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маленький паук= little spider

Warning: mentions of blood.


“Okay. Fri, test the samples of Peter's blood.”

“Already doing it, sir.”

Tony was anxious for the results. All of the possibilities of what was harming Peter were running through his head.

“Nothing is abnormal from the blood other than the radiation that was already in it,” Friday informed the science bros.

“What could it be then?” Bruce asked Tony as they made their way back to Peter.

“Honestly, I don't know,” Tony answered his friends question.

They opened the door to Peter's room.

The room was empty. No Peter, only machines.

“Peter! Friday, get me a location on Peter now!” Tony commanded the A.I.

“I'll get the team ready for a search of the city,” Bruce said, running off.

“I am unable to find Peter, sir. I am not sure why,” Friday spoke through the speakers.

Tony looked up to the ceiling in utter shock. Has Karen been disabled? Or is Peter hurt? These thoughts swirled like a tornado in his head.

“What's up?” Steve asked as he sauntered into the med bay with the other Avengers. Everyone saw what a state Tony was in and put on their serious faces.

“Suit up. We need to find Peter. He's sick and missing. Fri can't find him through tracking so we gotta go out and search the city,” Tony explained, determined to find his spider-baby.

“Right, let's go,” Nat agreed ushering everyone out,“I need my маленький паук.”

Silence followed as everyone was shocked at Natasha Romanoff showing emotion.

“Oh get over it. We all love the spider,” Nat said receiving agreements from around the room.

They all bolted out of the med bay, running to get their suits.


Peter was swinging 'round the cities of New York, Queens and Brooklyn. He felt better when flying through the air but still felt like everything was too loud and bright. Things being too bright was a particularly new annoyance, connected to his mysterious illness.

“GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!” a woman's  panicked voice burst into his ears causing him to yelp. Peter faultered in his swing and headed towards the voice.

“Hey what's goin on here?” Spiderman cooly asked, flinching at every word he spoke.

A mugger jumped out of nowhere with a gun. Peter wasn't worried about the gun itself, just the sound it would make would be painful. The mugger advanced on him but his spidey sense blared way more than usual causing a delay in his reflexes and allowing the mugger to land a hard punch on his face. That hurt. The distraction gave the woman time to run away. The muggers charged at spidey, making his senses roar. He sprang to the side, dodging the blow of the first and returning the hit to the second.


Crap! Who got the bullet? Wait- Spidey's thoughts were abruptly cut off at the searing pain in his lower abdomen.

“Gah!” he shouted while dropping out of the air. He stumbled as he landed but sucked it up and fought the two muggers.

Peter's blood was gushing out of the wound and it wasn't slowing down. His movements became sluggish which the muggers saw as an opportunity. They punched and kicked until Spiderman was down and not getting back up.

“Ughhhhh,” Peter moaned as the muggers ran off. Black dots clouded and danced at the edge of his vision.

“Peter, you appear to have lost a significant amount of blood. Would you like me to alert Mr. Stark?” his A.I spoke, making his head throb in pain.

“Yeah, Karen. Do it quick tho,” Peter choked out.


“Sir, it appears we have an alert from Karen,” Friday's voice filled the Avengers comms.

“What does it say?” Tony asked hoping for a location on Peter.

“It says Peter has established a gun shot wound in his lower abdomen,” everyone gasped but Friday continued anyway,“he has lost a significant amount of blood. He needs immediate medical attention.”

“Location?” Tony asked, his voice trembling slightly.

“An alley near 53rd Avenue, Queens I suggest you get moving,” Friday replied.

“We're on our way, Peter,” Tony whispered.


“Peter, you need to stay awake. Listen to my voice,” Karen ordered, her voice laced with concern if an A.I. can have different tones.

She earned a half hearted groan of discomfort in response.

“I-I c-can't,” Peter stuttered weakly,“ I'm just........gonna close my eyes for................” he trailed off as he let the darkness overcome him.

sensory overload-Peter Parker and tony starkWhere stories live. Discover now