Chapter Three

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          Mika woke up before sunrise and no matter how much he tried, he just couldn't fall back to sleep. His stomach was churning and he felt as though if he even tried to sit up, everything in his stomach would end up on the bed and floor, it was that bad. Sighing, he grabbed his phone without moving more than his arm. There's still another hour before I usually wake up for school, oh well, might as well find something to do since I can't sleep. Mika thought, putting in his earbuds and playing the music at a low volume. When Kaiden woke up, Mika had managed to fall asleep again, well, more like passed out. Kaiden carefully sat up, not wanting to wake Mika. After Kaiden managed to sit up, he streached and popped his stiff joints. Kaiden stood up and put on a pair of sweatpants and a random shirt before walking downstairs and getting a bowl of ceral and some toast.
          "Morning." A soft voice said from behind, making Kaiden jump a tiny bit. Looking back, he saw the source of the voice was Mika, man he looked like shit, his eyes were dark and his skin pale, he also had one hand pressed against his stomach, which worried Kaiden. What worried Kaiden more was the deep bruise on Mika's neck. And no, it waasn't from sex last night, that was from the bastard Allen.
         "You feeling alright, you look like shit?" Kaiden asked, setting the bowl down and walking over to Mika. Kaiden put arms around Mika's waist. He was worried that they made a mistake by doing what they did last night, given the days earlier. . . events.
          "I feel like shit, I've got a headache, my throat hurts, and I feel like i'm going to puke." Mika sighed leaning into Kaidens warm embrace. Kaiden also sighed and couldn't help but wonder if this was his fault, if he got Mika sick. God he hoped not.
          "Then you should be in bed and not walking around like this." Kaiden said letting go of Mika. Mika obeyed and walked up the stairs slowly, feeling like if he walked any further, he would puke. As Mika nearned his bedroom door, he felt even more like he was going to puke, so he quickly made his way to the batroom, making there just in time to puke out the little bit of food still in his stomach. That didn't take long, but after that, it was just dry heaving, which is honsestly worse than actually puking. It was only a matter of moments before Kaiden heard and rushed upstairs, and rubbing Mika's back gently.
          "Your not going to school today." Kaiden sighed once Mika wasn't so nauseated. Mika looked up at Kaiden, mouth open.
          "B-but what about band, I can't miss that, there's a competition in less than two weeks?!" Mika complained as Kaiden helped him up. Kaiden said nothing as he helped Mika back to bed. Mika sighed and sat on the bed, one hand on his stomach. He still felt pretty nauseated.
          "No but's, your sick, so you're going to stay in bed." Kaiden stated folding his arms across his chest. MIka groaned in annoyance, he hated being sick, mainly because it means he has to miss band. Mika sighed and fell backwards onto the bed, one hand still resting on his stomach.
          "I'm going to run to the store and get something for breakfast." Kaiden said leaning forward and kissing Mika's forehead. "Please stay in bed while I'm gone." Kaiden said, walking to the door. Mika gave a stiff nod. Kaiden smiled a bit and left Mika to lay on the bed and try and ease his constant nausea. Sighing, Mika pulled the blankets up to his face and willed sleep to come. He eventually managed to fall asleep.
          Kaiden walked through the market, looking for something simple to cook. It had to something that even Kaiden (who somehow manages to burn pre-packaged oatmeal) could make. After grabbing a few boxed meal, he walked to the isle that had over the counter medicine, trying to find something to help Mika feel better. It took a while as Kaiden couldn't decide what medicine would work best, but he finally settled on one. After Kaiden paid, he walked out of the store ad to his car. He started the ignition and drove back home.
          Kaiden walked into the small kitchen and put away the few groceries, leaving the breakfast out. Once all the groceries were put away, Kaiden grabbed the boxed meal. reading the instructions printed on the back, Kaiden carefully cooked the meal. Once done, he walked upstairs, carrying the plate of food. He smiled as he walked into the room. Mika was passed out on his side, his face pressed into the pillow and the blanket only covering one of his legs. He almost looked as if he wasn't sick at all. But he was, and it worried Kaiden, as Mika almost never got sick. Kaiden set the plate on the nightstand gently ran his fingers through Mika's soft hair. Mika groaned and pulled the blanket up over his head.
          "Come on love, I managed to not burn breakfast for you, even though it was a boxed meal the just needed to be warmed up." Kaiden said sitting on the bed. Mika pushed the blanket away from his face and looked up at Kaiden, his fluffy blonde hair still a mess, meaning he hasn't even gotten ready for school. Mika looked over his shoulder, nearly jumping out of bed when he saw the time, they had to be at school almost two hours ago.
