Chapter One

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          The sound of the alarm going off quietly told Mika that it was time to get up and greet the day, but one thing was keeping him from getting up, and that was Kaiden's arms around his thin waist. Kaiden's short blonde hair is messy from a good night's sleep. Mika is the complete opposite of Kaiden. Mika is a lot emo and many people think he's depressed, but he's not. He just enjoy wearing all black and a little bit of eyeliner. Kaiden on the other hand. He is not emo. He doesn't like wearing black unless he has some sort of bright color on as well. He doesn't think guys should wear eyeliner, only girls, but says Mika is the only exception. Mika is fifteen yet he already has his own little apartment. The reason being, is his parents. They are majorly against anyone being gay, they also don't like him being emo. Not only that but they were trying to keep Mika away from Kaiden because of him not being religious. Well, fuck them and there stupid ideas, right? Anyway, enough sappy stuff. Mika looked at his lover as he peacefully sleeps. Damn he's adorable when he sleeps. He looks so innocent yet so aggressive at the same time. Smiling, he puts a gentle kiss on Kaidens forehead before slowly moving himself out of the bed. Mika then stood up and looked at Kaiden once more before making his way downstairs to start their coffee and breakfast. Well, Mika's coffee, Kaiden preferes tea.
          Kaiden woke up about twenty-ish minutes after Mika and instantly noticed the absence of his boo. 'He's probably in the kitchen.' Kaiden thought as he sat up and stretched. Sighing, Kaiden walked over to the dresser that all his clothes are in. He opened the doors and looked through the many shirts. After settling on the shirt he got from a GSA convention, he opened the drawers to find some jeans.Once dressed, Kaiden headed downstairs and into the kitchen. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he watched Mika make breakfast. He had nothing but his boxers on and was quietly singing an MCR song, couldn't tell you which though. The smirk on Kaiden's face only grew as when the song got to a guitar solo, Mika actually played air guitar. It's so cute when he gets really into the music. "Having fun?" Kaiden asked with a smirk making Mika jump and spin around to face him, his black hair all over his face.
          "Duh, MCR is my life." He smirked before turning around and continuing to cook. Kaiden walked over to him and wrap his arms around Mika's waist, laying his head on Mika's shoulder and kissing his neck gently.
          "Were not having another make-out session right now, we have to eat then head to school." Mika said flipping the cheesy-omelet. Kaiden groaned in annoyance. Going to school would mean dealing with friends that he have been avoiding since moving out of his parents house and in with Mika.
          "Don't give me that, now can you please keep an eye on the food, so I can go get dressed?" Mika asked looking at Kaiden, he simply nodded before letting go of Mika's waist and taking the spatula from his hand. Mika smiled and pecked his cheek before walking upstairs to the wardrobe that all his clothes are in. He opened the doors and looked through the many shirts, all dark as night. After settling on the shirt that he got from his first MCR concert, he closed the doors and opened the top drawer to find some jeans. That was probably the hardest part of Mika's day, having to choose between his many pairs of skinnies.Once he was dressed, he closed the drawer and grabbed the brush off Kaidens dresser and used the mirror on the wardrobe to brush his hair. Once all the knots were gone, Mika set the brush down and walked into the bathroom to put his lip ring in and do his eyeliner.Finally satisfied with how he looks, Mika walked downstairs expecting to have to help Kaiden with the food, since he isn't the best cook in the world, only to find the kitchen empty. Completely confused, Mika just stood there.
          "In here babe." He heard Kaiden yell from the small living room. He walked in there and looked at Kaiden."Your plates right there, hurry up and eat, class starts soon and despite the fact that I don't like school, I still don't feel like having anymore late or missing work." He said, taking another bite of his food. Mika simply smiled and grabbed his plate before sitting down next to Kaiden and eating.
*   *   *
          The school day was hard for Mika, like harder than usual. He's used to getting picked on as many people don't like him. Today though, it seemed like everyone was more mad than usual. It wasn't even lunch and Mika already felt like he had at least four new bruises, probably more. It didn't help that he only sees Kaiden at lunch. Mika sighed wishing he had Kaiden here to help protect him. With Kaiden being one of the most popular kids in school, no bully would dare hurt Mika. But of course, Mika isn't so lucky.
          "Hey, Punk! Listen when I talk to you." Allen, the school bully said grabbing Mika by his hair and forcing him to look up. Allen was almost 6 feet tall and obviously a jock, as all bullies are it seems. Anyway, Mika was barely 5 feet tall, so he was at a huge disadvantage.
          "Sorry, what were you saying." Mika said, not caring that his smart mouth was going to wind up getting him punched. Allen glared at Mika for a second before punching him right in the jaw. Mika dropped his books and put a hand on his now bleeding lip.
          "That all you got?" Wrong move as Allen went all out, punching every part of Mika his fist could reach, some spots more than once, before grabbing his hair and opening Mika's locker all the way.
          "How cliche, putting the emo in his own locker." Another thing Mika should not have said as Allen got really pissed and shoved Mika into his own locker. Mika slid down the inside of his locker as Allen slammed the door shut. Mika sighed and closed his eyes, realizing that since he'd be stuck in here for a while, he might as well rest. Kaiden sighed as he walked into the Library, he missed Mika so much, and it didn't help that he knew Mika was bullied.
          "Yo Kai! Didn't think I'd see you here." Kaidens lifelong best friend Allen said walking over to him. Kaiden smiled and held up the book that was in his hand.
          "Just returning this book and getting a new one." Kaiden said walking over to the nearest shelf.
          "You finished that already, you just got that the other day?" Allen said, looking completely shocked. Of course he's shocked, he doesn't read anything. Unlike Kaiden, who reads three books a day it seems.
          "Yeah, I don't understand why you're shocked. Anyway what have you been up to?" I asked kneeling down to look at the books on the bottom shelf.
          "Oh nothing, just putting this one little emo brat in his place." Allen smirked and Kaiden got a bit concerned. There are only a few emos in this school that actually show it, and Mika is one of them. Speaking of Mika, he had a free period right now and was supposed to be here. Sighing Kaiden sat down and grabbed his phone from his pocket.
To Mika
Where are you

