Episode XVIII - The First Crack

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Location: The Heavenly Realm…


The expanse of the War Hall was vast and littered with all manner of weapons used in various battles and skirmishes by warriors of the Heavenly Legion. The walls were a powerful green akin to the colour of the leaves on a large oak tree with a gold border that ran parallel to both the roof and the floor.

It had been more than five hundred years since the last battle that had cast the world into the Dark Ages. Now, there were rumblings among the ranks that the time was nearing once more for a cleansing of the earthly soil below.

This preparation was why the young angel and recently ascended Power, Fredial now sat in the hall before two archangels that now held a keen interest in his development.

“You have shown a great improvement in your healing and mobility,” the archangel Davial commented.

“Thank you Sire,” the soft spoken angel replied, still not completely at ease with the new strength that came with his additional pair of wings.

“But it is not enough.”

“Agreed,” Gabriel; the oldest and most senior archangel replied; her silver eyes looking into the core of him.

It was not often that any of her kind saw her – it was rumoured that the loss of her brother Michael during the last Angelic War had broken her heart and caused her to become a recluse. Now as her brother slept and her remaining two brothers lead the warring faction, she was alone even though not the only archangel.

“You must master your new body in order to not only defend yourself, but also so that you do not damage your allies in the ensuing melee.”

The others have arrived. Davial announced, Shall I excuse him or would you prefer he sit in on this meeting?

Do you think he is ready?

He was the one attacked after all, Davial mused.

“Very well,” Gabriel announced aloud, before waving her hand for the doors to the hall to be opened by the sentries that stood guard.

 One by one the remaining Powers of the Heavenly Realm filtered into the room. Fredial sat in barely contained amazement as he recognized the real life representations of some of the names and faces that lined the walls of the Great Hall. There was Cara; the Power of the Caribbean Islands, Moraika; the Power in charge of guarding the secrets of civilization in the African sector, Salo; the Asian Power and second oldest of all the current angels of that rank. Then came Castle; Power of Europe and Fredial’s senior, Remy, the Power of the Antarctic region and lastly, Malick; the eldest Power, responsible for the both Africa and the North American continent.

Fredial’s large chair scraped against the floor as he rose quickly in an effort to create room for his elders before Gabriel’s soft laughter drifted through his mind,

You may retain your seat, do not forget that you too are now a Power in your own right.

“Congratulations on your Ascension,” Malick greeted with a bruising grip of his forearm as the others circled him with a tousle of his head among other displays of congratulations. Castle was the last to greet him, pulling him into a bear hug; his amethyst eyes blazing with pride as he held his former ward at arms length.

The celebrations evaporated at the sound of a throat clearing as they all snapped to attention, eyes now fixated on the two archangels that sat in the two throne-like chairs.


“There has been an increase in angelic interaction with those of mortal design. Explain yourselves.”

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