chpt. 5 final one

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"Kid!" Tony screeched as he landed in the alleyway and knelt down by an unconscious Peter.

"Friday, vitals."

"Peter will enter a critical state if not treated within 5 minutes. He passed out about 3 minutes ago, according to Karen," Friday responded

"Tell Bruce to get the med bay ready and get me to the Tower in 2 minutes. Put the repulsers into 100% power mode."

Tony wasted no time in getting back. He landed in the med bay and gave Peter over to Bruce and Dr. Cho. They wheeled him out and into surgery to remove the bullet.

Tony was waiting outside and was soon joined by the rest of the avengers.

"How you holdin' up," Nat askedwith sympathy in her tone.

"I'm okay. Just worried for the kid," Tony answered.

"We all are, Tony. You're not alone," Clint reassured him.

At that moment, Bruce walked in with a tired expression. He was instantly bombarded with questions about their little spider-buddy.

"Woah! Calm down. He's stable but still out cold. You can go in and see him now." everyone left even before Bruce had finished his sentence.


When they reached Peter's room, they filled in quietly, careful not to wake the sleeping spider.

"I know you're awake маленький паук. Give up the act," Nat said.

"How'd you know мама паук?" Peter slurred, slowly opening his eyes.

"I'm a spy. What d'you expect?" Nat retorted. Thus gained a slight agreement from the others, but was instantly put aside so they could ask Peter some questions.

"What the hell gave you the idea of going out while ill, hmm?" Tony asked harshly but softened his tone when he saw Peter flinch,"Kid, you're gonna be the death of me."

"Hey, Fri? Can you turn down the lights a bit please?" Peter asked, a headache beginning to form,"My senses are still a bit haywire at the moment."

"Lowering the lights to 50%."

"Alright," Sam said, gaining everyone's attention,"Do we know what this said 'illness' Peter has, is?"

"Actually, I think we do," Bruce said, entering the room,"Everyone knows Peter's senses are dialed to 11 right? This so called 'illness' is just his senses spiking to 15 causing him pain and discomfort. It is not triggered by anything but will happen at random times so we need to keep an eye on it."

"Do we have a name for it?" Steve asked.

"Dr. Cho and I have agreed to call it a sensory overload," Bruce said.

"Yeah that fits," Peter said.

"Oh and Peter," Tony spoke,"Every time you have a sensory thingy, no Spiderman, no school; got it. You stay at home or the Tower and rest. If I see you out, so help me God I will drag you back by your hair, understand?"

"Yes Mr. Stark," Peter agreed,"But what am I going to tell May when she gets back?"

On queue, May burst into the room causing everyone to jump- especially Peter.

"Stark. Explain now," May fiercely said.

"Well, you see. Um . Peter had a sensory overload- something new we found out could happen- and he went out as Spiderman, got shot we are," Tony explained, feeling like he was being interrogated. He squirmed under May's 'I'm gonna kill you' glare.

"Okay," May said calmly. Oh, no. She's gone scary calm.

"May, don't freak out. I'm okay now, just the senses acting up
Don't kill Mr. Stark, I need him," Peter softly said, placating his Aunt.

"I'm angry at you too Mister. No Spiderman past midnight for a week. If you come home any later than that, I will take your curfew back an hour to 11 pm," May threatened.

"Okay," Peter reluctantly agreed.



As the months went on, Peter didn't experience a sensory overload. He did as May said for a week, then went back to his normal schedule as Spiderman.

Everything was back to normal.

Until something else came along...........

мама паук= mama spider
маленький паук= little spider

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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sensory overload-Peter Parker and tony starkWhere stories live. Discover now