12: a debate

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"Holy shit! Guys wake up!" Beverly yelled making you slowly open your eyes but stay in the position your in. You groan. "What is it bev?" You asked in your sleepy voice. "We're late for school!" Beverly said in her freaked out voice. "Bev, calm down. Mr.Uris said we could sleep in and not go to school since we all looked tired yesterday" you said calmly. You see Beverly smirk at you as you suddenly became confused. You slowly looked up and saw Stanley peacefully sleeping. You melted at his cute face. Awww. He's such a baby. You thought to yourself. Your head was on his chest while Stanley hands were around you and his head was resting in his shoulder. You guys were basically cuddling.

Eddie and Richie came up beside Beverly as they started teasing you about Stanley. "Wha- What are you guys doing here?" You asked surprised. "Well we heard you weren't going to school today so we came over" Richie said. "Aw y/n! You and Stanley would make such a cute couple" Eddie smiled. "They would wouldn't they?" Bill came looking at you two snoodling together. "And that kiss. It looked like they've done it before" Ben said joining in on the conversation. You turned pink. "What- no! O-of course not!" You suddenly sat up as Stanley woke up and looked confused at first but then looked at you and blushed. "Yea uh huh sure Ms.Uris" Richie teased. "TOZIER shut up and stop acting like you don't like someone too- oh shit" you stopped mid sentence. "So you admit you like Stanley!" Beverly said excited like she didn't already know. "Of course not. I don't like stan. Why would i?" You looked at Stanley and saw his 'I know you love me" face. "OkOk, first off I do NOT like anyone. Second, it's pretty fucking obvious you like each other y/n" Richie said rolling his eyes.

"You can't prove anything. You have no proof."
You said still trying to deny the fact. "Okay, s-shouldn't we b-be asking s-Stanley? Cause we already k-know about y/n's feelings" Bill said looking at stan. You groaned in frustration crossing your arms. "Stan the man! What's the situation with miss, uh y/n here?" Richie said in one of his stupid accents. "Nothing. We're just friends. It may seem like we like each other but you guys are just blind" stan said calmly. "Just friends my ass!" Richie yelled. "Language, Richie" Mr.Uris said coming down the stairs. "Sorry mr.uris" Richie apologized. "Well I Better get off to work" mr.uris said getting my his car keys leaving the house. Mike woke up and asked what's going on. "Stan and y/n like each other" Eddie said "we do not!" You and Stan said in unison. "See! You guys are perfect for each other! You are both nerds, your both too nice, your both smart, your both shy, and most importantly, you two are constantly flirting!" Ben said. "Agreed" Everyone (except mike) said Agreeing with each other.

You and Stanley disagreed. "When have we EVER flirted with each other??" Stanley asked. "Uhm, let's see. At the quarry you guys almost kissed. Yesterday, you guys kissed, and don't think I didn't hear you call y/n sexy, Stan! I heard you loud and clear!" Beverly said pointing at stan. Stan turned red and shook his head in denial. "I don't remember that cause I think I was already asleep" you said helping stan. "See! See!" Richie said pointing at you. "What?" You asked confusing. "You and Stanley are always helping each other out, you guys always disagree when we agree on something and agree when we all disagree on something! You guys are clearly hiding something!" Richie said yelling. "Richie...calm down. Can we finish this conversation later? I'm hungry" mike said making everyone silent. "We a-already a-ate. you, y/n and Stan are the only ones who haven't ate yet" Bill said pointing at the three plates on the table with toast and some eggs.

"K thanks" you said grabbing the plate starting to eat. Stanley did the same thing as both of you Leaned on the dining table looking at each other. "I'm telling you!! They like each other Richie said whispering to everyone else with his back facing you, mike and Stanley. "I know! It's so obvious" Eddie whispered. "And that kiss yesterday! You can't fake that sort of passion!" Richie whisper yelled not knowing you could hear. "How would you know if you weren't there to see the kiss?" Beverly whispered. "I can just tell that the kiss was passionate" Richie whispered. "Actually I-it was m-more of a n-needy kind of of kiss" Bill said correcting Richie. Your body suddenly got  stiff as you felt uncomfortable. "They were probably horny or something." Ben whispered and shrugged. You looked at Stanley as he uncomfortably looked around. "You guys do know we can hear everything you're saying??" You said finally speaking up. Stan slighty chuckled.