From Mika
In my locker

To Mika
What do you mean in your locker?

From Mika
Exactly what I said, in my locker. What more must I say.

To Mika
Ok, gimme a sec and I'll come let you out.
          Kaiden sighed and put his phone back into his pocket and stood up. He turned to look at Allen.
          "I'll be right back." He told Allen before turning and quickly walking out of the library and towards Mika's locker. Once there, he sighed and entered the combination onto the lock. He smiled when he heard the lock click and opened the door.
       "I'd really like to know who keeps putting you into your locker." Kaiden asked after he helped Mika out of his locker. Mika just shrugged, a slight smile on his face.
       "It doesn't really matter. Let's just get to the library so I can print off my new music." Mika smiled. In the library, Kaiden and Mika walked over to the computer that is hooked up to the printer. Kaiden read a sheet of paper on the desk while Mika printed off his music.
       "There you are Kai." Allen said after he spotted Kaiden. Mika glanced at Allen and took a small step away from Allen.
       "Sorry, something came up." Kaiden replied not looking up from the paper. No one said anything for a while, and it was kinda awkward.
       "Leave me the hell alone." Mika quietly said breaking the silence. Kaiden looked up and almost punched Allen. The bastard had a hold of Mika's hair and was forcing him to look up.
       "Say that again you little-."
       "Allen, leave him alone!" Kaiden angrily said. He could not believe Allen was doing this. Sure Allen did pick on lot's of people, but why Mika?
       "Why should I?" Allen asked, clearly not realizing that he was making a mistake. Kaiden grabbed Allen's hand and forced him to let go of Mika's hair. He was not going to let Allen do anything to Mika.
       "I said leave him alone!" Kaiden then pushed Allen away from Mika. He grabbed his music and stood close to Kaiden, who put his arms protectively around Mika.
       "Why the hell are you protecting this emo little bitch?!" After Allen said that, Kaiden got so pissed, he punched Allen in the face. He then grabbed Mika's hand and they quickly walked out of the library.
       "I've never seen that side of you before," Mika said looking back towards the library. "It's kinda scary." Kaiden smiled but said nothing as they walked to their destination, which was on the other side of the school.
       "So this is the band room?" Kaiden smiled and they walked into the band room, the only place at school Mika actually felt safe. Mika nodded and continued walking to the right side of the room, where a bunch of lockers are.
       "So, what instrument do you play again?" Kaiden asked, trying to remember how many instruments there are. Mika smiled as he walked over to one of the locker and grabbed a binder. Then he walked over to a small drum.
       "I play the Snare drum." He smiled placing the binder on a metal stand.
       "What you doing?" Kaiden asked kneeling beside him. Mika didn't answer, instead he just opened his bag and grabbed a pair of wooden drumsticks.
       "Are you going to play for me?" Kaiden asked standing next to Mika. Mika gave a small nod before practicing.

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