Cute? Weird? AND HELP!!

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*Sallie's P.O.V.*

I had walked up to my room and said good-bye to my little ninjas, I  had to admit, I was scared. I didn't know how to feel, the whole situation was a little scary. I didn't know who to trust and who not to.

I made my way down stairs from my plain white room. 5 guys were sitting in the lounge, talking. I decided to eavesdrop just a little.

The one with curly hair was yelling at the others... I could oly make out some words like, why- her- done-end... that's all I could here. Then he stormed out of the house. I slowly walked down the stairs, scared they might blow up at me. I stand there in the lounge room, the blonde one had his head in his hands propped on his knees... Side note: Learn names soon! The curly one was gone, the one with the black quiff was no where to be seen. The one who had brown hair and matching eyes was watching... Toy Story? Then the last one was sleeping, I think. I cleared my throte making it obvious I was there. All heads shot up at me. I started at them and they stared right back. 

 "Um, right. I... uh" I was cut off by the one who I thought was sleeping.

"Hi! I'm Louis!"

"Uh, hi Louis, I'm, uh, Sallie."

"We know silly! I'm Liam and that there..." He was pointing to himself then the blondie "... Is Niall... Nice to meet you, we are excited to have a sister around here" He jumped up offering me his hand. I didn't take it, I was honestly scared. I was probably shaking!


 "It's okay, I don't, uh... I mean.. Uhg! I don't know this is new what am I supposted to think? I mean wasn't there five of you? I know one guys blew up and went out! What was his problem? Oh! I know his problem! It's me isn't? It just seems I can't make anyone happy, I mean I obviously am disrupting some guys bonding time! I'm just a burden!" With that I ran upstairs. I jumped onto my bed and looked at the ceiling.

 I herd a knock at the door and groaned. "Come in!" I don't want visitors, but it's there house I'm burdening. They are nice to let me stay here so why not?

 The blonde one now known as Niall came and sat at the edge of my bed, I felt the bed dip down. I sat up and looked Niall straight in the eyes. 

 "Sorry about Harry, he's just used to having all the guys around. He'll warm up to you" Curly has a name!

  "Huh, Thanks. Sorry about the blow up down there. I've moved so much and it's scary every time. I don't know who to trust and who not to. I'm like some toy that moms yell at their children to share.... what am I to you?" I don't know if I wanted to hear the answer but, I needed to know.

  "I guess to some of us you aare a sister." He gave me a smile and walked out leaving me by my self. What did he mean to SOME of us? What am I to SOME of them... did Harry just consider me a burden on his life? Is that what I am? Yes.

                                            *2 hours and a lot of thinking later*

  Liam and the other ran to the store leaving me to get used to the place and check it out alone. I decided to take a walk. I grabbed my jacket and red converse and headed out the door.

                                *1/2 hour later*

  I walked up to the door of the very, very large house. The boys wern't home yet. Liam told me that Niall likes food and he never goes shopping. That ought to be fun  watching the cute little guy run around like the little hungry leprucon he is. Wait, what? What did I just call him? Did I call him cute? Nah, forget it!

  I grabbed the door handle and tried to open the door... shit, locked! "Gah!!!!" I didn't care who herd me.. now I do need my cute little Irish man! SALLIE!!! Stop that!

  I need to quit talking to myself! I sat un the bench outside of the house odly enought it faced away from the street and faced the house, maybe people ally like their house? I would see why! I herd the cars pass me but then one came to a stop. I felt hads grab me and take me. I started to scream and thrash......


Cliffy!!! Hey I hope you guys like this! I hope you keep reading and tell you friends about it and you brothers and sister and parents and cats and dogs and local hobos! Please stay awesome and Vote. Comment. and Fa. I read all your comments and smile at them! I love you guys and the support! The more you vote comment and fan the faster I update! 

People ask whay I do that and other writers it's because then we know people are reading and like the story and not just writing for no reason so please please please do fan vote and comment! It makes my day !!!!! Love yous! My potatoes!

~Jaeda <3 xxx

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