Happiness in the Storm (part 1)

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Here comes a Yoonkook filled chapter. 😌💕


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Starry-eyed kid: Hyung, I'm here!

Upon receiving the text, Yoongi instantly got up from the couch and rushed towards the front door.

He had a feeling, a feeling, which told him that Jungkook would be a total mess at the moment and when Yoongi opened the door, he saw that sadly, his hunch had been correct.

"Haven't you heard of umbrellas??"

Yoongi questioned, as he grabbed Jungkook's arm and pulled him inside his apartment.

"I don't really follow the weather forecast... and I didn't really bring money when I went out, so I couldn't buy an umbrella." Jungkook replied with a stupid grin on his face and sneezed.

The older male scrunched up his nose in frustration. It was raining heavily outside and Jungkook's jacket didn't even have a hood, so he was drenched all over. Water was dripping from the boy's clothes and it landed right on Yoongi's carpet, usually, the assistant would've made a fuss about that, because he treasured his carpet, he personally chose it, but Jungkook's reddened nose, slightly pale skin, disheveled hair and overall appearance, demanded more attention at the moment.

"I really have lots of things to say, but first of all - my answer is NO."

Yoongi's remark made Jungkook blink in confusion, he hadn't even asked anything yet and he already received a rejection?

"I don't really unders-"

"I can see that thing's tail, it's peeking from beneath your jacket. Animals are not allowed at the dorm and you probably thought I would take it in, but I don't do well with animals, so my answer is a firm and final no."

Yoongi was definitely quick to catch on and Jungkook's shoulders slumped down when he heard the older's words.

When Jungkook left the café, he wanted to go for a walk, because he was felt exhilarated after his talk with Seokjin. However, as he was aimlessly walking around, it suddenly started pouring down and the boy's initial thought was to quickly run back to his dorm, but he heard some pitiful and desperate sounds. They were coming from a dark and secluded alley.

Jungkook thought he was hearing things, but the sounds amplified, it sounded as if the poor thing was crying out for help, so Jungkook got closer and stumbled upon a very small, grey kitten with white paws and a little bit of white on the tip of its tail.

The cat looked so small and fragile, all alone in that dark alley, it was definitely hungry and it was raining, so Jungkook's heart started aching, he couldn't just walk by, so he inched closer to the cat and surprisingly, it didn't run away, the kitty closed the distance between them on its own and Jungkook didn't think twice before he took the cat in his arms and sheltered it from the rain by using his jacket.

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