- narration : end -

417 33 11

I walked to school to see the birthday boy..
I was happy he was smiling at his friends..

Even know they were my friends too..
They started to hate me.. i dont know why..

At least our old gang is happy..
Without me..

Im so happy.. i can end this.. today..

I walked to school again and went inside my classroom.. when i went in, i felt a hand travel across my face..

"JISUNG! HOW DARE YOU?!" Taeyong hyung shouted.

I looked at him confused, "w-what, h-hyung?" I stuttered out. "You!? Are you crazy?! Did you know how much you made chenle cry?!" Taeyong slammed at me.

I was on the verge of tears. All students eyes were on us.. "he worried you! He thought you died! And all you do now is iqnore him?! He didnt mean the break up, jisung!" He slammed at me.

Okay, i cant take it. I was now a crying mess, i pushed thru him. And rushed to the rooftop, while crying. Chenle and the others saw me and got worried.

Wait? Worried? No.. why do they care? .. but, why them? Why does everything hates me? Why is everything so painful?!..

All those thoughts, went thru my mind. It made my condition even worst. I rushed to the rooftop and found such a beautyful view.

I smiled, knowing what will happend next.

I slowly walked to the edged.

I was now on the edge..

Then, when i was obout to take one more step-- "JISUNG!!!" It was a boy, i turned my head to see chenle crying. I smiled weakly, "goodbye... lele..." i said for the last time.

I jumped, when i suddenly felt a hand grab me. It was jaemin hyung, i didnt bother seeing his face, he faked me once. But, today was diffrient. His face was full of guilt and sadness.

I chuckled, "let go of me, hyung..." i said to him. "I wont jisung!" He cried out. I was shocked, "w-what? But.." i had that confused afce on me..

"I just want to say sorry, we were all forced to do this jisung.. we didnt mean anything.." he said. Making me even more shock.

"Yall, faked me.." i said, seeing all the other hyungs around jaemin hyung. "Jisung.. please.." donghyuck hyung looked at me. "Were sorry" as they slowly pulled me up.

I was now at the top again. Crying. Jeno and jaemin hyung went on conforting me, while saying sorry. Its not like i dont forgive them. I do.

Its just, "im sorry, i-i've been so selfish.." i said, still crying. "I just want end this!! I flippin hate myself!! I've always wanted to die!! When i did so!! You guys did this!!" I shouted.

Making everyone on the verge of tears, most importantly. Chenle. "Lele.. you aint supposed to cry.. its your birthday" i said. Chenle looks at me..

He walked closer to me and slowly, lean closer to kiss me. It happend. I kissed back. Making the both of us stay like that for a while. Before letting go of the kiss.

I was shocked he would do that. "W-what was that for?" Jisung qeustioned. Chenle sighed, "jisung, were sorry we were all fprced to stay away from you, if we dont, we cant risk to lose you.. this?" Chenle paused, then started to cry.

I got worried and instantly hugged him. "Its okay lele.. at leats im now here.." i said while rubbed his back. He calmed a bit and continued, "you dont know the pain sung.." he cried again.

"Thats it, im sorry lele, i wont ever leave you again.." i kissed his forehead. He smiled at me and hugged me. Damn i miss this..

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