Chapter 4, You can trust me...

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*Yoongi's POV*

It had been a while since Jimin had spoke to me, even though I tried asking him questions, as small as I could. The only thing he had gotten out of him was that he was the same age as Taehyung.

I smelt food, Jin most of finally started to cook. "Hey come on down with me, we have some food," I said and reached out my hand. Jimin looked down, and kept a hold of one wrist to keep it away from mine. 

I sighed and noticed the hole, his little cover would not be enough to keep him warm. 

I walked over to the stairs and leaned down, Taehyung was walking past with some wood. "Tae do me a favour and grab my blanket," I said and he shit himself dropping the wood. "You can handle a pack of the undead without a squeak but not me hanging upside down?"

"First off seeing you normally scares the shit outta me," he said and I punched his head. "Ow! Ok ok dude. And come on, at least I know you won't bite me." 

"I won't, but Hoseok will," I said and his face flashed a red. "I see the way he looks at you."

"One blanket coming up!" Taehyung yelled as he picked up the wood and ran off. I wanted to laugh my ass off but I would fall so I fixed myself. 

I sat there waiting for Taehyung to come back and couldn't help to look back at Jimin who was shaking so much now he was rubbing his arms up and down. I looked at all the boxes and some of them were empty. So I stood up, taking my knife out and cutting down the edges to 6 squares. 

I tried finding a ladder but couldn't find one and went back to the hole. I saw Jungkook this time and reached down. Only just, I managed to grab the top of his hair which gained his attention. "Kooks come up here a minute," I said and he started to climb the ladder. Once he was up, his eyes went straight to Jimin how was dozing off at this point. "I need a lift."

"Sorry I'm not an engineer," he said and this time I punched him on his head. "Ow! Why don't you go hit Tae!"

"Because I already did, now get over here," I said and grabbed the boards. I found some nails scattered around so this should be enough to cover the hole. Jungkook got down on his knees and I climbed on his back, him fixing me to his shoulders so I could reach the hole.

I started my work, putting the boards up and hammering them with the end of my gun and managed to get four boards in. It looked covered up so I tapped Jungkook's head to lower me which I did sliding down his back. 

"Heads up!" we heard and a blanket came flying up. Jungkook sprang for it and almost lost his balance. He managed to stabilize himself as he turned to us with a big grin on him. That is, until the floor began to crack under him and he fell down leaving the blanket up here. We heard a massive ow from someone down there. 

He landed square on Taehyung.

"Dude why didn't you move!" Jungkook yelled as he placed both his hands next to Taehyung's head. 

"Why do you have butter feet! You're fast enough to move from most things so why not this time!?!" Taehyung yelled as he flipped the the way they were with him on top.

And these two say they're not dating anymore.

The reason they broke up was stupid, some stupid ex of Jungkook's found us and told us stories of him in school. Saying there wasn't a single girls pants he wasn't in and that he was only using Taehyung for fun.

That made Taehyung's trust issue so bad he broke up with Jungkook, not wanting to be hurt even though Jungkook was crying saying it wasn't true. That was before the world went to shit from what I heard from Jin because he was always with those two.

I rolled my eyes and went back to Jimin with the blanket, kneeling down to look at him in the eyes. "Have this, I always carried a spare so you can have it," I said and tried to give it to him but he shook his head.

"I might be dead soon... I don't want anything nice," he mumbled and looked down at his wrist. "I-I never got sick easy... so maybe that's why I'm taking so long?"

"Well you should enjoy life while you have it, which means taking this blanket and enjoying warmth," I said and made sure to cover him. "I'm not giving you a choice."

The colour in Jimin's cheeks turned a different colour as he buried his head in the new cover, and for the first time since I had saw him I saw Jimin smile.

Did my heart just skip a beat?

"T-Thank you...I'll return it. I promise," Jimin said as he made eye contact with me and the smile was gone. It'd be nice if Jimin smiled a lot more, it looks good on him.

"Yoongi! Foods ready!" Hobi yelled from down below and walked away the moment he said that.

"I'll bring some up for you Jimin so just sit tight," I said and walked to the ladders. 

"T-That's not needed!" Jimin yelled but straight after I heard his stomach growl.

"Trust us Jimin, you're getting food. We won't let you go hungry," I said and slid down. 

Walking to the smell, I noticed that we were one missing, meaning our leader had gone out on a run. Everytime we entered or found a new town, before dinner he would go and try to find something else in shops, houses or anything else. He prefered the others to be fed before he did, so Jin would always put out the last serving for him. 

"Jimin not coming down?" Jin asked as he handed me the tin. We had sausages and beans in a tomato sauce. I shook my head and he placed another tin down while he grabbed another tin and nudged his head forward. We began to walk to the bottom of the ladder and he leaned against the wall. "Take your food up first, come down for Jimin's food next."

I smiled and went up, placing my tin away and reaching down until I felt the other tin. After thanking Jin, I pulled myself up and grabbed the two tins. Jin had only just remembered to throw up forks for us so I grabbed them and made my way to Jimin. 

"Hope you like beans and sausages," I said as I handed him the tin and fork. He looked at the food like it was a foreign object. "It's fine, it's not poisoned. You can trust me."

Jimin did a small head nod as he stabbed a sausages and shoved it into his mouth. I waited for his reaction and his face lit up, putting more food into his mouth. I took that as a sigh he was alright and began to eat as well next to him. He was trusting me more now, which was great. Maybe tomorrow we can get him down from here.

Yoongles helping out Jimin is always great, and what's with the Taekook drama? When will the leader get back? And will he be happy with Jimin hiding away in the attic?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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