"You dumbass" Eddie flicked Richie on the head. "Ok, first off, don't blame Richie. Second, you all were SO loud. I don't think you guys know how to whisper" you rolled your eyes. Everyone looked down guilty. "And you guys are honestly nasty" mike said shaking his head in disappointment. "And real fucking immature" Stanley added. "What are you guys? The S/N (ship name) haters?" Richie asked raising an eyebrow. "Ha good one!" Beverly said nudging Richie on his arm. "We should  get ready if we wanna spend some time outside" Ben said looking at his watch. "Y-yeah we should" Bill said as everyone started to get their bags. "Finally!" You and Stanley groan. Stanley went upstairs to change clothes as you grabbed your clothes and got changed in the bathroom. (Outfit is at the top) yes, you brought another pair of shoes cause you thought you'd be going to school the next day. You brushed your teeth since your also brought a toothbrush with you. You checked yourself one last time. You came out as you saw everyone already ready, you  being the last person they were waiting for. "Cute outfit" Beverly said smiling. "Thanks" you smiled glancing at Stanley seeing he was staring at you but not the way he usually does. It was a different look. You decided to just ignore it and just follow the rest of the losers.

"So where we off to?" Eddie asked sitting on his bike. "Let's just ride around the neighbourhood. That seems fun and relaxing"  Ben requested. "Yea sure, l-let's do that" bill smiled getting on his bike. Everyone else got on and followed bill since he was basically the leader. Ben brought his radio so you guys were basically singing your hearts out to new kids on the block. Some of you just whooped cause you finally felt okay. No distractions, No work, No pennywise, No fighting, just bike riding with people you love. You all were in the moment, just enjoying life. You all were happy, that is until you heard a car honk behind you. You guys turned around to see who it was and it was bower's and his gang. "Shit!" Richie yelled biking faster so did everyone else. You all started to bike faster but Henry was catching up to you fast so you guys decided to take a turn into a different street. It being your street. You saw your house coming up and saw your sister coming out closing the door. "Sophie!!" You yelled trying to get her attention. "Sophie over here!!!!!" You yelled louder. You passed your house with Sophie not seeing you. "Fuck!" You yelled in frustration. "L-let's go to my backyard! M-my S-street is coming up!" Bill yelled.

You all took a turn at a street. "Shit! Shit! Shit! Guysss he coming closer!" Eddie yelled freaking out. "Here!" Bill turned to his house and ran into his backyard holding his bike. As everyone did the same and bill opened his back door and everyone brought their bikes in just for the mean time. Bill locked the door leaning on it breathing heavily. "Oh jeez. That. Was. Tiring." Mike said taking deep breaths in between each word. Everyone stood there in silence trying to catch their breath. "Billlllll. I know you and your little club went in here" Henry said in a sing song voice from outside. "What the fuck!" Eddie whisper yelled " he looked at the blinds. Everyone ducked down hiding. "Bowers is fucking crazy!"  Richie whisper yelled. Everyone sat there in silence for a few minutes until they couldn't hear Henry anymore and his car drive away. Everyone sighed in relief. That was fucking scary. You thought to yourself. "I almost shit my pants!" Richie said. "Ew rich that's fucking disgusting" Eddie said hitting Richie on the arm. "Can we even go anywhere without getting followed??" Ben asked already knowing the answer. "Probably not" mike said shutting his eyes trying to calm down. "Bowers is such an asshole!" Beverly said getting upset. To your surprise when you looked down at the floor you saw yourself holding hands with Stanley. How the fuck did I not notice? You thought to yourself.

I hope you guys liked this chapter. I wrote this chapter at 4:45 am in the morning so it may not be the best. But if you have any ideas, suggestions or feedback feel free to comment them.

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