04: dreams

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A little weird, and heated.

You waved goodbye as you went on your bike back to your home. You arrived back home suddenly feeling sick as you see your dad through the windows drinking. You see, there's this thing your dad likes to do. In the morning he's super nice then he goes to work. But then after work he just starts becoming lazy and starts drinking. You were sick and tired of it. You hesitantly grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. You take off your shoes and tip toe up the stairs all the way to your room. You decided to fix yourself up a bit before going back downstairs. Okay. Your dads home. Just act normal. If he asks where you've been I just gotta keep the lie simple. You thought to yourself. You went downstairs to help your mom prepare the plates and the table. You were wondering where your sister was. "Mom, where's Sophie?" You ask. "She's spending a night at one of her friends I think." Your mom said softly so your dad wouldn't hear. Yes you had an older sister. She's already in college and has a job. "Y/n, where have you been?" Your dad asked as you turn around to face him. "I've been over at a friends house" you say with a very low voice.

"Oh really?" He said coming closer as the smell of alcohol came rushing into your nose. "Honey, y/n went to a girls house. Her name is  Beverly." Your mom answered for you. You turn your head to look at your mom and smile.
"Good, because you better not be hanging out with boys" your dad said walking back to the living room. Phew. I don't know what's his deal with boys honestly. He thinks I'll become a slut if I go near a boy. "Y/n dinner is ready! Please give this plate to your father" your mom handed you a plate. You went to the living room and placed the plate in front of your dad and went back to the dining room. "So, how was Beverly's house?" Your mom said smiling.
"It was fun. We talked about some work we did at school today and she told me about the other students who also attend Derry high school" you said as you started eating your food. "Hm, so you didn't talk about boys?" Your mom whispered. You look at your mom with a weird look on your face. "Pffff of course not! There's no cute or handsome boys" you say. "Okay then." Your mom said wiggling her eyebrows at you. After you finished eating you washed your plate and went upstairs to the bathroom.

You went to brush your teeth, wash your face and shower your body. You went in the shower and turned it on. Your mind went directly to the fact that you and Stanley almost kissed. I don't know if this makes me weird but he's hot. You thought to yourself. With his brown curly hair and his eyes. It's actually kinda turns me on to be honest. Your mind kept going on and on. He called me pretty. No one has never called me that. He looked down at my lips!! You bit your lip at the thought. His veiny hands is a huge turn o-. Y/n you better stop! You can't sexualize a cute, nice, innocent, hot- jeez. I don't know what's wrong with me. You said as you had a mental debate with yourself. You felt your area down there tingle as you just ignored it and came out of the shower. You wrapped a towel around your body and went inside your bedroom to put on your pj's. You got in your bed and Stanley popped up in your mind once again. Jeez Stanley sure is something.

Stanley's POV

i got in bed as y/n popped into my mind. Sigh.
She's so hot, biting my lip at the fact. I wonder what she's doing right now. I can't believe we almost kissed. Her lips look so soft I just wanna kiss her so bad. and she got a phat ass- (bruh you really thought) her hair Is so shiny. She's so funny too. She's so perfect. I thought as I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

I woke up in a bed. Not my bed though. Where am I? "Honey!! Get out of bed! Breakfast is ready!" A female voice yelled from downstairs. I got out of bed and saw a little boy playing with a toy truck. He turned his head to look at me and he smiled. "Good morning daddy!" The boy said. Daddy? What the hell is going on? "Good morning honey" the female voice said as she kissed my cheek. I turned to see who she was and I saw y/n. Oh..she's even hotter as an adult. Fuck..that turns me on. "Honey, what's wrong?" Y/n asked me. "N-nothing" she smirked. "Really?" She said while looking down. Being confused I looked down as well and my eyes widened. A fucking erection. "Baby can you go to your room please?" y/n
Said to the little boy. "Okay mommy" he said as he ran upstairs. She walked towards me while I was walking backwards. I fell on the couch as she straddled my lap. "Are you sure nothings wrong baby?" y/n said slowly grinding on my lap. I groaned. Gosh she's so fucking hot. She Leaned in and her lips touched mine..her lips are just as soft as I thought. I held her waist as she grinds faster. I look in her eyes as I flipped her around as I was hovering over her. I gave little kisses on
y/n's neck. She moaned in my ear tuning me on even more. "Fuck" I said under my breath.

"Darling! Time to wake up!"

I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I sat down on my bed as I rubbed my eyes and blushed remembering my dream. Way to ruin the best dream ever mom.

Hope that you liked it! I'm very sorry for the people who probably cringed hard during this whole chapter. I'm like the worst. Anyways if you have any suggestions or ideas comment!

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