- for an end -

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I will end this

End my suffering
End my life...

I enjoyed
Being with you..

I wanted
To be with you..

I wanted
You to be happy..

I wanted
Your suffering to end..

I wanted
To end this..

I wanted
To Protect you..

But, no
Were not meant to be..

Until now
Im still questioning

Why did you leave me?
Why did you break up with me?

Whats wrong with me?
What the meaning of this?

What happend to us?
What happend to you?

What did i do to you?
What made you upset?

Why do you look so sad?
Why do you look pale?

I have
So many questions

But i know,
Asking them is useless now

Were done
Its over..

My end
Is near..

Just you wait

I will die infront of you

𝙈𝙀𝙍𝘾𝙔 ; 𝖼𝗁𝖾𝗇𝗌𝗎𝗇𝗀Where stories live. Discover now