          "Kaiden, why didn't you wake me up, we're late for school?" He asked, looking around the room trying to spot his clothes that were practically thrown off last nigh. He had one hand on his stomach and honsestly didn't know why he was in such a rush as band was probably over by now.
          "Relaxe, I called you in sick, since you are." Kaiden smiled patting Mika on the head. "And you are going to the doctor's, I already scheduled you an apiontment and unfortunantly, it's in an hour, so get up and dressed." Kaiden said, his voice, all serious. Mika groaned, he absolutly despised the doctor, the amount of germs and sick people there for one. For two, one word, needles. The thought of being practically stabbed by something that you don't know who else has been stabbed by is enough to make Mika puke, again.
          "Don't give me that, now here, get dressed." Kaiden handed Mika a folded shirt and some skinnies that he had gotten out of Mika's waardrobe. "Your food's right there, so please eat." Kaiden pointed to the plate of food before standing up and walking out. Mika groaned again. He hated it when Kaiden acted like his dad. It was annoying. He understood that Kaiden just wanted Mika to feel better, but he take's it to far by forcing him to go to the doctors. Mika groaned and stood up, he knew it was pointless to argue with Kaiden when he's made up his mind. Sighing, Mika slid the shirt over his head and slipped the skinnies on. Once dressed, Mika sat back on the bed and slowly ate his breakfast.
          Kaiden sat on the couch scrolling through his phone, trying to find possible things that could be causing Mika to feel sick. He has a very strong immune system so it can't be a simple cold or bacterial sickness. He was honestly a bit scred that there might something might be something really bad. Kaiden knew he was probably jus overreacting, but he couldn't help it, Mika has never gotten sick in the thirteen years they've known eachother, well he has, but it has never gotten this bad. He was always able to live his normal life and not be stuck in bed like this.
          After Mika finished his breakfast, he decided to go back downstairs, despite the fact that he still felt pretty sick. He stood up and walked down the fleet of stairs. He walked into the livingroom where he saw Kaiden sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone. Mika sat beside him, waiting to be noticed by his lover. When Kaiden failed to notice Mika's presence, he sighed quietly and carefully fell into Kaidens lap, making him jump a tiny bit. Mika chuckled a bit and looked up, his hands folded on his stomach. Kaiden smiled andran his finger through Mika's hair.
          "Feeling any better?" Kaiden asked as Mika sat up and leaned his head into Kaiden chest, his arms wrapped around Kaidens neck. Mika nodded a tiny bit, It was a lie, but he wanted to enjoy being in Kaidens arms with out Kaiden asking a bunch of questions or getting worked up or something. But of course, that didn happen.
          "You sure, I'm just trying to help, but I can't do that if you don't talk." Kaiden smiled, running his fingers through Mika's silky black hair. Mika said nothing, he just closed his eyes and grabbed one of Kaidens has, linking their fingers and rubbing his thumb across the top of Kaidens hand.
          "Mika?" Kaiden said taking his hand from Mika's grasp and using it to gently lift Mikas chin, making him look up. "Is there anything you're not telling me?" Kaiden asked, laying a gently kiss on Mika's cheek.
          "I'm fine, for the most part." Mika said moving his head away from Kaidens hand and laying it on Kaiden's chest. Kaiden let out a heavy sigh, he hated it when Mika hid stuff from him. Especially stuff like this. Giving up, Kaiden laced his fingers into Mika's hair and looked at the clock. 25 minuets till we have to be at the doctors. Kaiden thought placing a kiss on the top of Mika's head. Mika sighed contently and allowed himself to fall asleep, not caring that he'd have to wake back up in less than half an hour, he just wanted to sleep peacefully for a little bit. Kaiden smiled and played with Mika's hair, allowing the boy to rest, hoping that will help him feel better.
          Kaiden smiled when he noticed Mika sleeping and pulled out his phone to scroll through Insta, making sure to keep an eye on the time while he does so.

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I am back from the dead. Sorry I took so long to update this... I got logged out and couldn't get logged back in due to shitty internet XD. But I managed to get logged back in so now I am back and will try to remember to update as often as I can. But my schedule is pretty packed. Ya know, as a Junior in High School that also does art requests, trades, and raffles! Anyway, next update will be out soon...(hopefully)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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