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Most of the day we spent inside the cabin, drinking beer and telling jokes, by five o'clock the sun was still high in the skin, already hitting it's peak it slowly began to set in the West. I spent an hour watching the shadows creep there way around the trees. Jordan had opened one of the bottles of vodka, after more of it ended up on the floor than in his mouth Kian did the responsible thing and confiscated it. The hour I had spent outside, Clay had spent talking away with Dalles about his tattoos, even though he was eighteen Dalles's parents would throw a fit if he came home inked up. I found my way back into the living room using the railing and kitchen counter to balance myself. The corners of my eyes had begun to blur. It was taking me longer and longer to focus on things. At least I was managing to keep myself upright, unlike Izzy who fell down every couple of footsteps. Jordan shoves past me, maoovering around the counter. A second later he pulls the already open bottle of Vodka back out of the fridge. He pours it down his throat filling up his mouth until it sloshed over the sides.
"Come on dude" Kian groans in annoyance snatching at bottle. He too was drunk and starting to become frustrated with Jordan. He gets the bottle after five attempts and walks over to the dresser.
"Holy shit" he screams turning around to reveal what he had found in the draw. The bottle was now sitting on the dresser and both of Kian's hands were wrapped around a long silver double barrled shot gun. Suddenly everybody sobered up gawking at the gun. The girls backed away gathering together by the hallway. All but Izzy who stepped closer. Her mother was a police officer so she was a custom gun, she wasn't scared of them like most but she knew the dangers better than anyone.
"Why on earth would they keep shotgun lying around a cabin full of teenagers" she gasps shaking her head.
"Maybe this" Kian says cearfully placing it back into the draw and returning with a peice of paper, just like every peice of paper at the resort old and tinted with yellow. There wasn't much writing on the paper. But the pictures painted a clear story. A diagram of the same shotgun with a list of instructions. Bellow it where four other images. A large grizzly bear, a wolf, a coyote and a moose.
"There's a whole lot of scary shit out in these woods" Dalles joins the conversation picking up the gun, aiming it at the ceiling fan.
"Dalles, don't fuck around" Izzy cries moving out of the shotguns range.
"Ooooo what ya think I'm gonna do, shoot you in that big head of yours" just as he finishes the gun goes off firing a cartridge unto the ceiling fan. The bulb shatters and the fan falls to the ground with a bang. Braking into several pecies. Screams fill the air, my lungs burnt i had screamed so loud.
"Shit, what the fuck Dalles" Kian screams, we waited for his reply but all he could do was laugh at himself. He places the gun back in the draw and pulls out a sealed box of shot gun shells.
"Nice to know" he says tossing them back into The draw and slamming it shit, the force knocks the vodka to the ground shattering the bottle into a thousand shards and sending a wave of liquid across the floor. He pauses to look back at the mess then goes to his room.
I take the brush from behind the door and begin to sweep at the debris.
"No, don't do that. He's gonna fucking do it" Izzy snaps storming off to the room to confront him. The door slams behind her and her voice echoes through the thin walls.
"What the fuck is your problem, you could of fucking killed someone, like seriously. What the fuck Dalles" she screams
"What so now it's my fault some dipshit left the thing loaded. I swear to god Izzy I can't do anything right when it comes to you"
"Right, anything fucking right, you just shot a hole in the god damb ceiling. Your fucking reckless and don't give a shit about anyone but yourself"
"It's fine, I'll pay for the damage" I hear Dalles scream back at her.
"Your money can't fix everything Dalles, now get the fuck out there and clean up the mess you fucking made"
"I'm not cleaning shit you bitch" the sound of somthing braking fills the air. I had continues to sweep even after Izzy had told me to stop. By the time she came back out of the room I had cleared away the glass and plastic and placed it in the bin.
"I was just about to come and do that" she says watching me.
"It's all good, you didn't make the mess" I tell.
"Well neither did you" she says, i didn't know what else to say so I stayed quiet.
"Does anyone else see that" Tasha says looking up at where the veilimg fan used to be.
"Oh wow, your right" Gen gasps jumping to her feet and skipping to the centre of the room. Tasha drags the small green couch across the floor, nobody else bit me seemed to notice the scratching sound the legs made against the wooden flooring.
Where light should now of been streaming into was a hole just like we had assumed but no light came through it. Tasha stabilized herself on the couch with Kian holding her leg. The ceiling wasn't very night so she could hold her hands flat against surface.
"She's a big girl Kian, she doesn't need you holding on to her" Jordan says taking a seats and holding his head. The sound of the shot had been so load that my ears were still ringing.
"As far as I can tell there's another room" Tasha says clearly excited by her new discovery. No one spoke, it wasn't needed, we all began looking around the cabin for some kind of entrance or staircase that would take us up there. After fifteen minutes and coming up with nothing we decided that we should take a walk around the building for a look and sure enough we did.
"What's this" Jordan calls out to the rest of the group, more to draw our attention then to really ask the question becuase by the time we reached him, three seconds later he was tugging hard on a rope that seemed to submerge into the wooden framing of the cabin. I hadn't noticed how built Jordan was. His arms were exposed and his muscles tensed as he pulled harder using all of his strength.
With a sudden popping sound a square section of wood lurched out towards my head at high speed. Kian shoved me out of the way just in time. A second later and my head would of been rolling away from me.
A thin staircase had followed out of the top of the cabin. Leading up about two and a half meters above the ground.
"Cool" Gen chirps, turning on her heels kicking a cloud of dust while walking back into the cabin.
I go first closely followed by Tasha then Kian and whoever else was behind him, I instantly regretted going first, a chilling breeze hit me fave first. Every hair covering my body raised to stand still. The room was dark like the sunlight didn't reach inside.
"You gonna go in or not" Tasha say nudging my lower back with her fingers. I muster up what nerves I have and step into the abyss. It wasn't a large room. More like an attic if anything. A small window that looked out on to the front of the house that I couldn't believe i hadn't noticed before. A wooden trunk bellow it. Locked with a padlock. Once everyone was in, there was bearly any room to move. The same rope hung from outside looped through the wall and hung on the inside.
"Well this was a bust" Izzy groans leaving the hidden room. We follow not knowing what else to do. We spend the rest of the day sitting around, diffrent people wondering off to do their own thing. By the time the sun fell and the owls began to coo we were all sober, nobody felt like drinking after the incident of the afternoon. Dalles didn't come out of his room until well into the evening. Jordan locks the door and begins to poke at the fire place with one of the three iron poker's. Kian helps by piling a couple of logs in the opening and sparking a match. It took a couple of attempts before the flames ignited the gas outlet. Eventually they had a decent fire going and the warm spread through the cabin. It was like you see in one of those old movies, when it's Christmas eve and the fire is burning and everyone is happy, excited for Christmas day.
But it wasn't Christmas, it was the middle of summer but that didn't change the feeling. I was warm and happy, Sharla's legs across mine, looking into her eyes. Izzy retreted to her bedroom, the room was silent. She had problem fallen asleep while trying to make up with Dalles. After a while everyone began going to there rooms. Gen and Tasha were the first to leave, Clay went five minutes later, wishing us all a goodnight with a big yawn. Sharla gives me a seductive wink and leads me to our room, leaving Jordan and Kian to enjoy the rest of the night

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