Chapter Two

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          Mika and Kaiden walked down the crowded hallway, hand in hand. They had gone through the rest of the day and Mika hasn't had anyone try to hurt him, which made Kaiden feel good inside.
          "Hold on one second, I'll be right back." Kaiden said letting go of Mika's hand and walking into the bathroom. Mika smiled and leaned against the wall outside the bathroom, waiting for Kaiden to be done.
          "So, we meet again, huh, punk?" Mika knew that voice all to well, how could he not, it's the voice that tormented him for years, Allen. Mika looked up into Allen's hate-filled eyes.
          "What do you want?" Mika asked looking into the bathroom hallway, wishing Kaiden would hurry up. He knew that if Kaiden wasn't here soon, things would get bad, and fast.
          "I didn't get to finish what I started." Allen cracked his knuckles and Mika knew he was in for yet another beating. Sighing Mika pushed himself off the wall and walked over to Allen.
          "Make it fast, I would like to go home soon." Mika said closing his eyes and waiting for the pain to come. It took a few seconds before Allen smirked and punched Mika in the face, causing him to stumble backwards a bit. After that Allen grabbed Mika by the throat.
          "Let's end this fast, shall we?" Allen asked, tightening his grip on Mika's neck. Mika couldn't respond as realization swept over him, his body started to go numb from lack of oxygen, but he had to do something to get away from Allen's grasp. He swung his arms, hoping to hit Allen in the face, but missing due to the fact that his vision was starting to blur. He knew this was it, he was going to die. As darkness clouded his vision, he heard someone yelling, not long after that, the grip on his neck was released and Mika fell to the ground, weak and unable to move. He could hear loud voices, but couldn't recognize who they belonged to. The only thing on his mind was trying to get enought air in his lungs to not pass out.
          "Mika!" Someone yelled and picked Mika up, holding him close. Mika could tell that they were paniking as they kept asking if he was ok and Mika couldn't help but wonder, was he ok? It didn't feel like it, he couldn't move anything. With what little strength Mika had, he opened his eyes and looked at Kaiden. Kaiden looked down at Mika and gently pushed hair out of Mika's eyes. 
          "Mika? Are you ok? What happened?" Kaiden asked many more questions than that, but Mika's head was spinning too fast. Mika slowly sat up and put one hand on his throat.
          "I'm f-fine, I just want, to go, home." Mika said looking at the clock. It was well past the time to leave this damn school. Kaiden sighed and stood up, he didn't quite believe Mika, but knew he needed to rest at home. Kaiden held both Mika's hands to help him stand. They were about to leave, when Mrs. McCain walked up to them.
          "You boys are needed in the principal's office." She said in reference to Kaiden and Allen, who was sitting on a nearby bench, one hand holding a bloody tissue against his nostril. Yes Kaiden had given Allen a bloody nose. Allen stood up and walked past Kaiden, shooting him a death glare. Kaiden kept a tight hold on Mika, but followed also.
          "What on Earth, could possibly be the meaning of all this?" The principal, Mr. Jones said when all three boys were seated in his small office.
          "Kaiden attacked me for no reason, sir!" Of course Allen would make up such a lie. Kaiden, however, was quick to defend himself.
          "Actually, I left Mika to use the restroom, and when I came out, Allen had his hands around Mika's throat. Mika was pretty much unconscious, so, I instinctively punched Allen to get him to let go of Mika. That just escalated into the fight that Mr. Romney walked in on." Kaiden said, pulling Mika close to him. Mika winced a bit, but leaned into Kaidens shoulder. Mr. Jones was quiet for a bit before writing something down. 
          "Ok, Kaiden, since you like school, you're punishment will be suspension for the rest of the week." Kaiden couldn't believe what he was hearing, he was suspended for helping Mika! "Allen, you don't like school, so you will have in-school suspention. Now, all of you go home." And with that they were shooed out of his office.
          The car ride was silent, mainly because Mika was still in a bit of pain from Allen's beatings. Kaiden pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. Mika followed and walked up to the house. Mika opened the door and walked in and over to the couch.
          "Mika, are you sure your okay." Kaiden asked sitting next to Mika. Mika nodded a bit before closing his eyes and leaning on Kaidens shoulder. Kaiden sighed and wrapped his arm around Mika.
          "Let's get you up to bed, okay?" Kaiden asked Mika, who was already half asleep on Kaiden's shoulder. Mika gave a slight nodd and let go of Kaiden, who stood up. He then turned around and gently picked up Mika, carrying him upstairs. It was only four in the afternoon and yet both boys were ready for bed. Once in the room, Kaiden laid Mika down and then laid down himself. Mika snuggled into Kaidens chest and Kaiden wrapped his arms around Mika.
                                                                                                                                    *     *     *
          Mika and Kaiden slept for at least three hours before Kaiden slowly woke up. He looked down at Mika and smiled. Kaiden slowly looked at the clock as he sat up. Is it really 6:30 already? He thought as he got out of bed to go make dinner. As he walked towards the stairs, he caught a gimpsee of himself in the mirror and stopped. His eyes had faint dark circles below them.  Boy, I need to take better care of myself and not. He thought as he continued walking down the set of stairs. Mika woke up to the smell of burning food and instantly jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs. He looked into the kitchen to find quite a bit of smoke.
         "Kaiden, what the hell were you thinking, you know you can't cook!" Mika yelled when he spotted Kaiden waving a hand near his face. Kaiden looked at Mika, with a look full of apologize.
          "I wanted to make you some dinner but," He paused and looked down at the smoking pan filled with burnt food. "I kinda burned it." Mika couldn't help but smile.  He knew Kaiden meant well, and it was pretty adorable. Mika walked over to the stove and turned it off. 
          "I appreciate the offer, but I'm not hungry." Mika smiled grabbing Kaidens hands. Kaiden sighed, he was worried about Mika, sure, he seemed fine, but Mika had a tenancy to hide any of his pain.
          "Are you hungry?" Mika asked Kaiden, looking at the slightly smoking pan then back up at Kaiden. He shook his head and wrapped his arms around Mika's waist. 
          "Mika, stop worrying about me and worry about yourself for once. I mean look at you, you've got deep bruises on your neck and dark circles under your eyes, your clearly not ok." Kaiden said, his voice muffled in the crock of Mikas neck. Mika smiled a bit and placed his hands on Kaidens back. 
          "I'm fine, promise. I may have quite a few bruises, but that's expected when your best up on the daily." Mika smiled a bit, trying his best to cheer Kaiden up. Of course though, Kaiden is stubborn. He sighed and let go of Mika. 
          "Mika-" Kaiden couldn't finish though, as Mika cut him off by softly kissing Kaiden. After a few seconds, Kaiden kissed back. When they finally separated for air, Mika smiled warmly at Kaiden, who slightly blushed. 

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