her shoulders, she followed the maid to where prince waited.


She shuddered as the chilly wind swooshed past her, leaving her hot body in an icy frenzy. It might not be that cold outside but due to the remaining claws of her persistent fever, she felt extra vulnerable to the surrounding.

The dark was slowly enveloping the dark and due to all the brightness of lanterns that were lit in line on both sides and on the ceilings, making the castle brighten up as if trying to be compatible with sunlight, it was hard to find stars on the sky. It seemed like all the stars were hidden behind the darkness in order to give privacy to the scene that was about to unravel.

Skye didn't realize when maid had left because as she stepped in a garden which was half lit by the lanterns hanging on the other side of castle's wall and half plunged in darkness. She could see flowers surrounding the entire garden and she inhaled deeply wafting in the beautiful and comforting scents that were mixed together to create euphoria.

She watched closely at the flowers at the entrance and her eyes widened with surprise to see that every flower had multiple shades. She bent down to caress a white flower that was complementing her attire and noticed in awe the beautiful purple, red and brown strips running throughout the white background colour of that flower.

"I take that you find the sight of flowers pleasing, milady." The slight lilt of the voice in the end made her aware of the familiar presence behind her and she groaned inwardly to leave the sight of flowers momentarily but stood up to face him nonetheless.

He appeared from the other dark side of the garden, clad in long black coat with collars whisked upright creating swirling shadows that covered his face around jaws leaving sharp grey eyes that looked steely taking superiority over the dull darkness looming around them.

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