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The minutes ticked by, every second that passed felt like a minute and every minute felt like ten. Kian only spoke once to tell me that they had been through alot. It was half an hour before Sharla and Jordan awoke looking confused. Sharla rubbed her eyes a smile on her lips for a split second until the memories of the night came rushing back to her like someone had knocked down the flood barrier. Tears build up in the rims of her eyes. The light being snuffed out.
"Who was that" she whispers pressing her head against my chest. Deep inside me still sat an anger with her, somthing I couldn't controle, she has betrayed me on a level she swore she nevee would. I had told her things that I had never told anybody else but none of that matters right now. There was a deranged killer lurking around the forest watching, waiting for the perfect time to pounce, we had become the mouse to a blood thirty cat. Two question burned at my mind, who was the hooded figure and why had he chosen us to attack.
Chester had tried to tell me somthing before his brains got blown out, I wish I had paid attention to him.
"We can't just stay here" Sharla says wiping somthing from her knees and standing up.
"She's right, we should make a run for it, he can't catch us all" Kian suggest. Jordan falls away from the group in silence. He didn't need to speak for me to know he wanted to stay put. At least until sunrise. We had seen six people die all in the span of a couple of hours. Five for Jordan but I still understood where is mind was. Sharla and Kian had been preocupided running away from the killer to notice him killing Dalles.
"Why arnt you two saying anything" she moans shooting the both of us an adjusted look of annoyance.
"We should wait" I say so Jordan doesn't have to deal with the wrath of Sharla. Just as she opens her mouth protest the sound of foot prints from above draws our attention. Someone was inside the cabin. Moving around in the room above their heads. As far as they knew. The only access to that room was from outside but the thought of the person responsible for all the death was standing right on top of me filled me with fear and rage and another emotion I couldn't quite explain.
Flakes of dust danced down from the ceiling, 
"The lights" Jordan mouths to be. Silently I move my hand up the door frame until I reach switch. The click of plastic rubbing together as I turn out the lights sounded like the loudest thing in the world. It was then that I remember the hole in the ceiling where the fan use to hang and the idea that the person could be looming at us forced bile up my throat.
"The guns gone" Kian says, I hadn't noticed him leave my side but he had. His hand in the now empty draw which once held the shotgun. It had been there when we were dragged out of the building. The hooded figure must of come back later on and snatched it away into his position. Then like a hive mind we knew. We knew that the gun was above us. Pointing down, ready for a noise to identify a target for it to obliterate. I press my finger to my lips to signal for absolute silence but turning out the light had just as much stunned us as it had him.
"We should run while he's up there"
"We can't run with your leg" I whisper back, afraid the person above will hear.
"I'll be fine dude, we need to move now" he says raising to his feet ready to turn the door handle. He must have circulated the plan to the others already. Kian and Sharla had joined us at the door. Ready to run. Chances were the chair lift was still down so they would have to take the path. Luckily Jordan and Kian were here and they had already been down the long path.
Somthing told me that the path would be a death trap at night, especially with the guide lights out. The cabin must have it's own power source up in the hills. It was stupid that the exterior lights and chair lift were not functioning from the same power source.
Slowly Jordan turns the handle, the hairs raised across my entire body waiting for the bang of the shotgun. The latch clicks and we run for it, the gun doesn't sound until I'm off the patio and half way across the dirt to the protection of the trees. A small glass window that we had all some how missed had been shattered, the nozzle of the gun purched on the wooden frame comfortably. The fading remains of smoke linger in the air. Sharla lay on the ground coughing. Chokeing on her own fluids. Kian crashes into me pushing me along.
"Run, don't stop. He's right behind us"
We are blocked by fence. No not a fence a fabric barrier at least I think It was made of fabric. It's texture soft and flexible. Jordan stebs at the wall with a nearby branch, the fabric didn't give. I hold my hand out to the side following the new addition to the wood. It stretched on for What felt like miles. Eventually we found ourselves back where we began. Making a circle. The fabric barrier had been put up around the cabin stopping anyone from getting in and from getting out. We were trapped in a arena with a deranged killer. Confined on all sides.
"We're all going to die" Kian says.
"No, I won't let that happen, there has to be a way out" Jordan cries punching at the sheet, digging his nails in.
The hooded figure jumps from behind a tree, towering over my frame, a shining shard of metal pulamiting down on top of me. The blade cuts into my shoulder sinking in 3 inches, the blade pulls back sending blood against the dark netting.
"Kian wait" Jordan yells.
Jordan rams his shoulder into the man's stomach knocking him down to the ground.
"Run" he says as the knife strikes his leg before being removed and dug in again. I bring my booted foot up hard into the man's chin knocking him back away from Jordan. Giving him enough time to crawl away. I help him up taking his weight and start back towards the cabin. I turn to see him on our heels walking alot faster than I had ever seen him move. I kick the door but it doesn't close so I head for the closest room slamming the door behind us and using our weight to keep it sealed. The figure slams against the door again and again and again. The bottom of his foot smashing against the panel's
Jordan lay between my legs bleeding out quickly. Sobs escaping from him, tears filling his eyes. An invisible hand punches me in the stomach stealing the air from lungs. The tears rolling down my face making it impossible for me to breath.
"Grayson, im sorry I never told you" he says,
"I burnt my dad's shop down Grayson. I cant die without telling someone" he adds
The words slip out of my mouth without thinking. The figure would splinter the wood and slaughter us and I to had secrets I couldn't take to the grave. A pressure that had been on my shoulders for so long. My lips part and the words slip out.
"I killed them, I paid a man to do it. I was just so sick of their shit" I bite down on my tounge drawing blood.
The banging on the door ceases and Jordan leans forward, a unexpected sound coming from him. Laughter.

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