chapter 34

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Prince was sat on the dining table along with king and other royal members while servants and maids stood patiently aside, ready to assist in case any need arises. Prince had been extra quiet and king decided to confront his son once the supper is over.

A guard burst through the doors in hurry and bowed immediately in front of everyone. King's eyebrows creased together at the abruptness in guard's stature and waited for him to straighten and state the reason.

"My apologies, my liege, " he muttered, straightening his back up, getting everyone's attention by now," there is something I want to inform you."

"Go ahead." The curt nod of king encouraged him.

Guard ran a glance over every member and then cleared his throat,"there is a crowd of people in the outskirts of the castle that are on the movement of getting justice for commander Leon. "

Different pairs of eyes stuck on the face of king as the ears perched up to hear the king's opinion about this matter.

"How exactly do they intend to seek justice?" King asked.

"the word has been circulating around the state that people are not quite satisfied with the measurements taken on the execution of commander by king Gregor and want you to equalize the matter by taking equally harsh decision." Guard replied casting his eyes downwards as the onslaught of stares turned his way.

Rage flared up inside prince as he heard all of this silently. The sharpness of her fingers still lingered on his cheeks since the moment he fled from his own chambers. But even here that commander's soul stubbornly followed him lingering around him as if on a personal mission to torture him inside out.

"And why haven't I been informed earlier about the intentions of masses?" King asked while standing up fro bus seat followed by everyone else in the dining hall.

Prince hurried towards the window and sounds of everyone's conversation muffled in the background and swept the curtain away to peer through the window.

A huge mass of people was swarming towards the castle gates holding their huge wooden stakes atop which their lanterns were hanging to glow on their angry faces. Orange lights mirrored the red oozing out of their expressions and after every once in a while a cry left from their leader and everyone joined him in agreement asking for justice.

A groan erupted from his throat and he sensed king reaching over his shoulder to analyze the number of people in the crowd which no doubt was huge by the amount of area lit on the ground. It covered vast amount of field that was hidden under their feet in the darkness of the evening.

King turned around towards everyone in the hall and leveled his gaze,"make arrangements for I want to directly have conversation with these people."
He could see the royal members' posture stiffening as guard parted his lips to protest but not before prince around around to prevent this ridiculous idea which would certainly put king's life to danger.

"This is not safe, father. I wouldn't agree to your decision. "

King turned around to match his stern gaze with concerned one of prince, " this is necessary my son. How are we supposed to neglect their concerns and sit inside just to wait for them to departure ?"

"Prince is right in this matter, my liege. One of us could go there and try to handle the situation." One of the royal members uttered taking a chance.

"Yes my liege, its dangerous to go among those people. Who knows what's their true agenda and what kind of weapons they might have dug inside their cloaks to attack." Agreed another.

King shook his head as if their notions seemed ridiculous to him in every way,
"Whatever the consequences, I'm not leaving my people put there in the dark for rotting the entire night and go back with heavy hearts." King declared and before anyone could protest further , hurried out of the dining hall.


"What is this commotion outside." Skye's weak voice didn't go unnoticed by the maid who was adjusting the plates and dishes on the table for supper.

A wave of worry erupted on maid's expressions and she peered up to find skye intently analyzing her face through blurry eyes that encompassed red stripes scattered around her brown orbs in disorientation.

"People are out to seek out justice for their commander." She replied meekly knowing how sensitive the mention of commander is in front of skye.

"Justice!" Skye repeated absent mindedly and didn't notice the stray tear leaking out of her eye betraying her like everyone else these days, like her fate.

A huge uproar erupted and their heads flew towards the balcony and before another blink of an eye, she reached to the balcony door, sliding it aside, shortly joined by maid on her back.

Maid gasped at her ear as Skye's heart lurched up in her throat in fear. Something was not quite right. There were cries erupting everywhere louder than before and the lanterns were clashing to one another as people disintegrated in the crowd, bewildered.

"What's happening?" Skye asked anxiously and leapt ahead to hold the railing tight and tried to make sense of the situation.

Skye felt the pair of hands trying to hold her back,"Its better you stay inside milady, I dont think it's a good idea to be out and about." Maid's scared voice struck her earlobes but going unnoticed nonetheless.

"My king!"

There was this distinct cry from the corner of the crowd near the double doors of the castle and the shouts that permeated afterwards erupted a chaos around. Both of them could see soldiers and royal members gushing towards one spot crying out king's name and people were fleeing around and some trying to forcefully make their way to where she assumed king was.

Something must have happened.skye thought.

Maid stiffened behind her as if sensing the same thing and this time skye could sense maid's beating hard drumming loudly inside her chest creating extreme vibration at Skye's back.

Without warning, maid gripped Skye's forearm and scurried her back inside with trumbling lips leaving skye frightened as to what had just happened in the crowd.

A loud beating on the door made them both stiffen and halt midway and then a guard appeared who quickly fixed his gaze upon maid," hurry, your presence is required down there in the commotion. "

"W-what happened?" Maid asked collecting her skirts as she hurried towards the guard.

"The king had been murdered in the attack."


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