- epilouge -

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After all that has happened beetween, me and chenle. We both are together again. Im glad, theres was one problem. There was this guy named yangyang.

That always go clinging onto chenle. It made my blood boil. There was this once that he can get touchy to chenle. Chenle what so ever, looks annoyed at his presence.

But doesnt seem like hes gonna push him away any soon. He looks redicilously calm obout it. Chenle, what the fvcc. Im so annoyed of him.

Cause he always cuts us off when were talking and send me glares. While chenle just looks at him and doesnt seem to be annoyed of his presence.

Today, i couldnt handle it. Were boyfriends.. how could he. We made up already. Especially when i almost died. Almost did, this time it was a whole new level of anger.

It was beetween dissapointed and angry. Its not depression but its similiar to it. Why? Why does he need to play at me like this?. I just wanted peace.

I really do.

This day starts with me and him walking beside each other, when--


Someone calls out, fvcc its yangyang.

I got annoyed instantly when i knew who it was. Chenle just looks at him without saying anything. He then eventually iqnores him. Im glad he does that.

He knows who he belongs to. Not yangyang, but me. Me only. When we were obout to continue our walk. Yangyang started a conversation.

"Hey, lele"

Chenle looks at him, raising his eyebrows a bit.

"Can we have another play date today?"

Chenle just looks at him and nodded slowly.

"Yay! Thanks!"

Until then he walks off. What the hell. I looked at chenle, who looks really unbothered. But it bothers me. So i asked him.

"Lele, whats that all obout?"

He looked at me with a smile. "Oh, he always ask's for playdates"

I widened my eyes, "and you didnt tell me?"

"What? Uhh.. no?"

"Lele, next time give me info.. your my boyfriend remember?"

"Yeah, i do"

"Good, then also recodnize your owner"

Now, it was chenle's turn to widened his eyes. "Uhh.. owner?"

"Yes, owner"

"Sung, you dont own me completely, im still a human that can do anything.." he looks at me in disbelief eyes.

"Well, i aint taking no as an answer"

"Jisung! You cant do that! Dont be selfish!"

I rolled my eyes, "you do know he annoys me, right?"

"What?! Really?"

"Ofc! Were boyfriend's and him? Clinging onto you, isnt normal"

"Well what ever you say, mr. Park"

"Yah! Listen to me!"

"Fine!" He slammed.

I was shocked by his behaviour. I just wanted a straight answer. I gave him an easy way, as possible. Or is that a hard way?

I got annoyed and angry at his behaviour. "So heres a thing, you stay away from him or you give info of who that is.."

Chenle suddenly looks tense. I didnt get it why. So a asked him again, "hey, answer me"

Chenle gulps, and that worries me. What he said next completely broke me,

"H-hes my fiance'.."

I looked at him in disbelief eyes, "C-chenle, h-how could you?"

"Jisung, i can expla--"

I glared at him and stormed inside my classroom.
As i did i saw him there, looking down into the abiss, im sure he's dissapointed of what he has done.

I cant believe it. Why?! Why him?! Not me?!..

Everything broke me at this point..

What will i do?? This isnt the chenle i knew, this isnt him. The dolphin that i always knew.

He broke me yet again.

Im too shocked to realized that i was a crying mess. My tears was falling like a waterfall. It didnt stop, until the bell rang.

It startled me, and i quickly rub of my tears that are left.

Why chenle? Why cant you give me mercy.

On my heart...

           - fin

The sequel is cancelled.

But i'll add a new a chapter to this book so i can end it once for all.

Another question.

Happy end or sad end?

— dolphiinchan

𝙈𝙀𝙍𝘾𝙔 ; 𝖼𝗁𝖾𝗇𝗌𝗎𝗇𝗀Where stories live. Discover now